April 2016 Moms

Placenta previa

Anyone else with placenta previa? I had a follow up ultrasound yesterday and I went from having an April due date to have a scheduled c section of March 14th. Freaking out. Just.a.little!

I'm giving up on the whole signature thing.

Re: Placenta previa

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    How many weeks will you be at that point?

    My placenta was low in my last ultrasound and I was told in 99% of cases, it resolves on its own. I'm kind of wondering when I will know more about that, and what happens if it doesn't...
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    I will have my partial placenta previa rechecked in 3/4wks. It went away with my first baby, so I'm hoping for the same with this one. C/s isn't that bad. I had an easy recovery and you won't have to go through labor, which is a big plus.
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    My placenta was also low but my doc said it usually moves. Getting rechecked in about 5 weeks. They said if it hasn't moved I'll have to have a c section.

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    I had a prevue all throughout this pregnancy thus far. It started as a complete, improved to a partial and just last week was scanned and found that it resolved itself. It seems a bit early to me to already call for a c-section, as I was told most previas resolve on their own. However, I can't speak from experience, but I have heard that c-sections aren't that bad.
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    I'm also getting my partial placenta previa checked in two weeks, kinda freaking out.


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    I do not personally have one, but a co-worker did.  She was due mid-October and they moved her for a c-section to mid-September about a month early.  They seem to want to make sure you do not go into labor on your own. Everything went smoothly with her c section.  She did say the baby experienced some breathing issues and was in the nic u for a few days which was upsetting to her.  But overall the baby was actually fine.  I believe they were discharged after 4 days like normal so it was no big deal.  Try not to worry too much and good luck with everything!
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    Wow. I have a partial placenta previa but they are just monitoring it be because the doctor said often it clears up on its own and moves is your uterus expands. Is there a reason they decided to do the C-section so early?
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    I asked my doctor today when the decision would be made about a potential c-section for my own low lying placenta. She said I would be rechecked at my 28 week appt, and then we would plan on anther check if it hadn't moved.

    OP, I'm guessing you're several weeks ahead of me, and your doctor is planning on doing it at 36 weeks or so? I know there are several types of placenta preavia, and that not all are as likely to move, do you happen to know which type you have?
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    I had a complete previa with my first. Mine was dead-center complete and I was told at 19 weeks it'd take a miracle to move - it didn't! They scheduled my c-section for 36 weeks, but I had a bleed a few days early and so they took her the next morning (at 35w 5d). As someone else mentioned, you really don't want to go into labor so that's why they schedule so early. The bright side is that they are planning for an early delivery so you'll likely get steroid shots which will help with the baby's lung development. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions! I am thankful I don't have the issue this time around, but I remember my first very well. :smile: 

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    I was diagnosed with complete placenta previa at 18 weeks and just last week, at my 29 week checkup, I was told it had moved to partial. They plan to recheck it in four weeks to be on the safe side. My dr says he's not concerned with it until a bleed occurs, then it becomes a problem. 
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