July 2016 Moms

Monday Bitchfest


Re: Monday Bitchfest

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    I'm sick again. This is like the 3rd cold I've had in 2 months. Ugh!
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    edited January 2016
    agradi said:

    @AB34 I have an appointment next Monday. I'm just trying to get through the week without for some unknown reason. I am really trying to avoid going to the ER for a 3rd time because it's $200 a pop. Not fun when we are trying to save a little money. I might be making a phone call to my midwife this afternoon to see if she will call me in some more.

    I've given up trying to go without it... I tried only taking 4mg the other day and did okay until I woke up puking in the middle of the night. Fingers crossed that she will call it in for you! I've only had to go to the ER once this pregnancy and it sucked! Hope you don't have to again, you poor thing!
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
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    @noelietrex I have seen it...I'm a little bit of a pinterest whore lol. I'm going to do a dedicated corner for the munchkin. Get a little throw rug and hang a mobile, decorations etc. I just wish I was in my own place and could go all out. Maybe my parents will let me paint the room I'm in...that would be nice. Ugh I need my own house.

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    @afrazer521 I added vinyl decals to DDs area, because painting at that point wasn't an option. They are great for adding color/theme without being permanent
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    @jlgriff11 Do you have a humidifier? They are a godsend and you'll need one for the babies some day, too. Also, vicks vapor rub is a miracle worker. My doc told me to use an old blanket or towel and smother some on there and sleep with it by your face.
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    A few things at the moment. Work being one of them. I am a Private Kindergarten teacher at a hospitals daycare. I transferred to the position from Pre-K in September and they haven't been able to offer me a contract with normal teacher benefits like an increased salary, holidays and summers off to name a few. I am also the Team Lead for the center so I have manager duties as well. Im starting to dread the summer and wish I had it off for a so called "maternity leave" and I wouldn't just have to go on FMLA. I keep hearing my co workers complaining about not having time off and I want time off I was supposed to be getting too! Not to mention one was super snarky looking at the time off binder saying "ohh well I can't take off then it's your maternity leave, I'm gunna take a huge vaca next year!" And while I get everyone deserves time off of course don't make me feel guilty for taking the measly unpaid time off for HAVING A HUMAN! Ugh

    I'll make # 2 short I'm totally wanting to nest and we are renting ATM. We are looking for houses and our lease will be up June 30th. Babies ETA is July 4th, so that will be fun!... Hoping she will be willing to work with us since we are expecting.
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    My husband is Mexican, and Vicks vapor rub apparently cures EVERYTHING. Leg broken? Diarrhea? Just rub some vapor rub on it. Whenever I'm nauseated he opens it up, and shoves that shit in my face.

    My bitch is disability insurance. No one seems in a rush to get anything done on a claim. It's cool though, not like the mortgage is due next week or anything..
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    My husband is Mexican, and Vicks vapor rub apparently cures EVERYTHING. Leg broken? Diarrhea? Just rub some vapor rub on it. Whenever I'm nauseated he opens it up, and shoves that shit in my face.

    My bitch is disability insurance. No one seems in a rush to get anything done on a claim. It's cool though, not like the mortgage is due next week or anything..

    Yeah I've gotten paid once since august because disability is ridiculous. Although I've been approved the whole time they kept screwing up the pay so I got one lump from the state in december and that's it...hr still hasn't fixed their end.

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    I have another migraine.  I feel like I am getting them all the time now.  I usually wake up with them too, which makes it worse.  Like I need another reason to not be productive. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    my bitch is men that become fathers with no intention of parenting. Sorry about your friend, @Weville . That sucks for you, but mostly for her. I don't get out and do much by myself, but I know I could if I wanted to. I'd just rather have family time when my husband actually has free time from work. I'm so glad that I married someone that made an excellent father. Marriage is hard, marriage + kids is harder. I didn't understand the divorce rate until I became a parent.
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    My bitch is the doctors office that still doesn't have my Progenity results from 1-13. They told me a week, but I still haven't heard anything, and when I call, I just end up sitting on hold forever!
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    @quartz02 I totally feel bad for my friend because I can't imagine being in that situation. My husband and I were talking about it and he wants for us to have plans together then kick us ladies out and the boys will take care of the kids. I would love for her to stand up for herself but it is her life and marriage and as her friend I'll be here no matter what. I just miss her
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    agradi said:
    Same bitch as this weekend... I'm jealous of all of you who aren't having nausea anymore. I would love to feel a fraction better than I do. I'm so bummed that my zofran is out, and nothing is really helping the nausea and vommitting. Someone please put me out of this misery! Also sick of people telling me, "that baby is gonna be smart with how sick you are!" While DD is very smart, I'm pretty sure that is due to genetics.
    I'm jealous too.. right there with you :( .. so wish I would start feeling better and not throwing up any more. I will say, I know I don't have it as bad as a lot of people do. I haven't had to go to the hospital for an IV or anything and as long as I keep eating I'm usually ok, but still can't avoid getting sick at least 1-2x's a day.
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    AAAG13 said:
    My bitchfest is the parents of my students. Yes your child has a zero, no they never turned in their homework, yes I contacted you when this occurred, no I will not give them more time to complete the assignment that is already two weeks late. image
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    @crixiegirl thankfully my fiancé has been super awesome about it. He asked me to load the dishwasher but I've been so sick today that I didn't have time before running out the door. He said he will do it after he gets home from work (which is a 14-16 hour day) because he doesn't want me to worry about it. Now if only the puking could stop
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    I feel like death. I think I am dying.
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    Today though. Finally got into see my Doctor at 4 for this wheezing and cough. Got there and my doc had been called into a delivery, so I was to see one of the other Doctors in the practice who I had never met. I get taken into US room, and since I have twins, I get a US to check heart rate every single time I go in. Dr. didn't even introduce himself or say hello, just did a quick US for heartbeats, asked what was wrong, and said (without even so much as a listen to my chest for breathing) he would prescribe me albuterol. I've been on it before in inhaler form BC I've had light asthma and chronic bronchitis before. So I take the new baby pictures and head to CVS after eating dinner. Turns out, doc prescribed albuterol solution for a nebulizer. A nebulizer that I don't have and CVS doesn't carry- but now its 7 pm and my doc is long gone to fix it.

