April 2016 Moms

STM+ question about BH

With Dd I had a bunch of BH starting after 30 weeks and didn't think much about it. The last couple of days I've been feel BH as I drive home from work, usually between 5 and 530 pm. I've been making sure to drink plenty of water.

At 26.5w I am just surprised they are coming around so soon. Is this one of the lovely new normals?

Re: STM+ question about BH

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    I had zero (noticeable) BH with DD and have had them for months now with DS. My OB says it's probably just that I notice them now because once you've gone through labor once you're more aware of your uterus ;)
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    Agree with @mrstrax. I really didn't notice them (maybe I didn't have them, I don't know) but I definitely get them now. Usually its when I haven't been drinking as much water (I get most of my water after work since teaching doesn't allow for the frequent bathroom breaks I need...don't want to exacerbate the situation) but sometimes they happen randomly, like earlier when I was making my way through a Tervis tumbler of water...only had a couple and they went away. Its been about 2 weeks now I've been noticing them more (28 weeks today).
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    Thanks ladies!
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    It's pretty common to get them earlier, more intensely, and more frequently with pregnancy #2+. At least that's what my OB told me when I brought it up this week, cause BH are killing me this time. I've had several days where they would only stop if I lay down, and start again as soon as I stand back up. I have a toddler! I can't lay on the couch for hours! Arghh!!! But yeah, normal.
    DS1 12/30/13
    Miscarriage 3/15 at 10 weeks
    BFP 7/23/15 EDD 4/3/16

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    I've been getting them since 18 wks. My doc said it was pretty early at that time, but I've heard of some getting them earlier than that. As long as you are not getting 5-6 or more within an hour it should be ok (from what my doc told me). I get a few throughout the day.
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    Mine started around 18 weeks with both pregnancies. I get them a lot! Way more than 6 in an hour some days. I don't stress about the number of BH at all. Some people are just more susceptible to getting a lot of them. I think it's funny when you hear "no more than X amount in an hour!" If I followed that rule, I'd be living at the hospital lol just sayin :wink:

    Me: 23 Hubby: 26
    Married: April 2011
    Son: May 2014
    Baby #2 Due: April 4th, 2016
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    Mine started at around 13 weeks with my first! This time they waited until around 18 weeks (I think) to grave me with their presence.


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    I had one day with a lot and I feel them sometimes but I think I felt them more last time.

    I was obsessed with being pregnant last time and paid attention to everything. Got no time for that now.
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    Yep. I've been having BH for ages, had them a lot with my last pregnancy too, but they are definity more intense and showed up earlier this time around.

    @AnnikaD20 my strategy when I was super nauseous was to give my DD a stethoscope and she would be "Doctor Lindy" and give me a checkup. Not sure how old your tot is but it could buy you a few minutes.
    kids with flags
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    Yes! I had zero with my son and this time I have them since 18 and a half weeks. Definitely more noticeable in the evening after a long day...!
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    I've had them earlier with each pregnancy. I'm on baby 4 and I started having them at 20 weeks this go around
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    I didn't have any with DS1, but this time they started around 20 weeks. I've read a few places that they're not supposed to hurt, it's just a lower belly tightness, etc. Well, mine hurt. They feel like light to strong period cramps and a hard belly (as opposed to labor which, to me, feels like the worst cramps ever). 
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    @AliSummer I get cramping with mine which I did not have with my other three pregnancies. I don't know that I would say it hurts bad though. It's more uncomfortable
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    I'm a FTM with frequent and uncomfortable BH since 20weeks. (Now 29weeks)
    I went to the hospital once after getting over 6 in one hour, baby seemed fine, doctors aren't concerned.

    Everything goes rock hard, my lower abdominal area/pelvis gives me extreme discomfort, but seeing as it's been going on for over 2 months already and none of the professionals are worried I guess it's just part of my pregnancy. As a FTM I worry that I won't be able to tell the difference between these contractions and 'real labour' contractions but everyone says 'you just know when it's the real thing'. Guess I'll cross that bridge when it happens.
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