Parenting after 35

Weekly check-in January 17

How was your week?

QOTW: it's flu and cold season - What are your tips for keeping you family healthy?
Me-37, DH-38
Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

Re: Weekly check-in January 17

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    Life has settled down a lot and is really good right now. We got LO on a better schedule and he (and we) is sleeping really well now.
    Dh has also finally kicked this cold that he'd had off and on for a couple months. All the vitamin c and echinacea didn't really do much until he was actually able to get some sleep.
    The only challenge I've had is that i feel like i see LO so much less, when I'm not feeding/snuggling him all night. Our two hours before bed go so fast, and I'm definitely battling the working mom guilt more than before.
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

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    Good Evening fellow mommies. I am new to the Bump and this forum. My week went by extremely fast. Nonetheless it was eventful as I attended a sip and chat with the principle and administration at my DD school. I also went to the docotor for a second pregnancy test and sonogram to check on progress of the baby. Baby appears to be flourishing. I saw the light flickering of what was described as the heart. My S/O stopped by after work and I filled him in on the great news. Friday was a busy day for my DD and me. I had a committe meeting with my daughter's Principle about an annual International Food Festival I'm chairing and launching in April at the school.

    QOTW: My daughter is not vaccinated and as a Holistic Nutritionist I am always building her white blood cells/immunity with bi weekly doses of 1 clove of garlic, pinch of Himalayan sea salt and tbsp of olive oil. I use to do this consistently for months. Now I only give it to her once or twice every 1-2 months. I also feed her fresh whole foods and we consume loads of dark leafy greens. There are many other things that can be done. Definitely for my family I focus on alkalining our pH levels
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    We aren't healthy!! Our preemie & I got RSV at a weight check, I think. Now it's spread to the whole house. We're miserable. Now I have a sinus thing.

    I can't imagine how hard being a full time working mom would be. DH hardly gets any time with the babies. It's kind of like they're raised by daycare if both work. But I don't think that's a reason to feel guilt if in your situation you have to have that income. It's just life opposite from how we were created. Extended family units don't live super close anymore so that extra help isn't there. Makes me sad.
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    Hi all - rejoining after months away, well not away but more lurking. I don't know why I don't jump in more! I have two kids ages 8 mos and 2.5 yrs, had them both >35. The week has been good. The kids are in swim lessons, the first time for DS, it's fun and adorable. We went to a puppet show this week and DD had a much longer attention span than the last time we went almost a year ago, which is neat to notice. Plus she was pointing things out to her brother, which just warms my heart to see her fold him in. I think DD is getting close to dropping her nap because more often than not she doesn't. On those days she just gets an hour of quiet time in her room. It stinks to be losing the break for me though! I often lay down myself since I am still up once or twice a night with DS and have a hard time falling back asleep after nursing.

    QOTW: We've all had our flu shots and are avid hand-washers. Also we just try to have healthy habits to keep our bodies strong to fight off germs: drink lots of water, eat healthy, sleep (hahaha), keep things clean, etc.

    @mindaa It has been a tough transition for you not having LO in bed. It makes sense why you'd miss him. Even though you're mostly sleeping just knowing he's there with you is bonding and a time you cherish. I'm sorry you're dealing with working mom guilt. Finding balance is so hard. I work, too, not for financial reasons but because my work is more than a job and truly fulfills me. But, I work much less now. There are so many positives to daycare that I can't provide at home. And, by the time they're 5 they're spending similar hours at school anyway. Someone once told me that parenthood is a continual process of letting go and that seems to be true. It's not easy!!

    @OmenasLoveBliss welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy! Wow, you keep very busy and involved in your LO's school. I'm impressed you're chairing an event.

    @Knottie1442268460 RSV can be scary and a whole-house illness is just miserable. I hope you all are a little staggered at least so you can take care of each other. Sending healthy vibes your way!
    Me: 38, DH: 35
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Our week was crazy - we spent it in the mountains for my dad's 70th birthday. My son woke EVERY hour every night for the five nights we were there... Thankfully he seems to have gone back to his normal schedule with 1-2 wake ups between 12am and 7am (7pm-12am varies a lot). I can't believe that I now thinks 3.5-hour sleep intervals are "good."  We've been working on feeding him solids but he just won't take any baby food. He has more of an interest in self-feeding but then it only ends up being a few pieces so he still gets 95% of his nutrition from breastmilk at 8 months. I never imagined this scenario but we'll just keep trying with the solids and hopefully he'll figure out that the world is wide and interesting and there is more to life than breastmilk!!

    QOTW: I have a bad cold, and LO is sniffly so... not a lot of success in the keeping healthy department. Thankfully my husband is well and has been cooking soups, etc. Hand-washing and flu-shots are also the way to go. Otherwise, trying to keep up with healthy eating with lots of fruits and veggies (and garlic!) and lots of sleep (haha"ha" indeed @supersarah77!)
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    @OmenasLoveBliss Welcome! Good news on the pregnancy, how far along are you? So interesting that you are a nutritionist.  at what age did you start giving DD garlic? DH is really into natural healing and I can see him wanting to start that habit. 

    @Knottie1442268460 and @marijaa333 - hope you and your families get better soon!

    @supersarah77, sounds like a fun week with swimming and a puppet show. And thanks for your reassurance. Funny, I have been trying to remind myself that about the never-ending "letting go" process of being a parent, but that quote sums it up eloquently. 
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

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    Jan 17 was actually my bday so I celebrated with extra sleep :D

    Since hubby got a bad flu during Xmas holidays we are now very careful. Washing hands all the time and using disinfection products before preparing food and stuff. And drinking lots of juice/smoothies. And pretty much what @supersarah77 describes.
    I have a cold atm but it's mild so far. Lots of liquids seem to work.
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    edited January 2016
    I'm glad your cold is mild! After being home 2 weeks still sick & the fam sick I need a vacation!!
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    I'm glad your cold is mild! After being home 2 weeks still sick & the fam sick I need a vacation!!

    I hope you get better soon :)
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