    I called my mom on vacation whining because that's what I do when I'm sick and in a bad mood is call my mom, and she says to call the doctor in call and get it fixed. Turns out my original doc is on call and he fixed it and got me the correct script. So now I'm on a proair inhaler. Hopefully it'll help the coughing. If not I'm going to call my gp and make her fix me instead.

    Sorry about text wall. Also I'm annoyed my script was $54 dollars ahhhhh.

    But on upside two hits on this thing and I haven't coughed but like once since I did. I think it'll help.
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    @jlgriff11 I understand completely what you're going through because I have exactly what you have! The horrible cough that's lasted for more than a week and annoying sore throat to add to it. Oh yeah, not to mention the peeing in my pants from coughing so much is loads of fun as well. Finally went to see the doc today hoping to get an antibiotic to kill the stupid cough once and for all, but no...I just get sent home to take regular robittusin to ride out the virus, which she said could take up to another 2-3 weeks to get rid of. @$&"?%?! Ugh. So I drag myself to two pharmacies looking for regular robittusin (not 'D' or 'DM') only to find that neither one carries regular? FML. Let me know if you find something that has helped you get rid of it once and for all. I'm sick and tired of being sick!
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    Ugh work is bs lately. It's either feast or famine where I can't reach my productivity bc there aren't enough pts to be seen or I'm working overtime bc I have too many! Today was too many and so is tomorrow! Annoying!!! I already work til 7 pm I don't want to work later!

    That is some nonsense on men complaining about the house not being clean and men not watching their own kids. F that! I could not be with a man like that! It's 2016 you are a team! Wait til these babies come and are attached to your boob 24/7, no cleaning or dinner making gets done!

    Hope everyone feels better that is sick! That was me and ds the last 2 weeks! We are both finally better!
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    edited January 2016
    My main one for today is work but I'm too tired and pissed off to write everything out.

    My second is the stupid Bump app which has not been working for the past week. It was perfectly fine and then just up and decided that it will let me log in but thinks I'm not logged in so I can't "love" any posts, see my messages, etc. I've logged out and back in and even deleted and redownloaded the app several times and it's still fucked up. I'm so beyond annoyed - it's my main way to bump (and my only way to bump at work). ARGH! Fix your app, Bump!!

    ETA - words are hard tonight.
    Me: 33  DH: 31
    Married: 8/9/2010
    3 Furbabies - Kumo, Mal, and Lynx!
    Started TTC August 2014
    BFP #1 - 12/16/14 EDD 8/22/15 - MMC and D&C 1/23/15
    BFP #2 - 7/10/15 EDD 3/20/16- chemical pregnancy, ended 7/16/15
    BFP #3 - 11/12/15 EDD 7/21/16 - wishing and hoping for a sticky little bean!

    July'16 BMB May Siggy Challenge - Star Wars:

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    My main one for today is work but I'm too tired and pissed off to write everything out.

    My second is the stupid Bump app which has not been working for the past week. It was perfectly fine and then just up and decided that it will let me log in but thinks I'm not logged in so I can't "love" any posts, see my messages, etc. I've logged out and back in and even deleted and redownloaded the app several times and it's still fucked up. I'm so beyond annoyed - it's my main way to bump (and my only way to bump at work). ARGH! Fix your app, Bump!!

    ETA - words are hard tonight.

    I was having this exact same issue. I realized that if I open the app and then minimize it for any reason, that's when it logs me out. So I have to go to the task bar and fully close the app, then open it back up. It's super annoying, but at least I actually get to love and comment on things now! Hopefully this works for you, too!
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    @marowan I'm on iPhone so I'm not sure if that's different. I've made sure the app is closed, reopened, and relogged in but while it shows my account and that I'm logged in, when I go into the forums nothing shows up. I'm at a loss because I don't know what else to do at this point. I sent a message to support but who knows if/what they can do. It's super annoying because prior to this, it worked just fine with no problems!
    Me: 33  DH: 31
    Married: 8/9/2010
    3 Furbabies - Kumo, Mal, and Lynx!
    Started TTC August 2014
    BFP #1 - 12/16/14 EDD 8/22/15 - MMC and D&C 1/23/15
    BFP #2 - 7/10/15 EDD 3/20/16- chemical pregnancy, ended 7/16/15
    BFP #3 - 11/12/15 EDD 7/21/16 - wishing and hoping for a sticky little bean!

    July'16 BMB May Siggy Challenge - Star Wars:

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    Never mind, I just got I to work - it made me log in twice but whatever! Hooray!
    Me: 33  DH: 31
    Married: 8/9/2010
    3 Furbabies - Kumo, Mal, and Lynx!
    Started TTC August 2014
    BFP #1 - 12/16/14 EDD 8/22/15 - MMC and D&C 1/23/15
    BFP #2 - 7/10/15 EDD 3/20/16- chemical pregnancy, ended 7/16/15
    BFP #3 - 11/12/15 EDD 7/21/16 - wishing and hoping for a sticky little bean!

    July'16 BMB May Siggy Challenge - Star Wars:

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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