May 2016 Moms

Weekend Ticker Change 2/20 & 2/21

Week/ fruit: 


Upcoming appointments: 

Questions for the group: 

GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?

Re: Weekend Ticker Change 2/20 & 2/21

  • Week/fruit:  26/lettuce

    Rants/raves/symptoms:  Still loving all the movement, she is obviously getting bigger and stronger because of how regularly I am able to feel her move now.  Heartburn returned.  I'm definitely feeling more of the pregnancy discomforts this past week.  Some anxiety because I've seen several pregnant women I know or know through a friend have to deliver early due to pre-E...two within a week.  So scary.  Yesterday one had to deliver at 20 weeks and the baby only lived for 7 minutes.  Completely tragic.

    Upcoming appointments:  March 7th for glucose & monthly appt.

    Questions for the group: Anyone else dealing with anxiety that something may happen to you & your LO?  How are you handling it?  I'm trying to just trust my body, but seeing all the bad things happening to pregnant women around me lately has me on edge.

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?  I would love for Harper to be a dancer.  That was a significant part of my life, and I would love for my daughter to enjoy dancing like I did.
  • Week/ fruit: 


    Upcoming appointments: 

    Questions for the group: 

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?
    Week/fruit - 27/rutabaga (which I totally had to look up because I didn't know what it was!)

    Rants/raves/symptoms - Just getting more uncomfortable in general, especially sitting at work and when I'm lying down to sleep. I should get used to it, it's only going to get worse from here!

    Upcoming appointments - None this week, unless you count the dentist

    Questions for the group - None. @valerie4786 TOTALLY. I made the mistake yesterday of reading about cord accidents, and was nearly in tears. It's something I'm going to bring up at my next ob appointment, to get assurance more than anything...

    GTKY - We love going to museums and zoos (and there are a lot of them here, being in the DC area) so we are really looking forward to taking her to places like that :smile:
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  • Week/ fruit: 28!

    Rants/raves/symptoms: movement galore which is awesome. I get really high kicks and jabs that are sometimes uncomfortable but I'm still excited about it. On the other hand, freaking heartburn. It kills me. I've tried everything and nothing works this time besides Tums all day, every day. 

    Upcoming appointments: Thursday, the 25th. Ultrasound to monitor fluid levels and check on baby positioning since last time I had polyhydraminos. 

    Questions for the group: not really 

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?

    taking them skiing! 
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  • Week/ fruit: 28/eggplant

    Rants/raves/symptoms: Hello 3rd tri! Heartburn still. Feeling a lot more movement now as well.

    Upcoming appointments: 2/29

    Questions for the group: 

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?
    Honestly I can't pick just one. We go to Disney a lot so I know that's one thing I can't wait to do. We're also both relatively active people - going to parks, hiking, camping, running, etc. We look forward to doing all of that stuff with her.
  • Week/ fruit: 29, acorn squash

    Rants/raves/symptoms: back pain, braxton hicks, pressure, upper thigh/groin pain. Loving all the baby's movements. 

    Upcoming appts: March 9th

    GTKY: activities I'm looking forward to... our normal family activities like going to the river or going to the desert to camp and ride dirt bikes. I would say sports but that's if she's into sports. My daughter wants her to play basketball like her. 
  • Week/ fruit:   26 weeks!!  lettuce

    Rants/raves/symptoms: no complaints - just feeling huge!
               Rant: my 1 hr glucola was 134 - my appt is Monday so we will see...
               Rave:  My last pregnancy ended at 26 weeks with a c-section - so I am completely excited to be here and going (pretty) strong!  Our goal is to stay pregnant 11 more weeks!  but each day is a blessing.
    Upcoming appointments:   yep, routine OB appt Monday

    Questions for the group: 

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?  I am excited about everything!  We are excited to be a family of 5, which is fun because I was the middle of 3 siblings (I'm such a middle child).  I can't wait to encourage our children's likes and talents, while also challenging them to try new, unfamiliar things.  I hope they love the beach/ocean as much as I do!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

  • Week/ fruit: 26/ lettuce

    Rants/raves/symptoms: Loving all the movement but she has found my ribs. This hurts so bad, it better not keep up the next 3 months. Any tips to get her off of my ribs? 

