July 2016 Moms

Saturday Ticker Change 1/23


What size fruit:

Symptoms/rants/raves/upcoming appointments/baby update:

GTKY- Are you snowed in this weekend? 

Re: Saturday Ticker Change 1/23

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    Week: 17

    What size fruit: Onion/Chipmunk

    Symptoms/rants/raves/upcoming appointments/baby update: Feeling pretty good. If I wasn't feeling the baby move every day or two I would have some panic. It's weird to leave all those first trimester symptoms behind and feel almost normal! 

    GTKY- Are you snowed in this weekend? Nope! We're in southeastern NC so we got some flurries but we're below the snow line. 

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    Fatigue has come back a bit and starting to notice a tiny bump, finally!

    Nope, in Texas! Cool (40s) but sunny.
    09/12/14 BFP (EDD 5/15/15) 
    10/06/14 US #1 showing baby at 6W1D w/ no HB (rather than 8W4D)
    10/13/14 US #2 confirming miscarriage 
    10/28/14   800mg oral cytotec (very good experience)  

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    Week: 16 weeks

    What size fruit: Avocado. Which makes me want guacamole...

    Symptoms/rants/raves/upcoming appointments/baby update: Threw up again yesterday for no reason. I thought this was supposed to be done by now. I have an appointment to get blood work on Monday (whatever the blood work is that goes with the NT scan from week 12). I'm excited that I know the baby is a boy. I would have been thrilled either way, but it's easier for me to picture him now.

    GTKY- Are you snowed in this weekend? Sure am. I woke up to a winter wonderland and the snow isn't supposed to stop for quite a while. I'm already getting antsy. I'm just happy I can use this baby as an excuse to not help with the shoveling.

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    Week: 13!

    What size fruit: peach/jalapeño

    Symptoms/rants/raves/upcoming appointments/baby update: just had our NT scan yesterday, risks are low, which is relieving, but DH is still processing tech's guess on sex. He'll get over it. Still feeling really tired but having trouble sleeping.

    GTKY- Are you snowed in this weekend? Nope- we live in sunny California, where the entire state gets crippled by a rainstorm. Definitely couldn't handle a snowstorm!
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    dani1124dani1124 member
    edited January 2016
    Week: 15 weeks

    What size fruit: orange

    Symptoms/rants/raves/upcoming appointments/baby update: nothing really except I'm still falling asleep by 9:00. I thought fatigue was supposed to be over! Next apt is 2/1 16 wks 2 days! I can't wait ... Every apt still makes me nervous!

    GTKY- Are you snowed in this weekend? Nope down here in TX .... No snow!

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    16 Weeks
    Avocado.... Now I want guacamole!
    U/S on Tuesday- may find out the sex. I will be ecstatic either way! Everyone says dressing a girl is more fun and all I can think about is matching sweater vest outfits for DH and DS!! But it makes me super warm and fuzzy thinking about DH w/ a little girl. Swoon :) So I'll be pumped no matter what.
    I'm in Vegas... No snow for me though it might rain. In spirit and solidarity for my family back east, I'm not moving from my couch today :)
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    16 Weeks
    Avocado.... Now I want guacamole

    Exactly what I said!
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    shanparadiseshanparadise member
    edited January 2016
    Week: 13, bringing up the rear here!

    What size fruit: peach/large macaroon/clownfish x 2 (twins!)

    Symptoms/rants/ravings/upcoming appointments/baby update:
    I've been lurking for a few days after taking a big break from all baby apps. I was making myself insane.

    Still feeling some intense nausea, but I get a few good days in between the bad, so in hoping it means I'm on my way out of this nonsense. Got a KILLER migraine yesterday where I had to call the on call peri to call me in some sort of relief. Then I cried because he was so kind to me. Thank god for good doctors. And husbands who drop everything to go demand the pharmacy to fill your prescription that instant.

    ETA: GTKY - not snowed in even though I'm in flipping Nebraska. We did the snowed in ish last week.
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    13 weeks

    Still nauseous most of the time unless I've eaten enough to have heartburn instead. I *think* its lightening up but I may have been telling myself that for a while because ms was totally gone by 11 weeks with DD. NT scan and appt. on Tueday. Can't wait to see our baby look more like a baby. We are telling the rest of friends about the pregnancy today and I definitely took another HPT just to be sure since we haven't seen the OB in a month.

