March 2016 Moms

Skin to Skin and Breasfeeding after birth for a formula feeding mom

Hi everyone,

I really don't want to start a breast/bottle debate. I am a second time mom and formula fed my first baby and plan to do the same for my son. I have the highest respect for breastfeeding moms! I am planning a VBAC with him and assuming everything goes to plan, I would like to experience some of the things I missed out on with my c-section. One being skin to skin. Oh, I'm so excited! I feel like at this time it might be nice to hold him to my chest and let him breastfeed too assuming he latches. This is how it's done right? I would love to have that whole experience at the birth even though I plan to bottle feed. Part of me wants to experience breastfeeding even though it's not what I want long term for personal reasons.

Does anyone know of this is ill-advised for either the baby or I seeing as I won't be breastfeeding? I'd like to add it to my birth plan and have that special first moment with him.
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Re: Skin to Skin and Breasfeeding after birth for a formula feeding mom

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    Hopefully I understood the question correctly... so correct me if I got it wrong!

    I think it'd be a great idea to let him breastfeed as long as you're comfortable.  Colostrum is good stuff-- & that is what he would be getting during that time.  Some breastmilk is better than none, if that is the route you are wanting to take... but at the end of the day, you have to do what works best for you.
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    I agree with pp. There's no reason not to do skin-to-skin and bf right after birth if you want to even if you'll ff later. It's also your choice if you feel like bf a little and then start ff. Do what works for you! A fed baby with a happy mom is a happy baby ;)
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    Agree with other PPs. Just be upfront with nurses later on when they're questioning you about FF and BFing and say your long term goal is FFing. Colostrum is great,
    Im sure any little bit is good. I once read an article in a health journal that said BF for one week gave a huge amount of immunity for the baby, 3 weeks of maternal health (releases hormones that helps to shrink uterus) and 6 weeks for 2nd wave of immunity for baby.

    So if baby latches and it works do what you want, it can be just a comfy bonding session with you and baby. But I'm a firm believer that there are many ways to bond without BFing - baby wearing (I had a c section so I know that's out for a bit), general feeding and my fav snuggle time in bed.
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    My first didn't nurse for a few hours after birth but my second just did it no issue.  Both are normal situations, it just depends on the baby (so don't get upset if your baby doesn't nurse right away).  The skin to skin right after is huge.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    I think any skin to skin and any amount of breastfeeding is great! Even if it's only for a few days! You may realize you want to continue nursing once you are home or you may not. All of it is your decision and either way baby will be fed and loved !
    6 & 2 year old, 2 losses
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    Do the Dads usually do skin to skin time with the baby in the early hours? I love what I've read and heard from friends about skin to skin time for moms and babies and am curious if guys get in on the bonding action too. If all goes according to plan, I will breastfeed and so will try for that initially, but would love to see my husband put in some early time cuddling with our little one. Did anyone else's husband make it a point to do this asap? I know the best laid plans can go right out the window, but would love for us each to have some skin to skin time before the visitors arrive. Any experiences like this?
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    @dotharyk It absolutely would be beneficial - and pretty freakin' adorable to see a dad take a role like that.  Nothing wrong with that.  Skin to skin is skin to skin.  I will say that mom skin to skin helps you heal after delivery because it does release oxytocin, which helps so many things - your uterus to go down to smaller size, it helps get the milk on track, it helps your hormones regulate.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    I just took my birth class a few weeks ago and the L&D nurse that taught the class is also an LC, but she was very clear that skin to skin is NOT just a breastfeeding thing, that it is beneficial to all babies no matter what the plans are for feeding.  She said that although she knows of no scientific study behind this, that anecdotally the nursery nurses report that babies that do skin to skin are less fussy and more content when in the nursery.  I haven't decided yet how I will feed - sort of winging and seeing how things go - but I plan to do the skin to skin no matter what!
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    Skin to skin with mom (in a full term newborn) is especially comforting because the mom actually smells familiar to the baby. Also cuddling with chest hair...eew!
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    I had a c-section with ds and was unable to do skin to skin for the first 2 hours or so while medication wore of some. However, during that time dh did skin to skin as soon as the nurses were done with little man. I then did lots of skin to skin with him. It is a nice way to bond
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    I plan on doing immediate skin to skin with my twins after the c section. After explaining to my OB how important skin to skin was to me she agreed to do whatever it takes to make it happen. If for whatever reason I'm unable to provide skin to skin my husband will step in.
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    Hubby was freezing in our hospital (as was I!) so he didn't quite skin to skin right after he had a v neck t and kinda tucked him underneath his neck and chin.
    I did skin to skin with a million blankets and open sweaters.
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    Thank you so much! Great tips.
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    I  had a CS and was allowed to do skin to skin within 10-15mins of birth.  I definitely would insist upon it, regardless of whether he latches correctly or not. So many studies show how invaluable that time is. 
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