    Upcoming appointments: Wednesday 2/24, OB check up

    Questions for the group: 

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older? We live at the beach in the summer, so Im really looking forward to bringing her and making sand castles. 
  • valerie4786  the story about pre-ecl in a 20weeker is heart-breaking.  The most common signs/symptoms of pre-e are headaches, blurred vision, swelling of hands or face, and just not feeling right.  Other than high BP, women can present atypically - so pay attention to what your body is telling you.

    After working in OB land, I agree with you that it is easy to let your mind wander to the sad stories that families face.  I try to remember that the vast majority have great, healthy outcomes.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

  • Week/ fruit: 26 (lettuce)

    Rants: I am sore. We did our monthly shop yesterday morning and my legs were just not working. I really hope it's not like this all the time for the next 3 months.
    Raves: Alex is reacting to DH's voice and if he touches my belly. His kicks are so much stronger and he kicks almost every time his daddy places his hand there. And seeing my DH's face cause he gets excited every time - priceless. 

    Upcoming appointments: Only on the 14th of March. Had one on Monday and all was fine with baby.

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older? 
    We love the movies so probably that. 
  • Week/ fruit:  28 weeks. Helllloooooo third tri!!

    Rants/raves/symptoms:  fatigue fatigue fatigue. I barely have any energy. And it's not helping that I can't sleep through the night. 

    Upcoming appointments: ummmmm next week I think?? I honestly don't remember!

    Questions for the group: 

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?  While watching SYTTD this weekend I got really emotional and realized that someday I'll be dress shopping with her. And I got really excited about it. I know that dress shopping was one of the most important days of my life, and I can't wait to share that with Harper some day. On a more short term event, I'm looking forward to Christmas this year and her first visit with Santa !!

    cat fail animated GIF

  • Week/ fruit: 29 / acorn squash

    Rants/raves/symptoms: ITCHY BELLY!!!  OMG, I'm moisturizing but it's not doing much. And shortness of breath.  I've got asthma, so between that and baby squashing my lungs I get winded super easily. Still, all told, not much to complain about!

    Upcoming appointments: week after this one for my 30 week-appointment! I think it's just a hey and hello appointment, but I love the practice and I love hearing baby's heartbeat, so I'm looking forward to it.

    Questions for the group: Itchy belly remedies?

    ALSO!  On the cord accidents: They happen, but much more rarely these days. I posted a few weeks ago about this (my mom lost my little sister 30 years ago at 39 weeks due to a cord accident so I've always thought they were common and I've always been afraid of them, and so I told my doctor and she's been great about keeping me calm). But I have a little new information, more details: at the anatomy scan they now check for cord issues (unusual length, placement, cysts, kinks, etc) that would cause cord accidents, and sometimes they even check the flow of blood through the cord (they did for me, both because it was something I was explicitly nervous about and because I got a fetal echo to rule out heart defects in baby, since my husband has one). And the nurse at my most recent appointment told me that in her 42 years of OB nursing, she has only seen a UCA twice, and neither of those were in the past decade.  I'm not saying it doesn't happen, and I'm not saying it isn't something to be terrified of, or that you shouldn't track baby's kicks and heart rate (if you can), but I am saying that there are a lot of ways to calm the obsessively worrying mind about them.  You're doing everything you can to avoid it, and it's really rare to begin with. But also, definitely ask your doctor about all of this!

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?
    Road trips!!!! We're moving across the country and every time we make the drive (14 hours) DH and I look for places we can stop along the route so that when we visit his family we can make an exciting trek of it (lots of historical stuff, lots of little parks and tourist traps, cute cities, etc.). DH and I are also debating what music will be appropriate for said trips:)

  • @dshannah I moisturize my belly regularly with Mama Bee Belly Butter (from Burt's Beeswax) and I slather on more if I feel itchiness. It seems to help, and I don't have any stretch marks (yet) except for one on my hip. Probably just luck, though!

    Week/ fruit: 30/cantaloupe/cucumber

    Rants/raves/symptoms: Things are pretty good right now. I went to the chiropractor, so I'm feeling a bit more like myself.

    I feel like there is a LOT to do and 10 weeks is going to fly by!

    Upcoming appointments: March 4th. I may be going biweekly after that? I'm not sure.

    Questions for the group: What do you plan to wear during labor?