    We are not snowed in, but DH was pretty close to getting stuck out in New York. He was working there all week and flew back last night. The flight was cancelled and reinstated. A bunch of people lost their seats because of that and people that had checked in and had boarding passes could not get on because their seats were accidentally given to people on stand by or rescheduling from another flight. They got left behind because the storm's winds were coming in and the pilot wanted to get who he could out of there.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    16 weeks- avocado, dill pickle or grenade

    Symptoms- I had almost 3 magical weeks of no puking and yesterday I started puking again. I'm starting to show a lil baby belly, not just flub!

    Appt next Thursday- I had borderline high blood pressure at last appt and I'm hoping that is not still a problem.

    Nope I'm in STL.
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    Week: 17

    What size fruit: Onion/Chipmunk/Creme Brulee...yum

    Symptoms/rants/raves/upcoming appointments/baby update: I had an appointment this week- Doctor measured my belly with a tape measure for the first time which was silly! Also I have been sick this week which really sucks, I am still super sniffly which is so attractive... 

    GTKY- Are you snowed in this weekend?: Nope! Here in Ory-gun there is never fun weather... As a teacher I would kill for a couple snow days. However I do feel slightly ragey because we ordered a cool mobile off Etsy and now its stuck back east because of the snow and I will probably get it in like three weeks. Not that it matters but I totally need it now!
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    Week: 14

    What size fruit: lemon

    Symptoms/rants/raves/upcoming appointments/baby update:
    2 trimester!!! Curious about how my symtomps may change. I was a little less tired this week and I'm hoping that sticks around. Food has been weird...how it smells sometimes really sets my stomach turning. No appointments this week! Still waiting for a bump and not just chub haha

    GTKY- Are you snowed in this weekend?
    Nope! In my area of Canada its raining and all our snow melting...which makes me happy cause I'm SO done with winter driving!
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    Week: 16

    What size fruit: Avocado

    Symptoms/rants/raves/upcoming appointments/baby update: i feel like i'm huge! Compared to my 1st pregnancy where I didn't start showing until my 6th month. Makes me wonder how much bigger I will get. Also, tripped and fell on Thurs and hurt my foot and knee real bad. Go me. Baby is fine thank goodness.

    GTKY- Are you snowed in this weekend? Ha, no. Sunny here in the Caribbbean :)
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    RLP, sciatica, varicose veins, headaches, and I've just in general been in a bad mood.

    No snow here. It was almost 60 out today.
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    What size fruit:
    Pomegrante, onion, chipmunk, Playstation controller

    Symptoms/rants/raves/upcoming appointments/baby update:
    RLP!! It is in OVERDRIVE. Which makes sense because I swear I am HUGE. sweat, headaches, and I have to eat every two hours or I get light headed and barfy. And I still want to sleep all the time. Oh and the whole lightening crotch/nipples situation... I've felt a couple little flutters but I'm hoping it gears up soon because I don't have another appt until Feb 17th.

    Oh and the nesting is on the next level. So many baby crafts!

    GTKY- Are you snowed in this weekend?
    Nope. I'm in Portland, OR and it's been very spring like lately. I drove to the coast for the day yesterday and it was 60 degrees and sunny all day. It was amazing. Though I love the snow so honestly I'm jealous.
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    @stellaluna14  I'm in Portland too! I wore a sweatshirt on Friday and I thought I was going to die I was so hot! Crazy weather the last couple days.
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    Week 17

    Size of an onion (I seriously like the other ones mentioned here, onion isn't that exciting! Creme brulee? Much better!)

    Symptoms etc.: dizzy/faint, stomach bug this weekend causing some pain... Feeling some rumble in my lower belly but it could just be the said stomach bug, otherwise not sure if I'm feeling movement yet (can't wait - that will be a relief)

    Snow: we got enough snow that we stayed in last night, but it's already been cleared off all the streets so it's not too bad up here in new england
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