June 2015 Moms

Early riser recently

Hi ladies I am mostly a floater on the board since I had my daughter. I tried searching my issue but didn't come across anything. Just want to know if anyone else has this issue lately and if anyone has any suggestions.

My daughter is 7.5 months old now. Since 2 months old she has slept 7am-7pm but the last couple weeks she has decided that 5-5:30 has become the new time to be fully awake and ready for the day. I have tried keeping her up till 8 which makes no difference (and she normally won't make it to 8) she has 3 meals a day plus 4-5 bottles a day. I would be happy if I could get her to sleep till at least 6:30 so we can all feel functional. I have tried letting her be and fussy for a little in hopes she would go back to sleep but nope no luck.. Anyone else experience this?

Re: Early riser recently

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    I have been having this problem, I did talk about it somewhere, I don't remember where. Anyway, yes, very similar situation to yours, consistent 7-7 sleeper (well, bedtime at 7-730) who is now waking up much earlier between 515-6am. There have been some other changes in our sleeping situation (we've stopped using the merlin sleep suit) and I'm assuming our problems (we are also now having a lot of wake ups when we didnt use to) are related to this transition, but maybe not, who knows.

    The only change that I have made is to try to scoot bedtime closer to 8 if am able to that day. The last feeding of the day I used to do anytime after 6pm I am trying to time for 7. I can't tell if its helping or not. Today he woke up at 645, which is close to 'normal', but yesterday he was up at 6, not normal, and had multiple wakes in the hours before that anyway.

    Honestly, other than the later evening feeding, I'm not doing anything else. I'm assuming this is just something I have to be patient and will get thru. I'd rather let my LO work this out on his own if he can. I don't know how long I'll wait before trying training methods, but I may consider training if it goes on long enough.

    Or, maybe we should just give in and go to bed early cause our babies are early risers.

    You may want to check the sleep training thread, I've peeked in there for ideas and to see what other moms are doing to get a better night / morning's sleep.
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    My LO has been doing this recently too. She was a 7/7:30 - 7 sleeper and now she's waking up around 5:15. The past few days I've let her play in her crib and she tends to fall back asleep until 6:45ish. We haven't changed anything other than trying to go to bed a little later. I thought I read somewhere that between 6-8 months babies need more sleep and will want to go to bed around 6pm. I'll try to find where I read that.
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    When lo was 6-12 weeks old she slept I think from 8-7 and then went to waking up motn. Forget when but we got back to waking up once randomly anytime between 3-6 am and going back to sleep. For the last 2 months I think she has been more consistent with waking up at 5 ish (4:30-5:30) and then I put her back in the crib- she talks for a little while maybe 20 minutes then goes back to sleep until 7/7:30 sometimes waking up herself and sometimes I have to wake her up. Even some random days of waking up at 6/6:30 I put her back in the crib until it was time to get up. I think you have to be consistent and keep lo in the crib until wake up time which I would say around 7 since that's when she was waking up previously. Also moving bedtime later won't help, earlier is usually better. The last 2 months lo has been going to bed around 6:45 instead of 7:30/8.
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    I just assumed that as they got older they woke up earlier. LO wakes up most days now around 630. I haven't tried to change it because regardless of bedtime that's just what she does so I'm assuming it's just her.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
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    My guy doesn't sleep as late anymore now either
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    My LO has always been an early riser too, but he'll normally fall back asleep if I put him in bed with me and nurse him. Is that an option? Then he'll normally fall back asleep until about 6:30-7.
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    This happened to mine as well. We get him and bring him into bed with us and he goes back to sleep for between an hour and two.
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    Two days in a row now LO has been waking up at 4:30am. I blame it on teething!
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    My twins used to do 5:30pm-7:00am. They are now waking up around 5:30-6am. Although it's very early I'm so grateful they they are doing atleast 12 hour stretches. I just go to bed earlier now and try to be asleep by 10pm. I know those early morning cries are because they are hungry ( or thirsty)
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    My twins used to do 5:30pm-7:00am. They are now waking up around 5:30-6am. Although it's very early I'm so grateful they they are doing atleast 12 hour stretches. I just go to bed earlier now and try to be asleep by 10pm. I know those early morning cries are because they are hungry ( or thirsty)

    We're in a similar boat, LO goes to bed at 6:30-7:30 and is up each morning at 6:00am sharp.  Generally he only wakes up before 6am is if he went to bed late or had a crappy sleep.  Seems backwards, but I've read that it's not uncommon, a later bedtime makes for an early riser.

    OP perhaps try putting your LO down 15-30 mins earlier?
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    This weekend and so far today my lo seems to be back on track with sleeping in until 6:30-7 am.
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    We've also been having this happen! LO has slept til 6/630 since about 4 months, over the past week he's been waking up at 5. He's had a cold for almost a week now; virus per dr- has to run its course ugh! Hope he will go back to the 6/630 when he feels better!
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    @virginiagirl11 Lol He's an equal opportunity snuggler! :D
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    Count me in. My perfect sleeper was up 1.5 hours early today. Gross.
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    My LO woke up at 1am bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to go. It took over a half hour for him to go back to sleep. Then, at 3am he was awake and ready to party again. This time it took him over an hour to go back to sleep. With I don't even know how many times I went back in his room and scooted him back to the bottom of his bed (he inchworms until his head against the bars, and starts to cry) and replaced his paci in hopes he would put himself back to sleep. He did eventually fall back asleep after 4, but of course I lost the 1am hour and 3am hour of sleep. Wtf, baby
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    i think it was that kind of morning... LO also woke up about an hour earlier than normal, and would not go back to sleep.  The plus is he is on his second nap of the morning.  I am working from home today, so hoping to get a little work done while he naps.  
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    Just the thought about what will happen to LO sleep when daylight savings rolls around makes me want to cry...
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    BFP #1 12/23/13 MMC 01/24/14 @ 9w5days

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    I posted this in the "randoms" thread, but it may be more appropriate here.
    One of my twins has been pushing back her bedtime from 7pm to 9pm because she thinks it's party time. Google told me there's an 8month sleep regression. Not supposed to be as bad as 4 months, but apparently it's a thing no one warned me about :'(
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    @beckyk9109 maybe we need to start an 8 month sleep thread. My LO is 8 months tomorrow & I've been having more MOTN wake ups with her this last week. She woke up an hour early today but I don't really consider that too big of a deviation. We don't have a set wake up time anyway. Bedtime can fluctuate by an hour for us depending on how the day went, what's going on & when her last nap was.
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    Mine was up a bunch of times (which he never is) but I think it's because he is finally starting to teeth.
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    Sudden early riser over here too! Wake up time
    has been 4:45-5:00am for the last week and half. Previously it had been 6:30:6;45 for months. Once in the last week I was able to get him back to sleep after nursing but the other days he was just ready to go. He only would stay up for an hour and a half or so though. 
    Do others find that with the earlier wake up that their lo isn't up as long before their first nap?
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    ^^ yesssss! My LO used to wake around 630-7, but randomly wakes now at 5-530, maybe 6? And then is ready to nap around the time he usually wakes (7-730)

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    LO up at 5 today. We usually sleep til 7. I am so tired & got slammed with work drama this morning to boot! 
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    We are hitting this now. Is this a 7 month thing?! She was up 7-7:30 for basically her whole life but now it's like 6:00 and seems to be getting earlier every day. She had been waking up once in the night (between 4 and 5 am) and now that wake up is between 2 and 3. Everything is shifting earlier. I don't like it!



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