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?

    We have always wanted to go to Lego Land, but they don't allow adult in without children, which is lame. My students knew this about me, so they keep asking when I'm going to go to Lego Land. He's going to need to be a bit older to enjoy it!
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • Week/ fruit: 29/acorn squash

    Rants/raves/symptoms: I have had some nausea the past week but I'm not sure if that's stress related or not.  I am also super emotional but again, not sure if that's due to stress.

    Upcoming appointments: March 1 for my 30 week appointment

    Questions for the group: Anybody else NOT having BH contractions?  I'm pretty sure I haven't had them at all.

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?  This is going to sound super cheesy, but I am so excited to celebrate Christmas with a child.  All holidays, really.  I can't wait to start family traditions.

    @valerie4786 I have been having some pretty bad anxiety since I started dealing with gestational diabetes.  Some things that have helped me have been taking a few minutes, putting my hands on my belly, and repeating the mantra that today I am healthy and today my baby is healthy.  Really trying to stay in the moment.  Going for walks has helped.  Doing things that take my mind off of it, whether that's cooking, watching mindless tv, reading, whatever.  Sometimes just having a good cry helps too.  Are you having anxiety about something specific?  If you are, my husband came with me to my doctor's appointment so that he could be a part of the conversation where my doctor reassured me.  I have a bad habit of focusing on the negative and "forgetting" the positive, so my husband is able to remind me of all the assurances my doctor gave me when my anxiety gets bad.  I hope this helps! I'm sorry you are feeling this way.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Week: 28/eggplant 

    Next appt: tomorrow for my 1 hr

    RRS: well, yesterday I was a bottomless pit, so my appetite definitely is increasing along with my weight. Heartburn is being kept under control with Zantac. Waking up a lot out of discomfort not just the urge to go the bathroom. Tender parts of my belly?? I'm assuming just from growing and stretching?? Anyone?

    in terms of a preparation standpoint, I think I have a paint picked out for the toddler's room. I've got so much to do!!! Why do I hate all bedding? Last time there were several options I chose from!!

    GTKY: can't wait to see my two girls play together! I only had a brother so there's going to be so much to learn!! 
    Baby # 1: BFP 10/26/12: Baby girl born 7/1/13
    Baby #2: BFP 9/2/15: EDD 5/15/16
  • Week/ fruit: 29/acorn squash

    Rants/raves/symptoms: I have had some nausea the past week but I'm not sure if that's stress related or not.  I am also super emotional but again, not sure if that's due to stress.

    Upcoming appointments: March 1 for my 30 week appointment

    Questions for the group: Anybody else NOT having BH contractions?  I'm pretty sure I haven't had them at all.

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?  This is going to sound super cheesy, but I am so excited to celebrate Christmas with a child.  All holidays, really.  I can't wait to start family traditions.

    @valerie4786 I have been having some pretty bad anxiety since I started dealing with gestational diabetes.  Some things that have helped me have been taking a few minutes, putting my hands on my belly, and repeating the mantra that today I am healthy and today my baby is healthy.  Really trying to stay in the moment.  Going for walks has helped.  Doing things that take my mind off of it, whether that's cooking, watching mindless tv, reading, whatever.  Sometimes just having a good cry helps too.  Are you having anxiety about something specific?  If you are, my husband came with me to my doctor's appointment so that he could be a part of the conversation where my doctor reassured me.  I have a bad habit of focusing on the negative and "forgetting" the positive, so my husband is able to remind me of all the assurances my doctor gave me when my anxiety gets bad.  I hope this helps! I'm sorry you are feeling this way.
    No BH here either. Watch this week I'll starT getting them now!

    cat fail animated GIF

  • Week/ fruit:  week 27!  

    Rants/raves/symptoms:  rant: back pain and most recently swollen ankles and feet almost every night!  
    Rave:  I have my showers in Texas in just a couple weeks and am very excited to see a bunch of family and friends and get almost a whole week with my mom! 

    Upcoming appointments: this Wednesday 2/24 for 28 week checkup 

    Questions for the group: none this week! 

