July 2015 Moms

Pool for baby?

I was at the gym and saw a couple hanging out in the pool with their baby...indoor pool that is ☺️ The baby was having so much fun and I thought about how my LO loves bath time and would probably love to play in the pool.

I was going to call and ask my pedi tomorrow (FTM here) but can babies go in a pool, public pool at that, at any age? I just worry about the chemicals and stuff. My LO has ezema so I don't want to flare it up. Anyone ever play with their baby in a pool?

Re: Pool for baby?

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    I just came from Florida for Christmas vacations and I was told 6 months was okay. We went to Orlando so u never got a chance to take him in. I would watch out for highly chlorinated pools though! They can be harsh for the skin. Always a good idea to Ask your pedi to double check! Let me know what she says please! :smile:
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    I signed my LO up for a Water Babies class at our YMCA. I can't wait!
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    We started swimming lessons at the Y 3 weeks ago. LO loves it. He also has eczema and while I'm sure the chlorine doesn't help, it doesn't make it worse either. I just rinse him off after the pool then lather him up good with lotion when we get home.
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    6 months is fine. Many places that offer infant swimming lessons start at 6 months. Our local pool is outdoors so it's closed for the season, otherwise I'd totally take LO swimming!
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    It depends on how bad the babies excema is I feel. I have really sensitive skin and going into the pool even now I get hives. I suggest not putting the baby under water, and right after wash the baby and put hydrating and calming lotion :)
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