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?  Traveling and teaching LO to explore as much as possible.  I can't wait to start learning his/her interests and planning activities around that!  
    Me: 29      DH: 38
    Married: May 26, 2012
    BFP: September 10, 2015
    EDD: May 22, 2016
  • I thought of a question! If you have picked your pediatrician, how far away is the office? I have two that are within 10 minutes of me, and both have been suggested to me. But H wants to go to his old pediatrician which he loved but he is 30+ minutes away. I feel like the closer the better in case LO is really sick, I don't think I will be wanting to make that drive. 
  • I thought of a question! If you have picked your pediatrician, how far away is the office? I have two that are within 10 minutes of me, and both have been suggested to me. But H wants to go to his old pediatrician which he loved but he is 30+ minutes away. I feel like the closer the better in case LO is really sick, I don't think I will be wanting to make that drive. 

    Tough decision!  I picked an office probably 6min away, knowing an awesome office 30min away.  I think I've been to the office less than I thought I would...and the twins are nearly 2 years old.  I do appreciate the short drive for sure, and I love that it is a small practice. 
    What does DH love about the practice?  It may not be the same since he went there....we are all a bit older :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

  • @AnastasiaBeaverhausen09 I never had BH with my first pregnancy. And I love experiencing Christmas through my child's eyes. It's so much fun!!
  • Week/ fruit: 30 weeks.  THIRTY.  I can't quite wrap my head around that.

    Rants/raves/symptoms: Tons of movement (yay!) and very hard to get comfortable enough to sleep (boo).  Which is especially unfortunate since I'm exhausted.  Heartburn still under control with Protonix.  Seriously, all you heartburn was a game changer.  My worst symptom is generalized anxiety like I've never had before.  For example, the other night DH was on call and he's usually home by 3 or 4am.  I woke up at 6am and he wasn't home.  Within 5 minutes I had completely convinced myself that he fell asleep and drove off the road and that I was now a widow and single mother.  In reality he was just stuck in a long surgery all night.

    Upcoming appointments: March 3rd

    Questions for the group: Answer for PP - no BH here either.  

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?  The Fall stuff...pumpkin patches, etc.  But I'm more excited to see where his personality leans & what sort of new stuff we might do in life if he's into it.
  • @JennyS86 Thanks, I will have to get more information from H about what he loved abut it.  But I think you're right, doctors and practices change a lot over 30 years! 
  • Week/ fruit: 26/Lettuce

    Rants/raves/symptoms: Love all the movement he's doing but dear son please stop kicking mommy in the crotch! Lots of aches and pains associated with my hips and having trouble sleeping all night on my left side!

    Upcoming appointments: March 4th and Glucose test coming up.

    Questions for the group: None

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older?

    I'm excited to take him and his big sister on a Disney cruise in a few years. She'll be 6 and he'll be 3 when we go so it's not for a really long time, but I know it will be fun for them both if we wait that long.

    ME: 35 DH: 39

    Married July 2011

    DD Born 8/12

    TTC #2 since 11/13

    ME: Submucosal Fibroid Surgery Date APRIL 14th 2015 -Left Tube is blocked by Fibroid~Surgeon removed 26 Fibroids from my Ute and Unblocked my Tube

    DH:Azoospermia...Thank God we have 12 vials of frozen swimmers

    July 15-Check to see if Ute is all healed

    IUI #1 8/3/15...BFN

    IUI #2 9/5/15...BFP on 9/17/15

    Beta #1-344

    Beta #2-809

    Beta #3 8,390

    1st u/s 8/8/15 1 bean HB 135 @ 6w5d

  • I thought of a question! If you have picked your pediatrician, how far away is the office? I have two that are within 10 minutes of me, and both have been suggested to me. But H wants to go to his old pediatrician which he loved but he is 30+ minutes away. I feel like the closer the better in case LO is really sick, I don't think I will be wanting to make that drive. 

    I would meet with all 3 and then choose on who you like best. DH might like one of the new ones better than his old one. You have to be really comfortable with your pedi and their personalities can vary so much even within one practice. GL it's a tough decision.

    ME: 35 DH: 39

    Married July 2011

    DD Born 8/12

    TTC #2 since 11/13

    ME: Submucosal Fibroid Surgery Date APRIL 14th 2015 -Left Tube is blocked by Fibroid~Surgeon removed 26 Fibroids from my Ute and Unblocked my Tube

    DH:Azoospermia...Thank God we have 12 vials of frozen swimmers

    July 15-Check to see if Ute is all healed

    IUI #1 8/3/15...BFN

    IUI #2 9/5/15...BFP on 9/17/15

    Beta #1-344

    Beta #2-809

    Beta #3 8,390

    1st u/s 8/8/15 1 bean HB 135 @ 6w5d

  • @AnastasiaBeaverhausen09
    No BH for me either! I don't think it's a bad sign...
  • Week/ fruit:  30/Cucumber

    Rants/raves/symptoms: Sometimes I feel like my body is trying out what its like to have preeclampsia. I'll have all the symptoms, including multiple high blood pressure readings, and then it'll all go away and I won't have the issue for days.  My dr is just as confused about it as I am. 

    Upcoming appointments: March 3. 

    Questions for the group: @pooputtette I chose the dr that is 45 minutes away because he is a better dr.  I have a hospital/dr office that is 5 minutes from me, but we only use that if someone seems to be dying.  There is an urgent care less than 5 minutes from me that I'll use for something quick.  It's run through the hospital that is 45 minutes away, so I'm comfortable with it. For me, time doesn't matter when it comes to care (unless someone is dying, or course. Doesn't make sense to drive 45 minutes if someone is bleeding out or having a heart attack).  

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older? Not sure. Life for us doesn't stop. We still continue to do whatever we need/want to do. So I guess it's just waiting for her to understand what is going on around her. 
  • Week/ fruit: 25/cauliflower 

    Rants/raves/symptoms: leg cramps getting worse, belly itching like crazy, people always staring! Christ the constipation...

    Upcoming appointments: Perinatologist on 3-10, glucose test on St. Patrick's day. 

    Questions for the group: has anyone tackled the guardianship issue yet? Were you able to decide? 

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older? Definitely Christmas! And theme parks. DH hates roller coasters and is afraid of heights, so I hope at least one of these twin girlie enjoys carnival rides!
  • Week/ fruit: 25/cauliflower

    Rants/raves/symptoms: Well, I went to the ER yesterday.Starting about 8:30 yesterday morning, I was having intense abdominal pain on my right side. It would get really painful, then go away. Halfway through church, I told DH we needed to leave. The pain got way more intense as we walked to the car. DH asked me if we needed to go home or to the hospital. I told him I didn't know, so he made the call to go to the ER. I was asked a lot of questions, had blood work, urine sample, ultrasound (baby looked great, thank goodness).. and the conclusion is that I have a UTI. The babe has been pushing up against my bladder and pushing urine back into my kidneys. Yep, went to the ER for that. I felt kind of dumb, but then again, the pain was intense. I think it was also a combination of some bad RLP because I worked out on a stationery bike (moderately) yesterday morning, and I have typically only been exercising once a week/every 10 days. FTM here, I have no idea what's normal for pain and what's not. 

    Upcoming appointments: 2/23 (tomorrow) I have an appointment with a MFM specialist. The baby's right kidney is measuring slightly larger than it should be, so my OB sent me to get it checked out.

    Questions for the group: none

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older? I'm pretty excited about Christmas with a little one. 
    Married: May 2012
    DS1: May 2016
    DS2: Jan 2019
    Baby #3 EDD: 6/18/24

  • @bshurdy my OB's office just called to tell me I have a UTI too! I just thought what I was feeling was normal but they found white blood cells in my urine at the last appointment so they sent it off to the lab. FTM here too... not expected to know these things. 
  • Week/ fruit: 27/Rutabaga (or Cauliflower, according to another app)

    Rants/raves/symptoms: Leg cramps at night, constant backache, constant heartburn (except at night), 1st trimester fatigue coming back.  Loving feeling her move!  Braxton hicks.

    Upcoming appointments: Next Monday for the Glucose Tolerance.

    Questions for the group: I have been battling a rib (upper right back-thoracic area) that keeps popping out of place for a few months now.  I have visited the chiropractor and he is able to temporarily relieve the pain, but it just pops right back out within a week.  Has anyone else had this problem and will it ever go back and STAY?!

    GTKY: What activity are you the most excited about doing when LO gets older? Excited for LO to get DH and I out of our Grinchdom and into the Christmas spirit!  Also very excited to see what her interests will be and how her personality develops.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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