January 2016 Moms

40+ Weekers Post Here


Re: 40+ Weekers Post Here

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    After contractions daily (like 15-20 not including my two days of false labor), I have had exactly no contractions today. I feel like I'm in the eye of the storm or some shit.  I did lose my mucus plug this morning and went to the chiropractor for an adjustment. Hoping something happens before Monday, which is when the Dr is breaking my water. 

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    Had a check yesrerday morning (was told I would be induced) and baby looked good and my body has made zero progress so have decided that I go every two days to L&D to get checked until next week some time when they will induce. Was very sad that in not dialated. My pelvis had been so sore (can barely walk) since getting checked. I am 40+3 today and so ready to have my baby!
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    40w with #4. Trying for a VBAC. Please GTFO little girl.
    BFP #1 10/27/2009 ~ DS1 ~ BIRTHday 7/16/2010 ~ med-free Bradley birth @ 40w5d
    BFP #2 1/22/2012 ~ DS2 & DD ~ BIRTHday 9/13/2012 ~ unplanned C-section @ 38w1d
    BFP #3 5/4/2015 ~ EDD 1/7/2016
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

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    Had the fetal assessment today and everything is looking good, so he's allowed to cook a little longer (even though I hope he makes his appearance soon)! Seeing his squishy little face on the ultrasound was pretty damn cool though...makes me want him out so much more!!!
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    40+1 today. I had irregular contractions every 4-10min last night for hours then they just stopped. I've been having period like cramping today which is new but nothing timeable. Today is my last day of work, too. I am really hoping she comes before my induction Monday. I am just so ready to meet her.
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    Today is my due date. For the last two days even the braxton hicks vanished. Just too much pressure down there. Fed up of everyone's calls and texts. My doc has scheduled induction for 14th jan. But I can't wait. I feel like I am donee
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    40+5 today. My midwife is concerned about the lack of movement from yesterday so she moved my BPP from Monday to today in an hour and a half. I guess they just check on the placenta and fluid levels to make sure she's okay to keep cooking. Part of me wants her to be here today but the other part is okay with her cooking still. But I had a lot of movement this morning and today so I'm pretty sure that everything is okay. She just wants to be sure.
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    40 +6 today. I've tried it all. Walking , sex , bouncing , pineapple , spicy food. Nothing has changed. I've been 1.5 cm since 38 weeks. Braxton's hicks are happening every day and have been for awhile. Scheduled induction on Monday at 41 +3 but really don't want to get that far
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    40+3 Contractions all night and then complete stop in the morning, so frustrating! Doctor scheduled induction for Monday morning. Baby is very low, very thinned out, but no more than a fingertip dialated. Really hoping I go into labor before then, but glad there is an end date in sight!
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    Okay so I'm about to be 40+6... And now I'm scared to go into labor. I'm kinda happy the longer she stays in there. Last week I was begging her to come and now I'm wanting her to stay in. I feel like this belongs on the UO thread. Lol. I keep panicking thinking about labor. I know I'll be fine but I can't stop worrying about it
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    babybluu said:

    Okay so I'm about to be 40+6... And now I'm scared to go into labor. I'm kinda happy the longer she stays in there. Last week I was begging her to come and now I'm wanting her to stay in. I feel like this belongs on the UO thread. Lol. I keep panicking thinking about labor. I know I'll be fine but I can't stop worrying about it

    I feel very similarly! Week 38 I was just excited and feeling ready and although I'm still excited, I'm soooo nervous about labor. Today (39+4) I'm feeling crappy, so I'm mostly ready for her to be out. But I'm still scared.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    40+5 and I woke up with a nasty cold. I have been wanting this baby out so badly but now I need him to stay in until I can breathe again! Scheduled to be induced Sunday night so hopefully that is enough time for the antibiotics to do thier thing! I feel like this poor little guy is going to go deaf from all my loud coughing!
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    40 weeks today! No signs of baby making an appearance. I have a sweep booked in for next sat I will be 41 +1 I'm hoping I don't get that far if I'm honest but it's now really kicking in that I have to do this labour thing, I'm soooooo terrified.
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    Looks like I'll be joining the 40+ club very soon. Due date Sunday and only 1cm dialated for the second week... :'(
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    I haven't posted in a few days. I'm 40+4 now. Went for an u/s weds to check af levels. Those were fine but baby measured tiny so they wanted to induce immediately. We decided to wait because IUGR seems unlikely since I'm 5'1" and teeny, DH is 5'8" and was 5.75 lbs at birth and I was 6.5 lbs but at 2 weeks overdue. Also baby's moving a ton, passed her NST with flying colors, and has great cord flow. I had my membranes swept yesterday, we met with a perinatologist and another dr, and came up with the plan to do another NST tomorrow and then induce Monday morning at 41 by having my waters broke. They'll start pitocin 12 hours later if I'm not in active labor.

    I'm stressed about rushing her out if she needs a little more time to grow and also worried that I somehow did something that made her too tiny. I ate super healthy and got all the important nutrients but I didn't watch protein or fat intake like I did with my twins. Dh says I'm crazy, that she's not too little, just little, and that I'm the healthiest pregnant woman he's ever seen, but it's still worrisome.

    In better news I'm sleeping well, which is weird but wonderful.

    I'm really hoping things start naturally before my induction. I very much want an intervention free birth and I want to know baby is ready to come out. And I'm scared of pitocin after problems last time ad terrified of a c section.
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    41+1 and had acupuncture and another sweep today (had the first at 40+6). Was 1 cm more dilated at this sweep and cervix was a bit more forward. Bled immediately after the sweep and for a few hours after, still having some old blood. Other than feeling like I have a mild period I've had no signs. Monday at 41+4 I'll have another session of acupuncture, another sweep, and another fetal assessment and will be put on the induction list since I don't want to go past 42. Trying to stay optimistic and relaxed!
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    Still hanging in there at 40+3. Not much going on other than occasional braxton hicks. I think most of my family and friends have gotten the hint to not ask how I'm doing/when I'm going to go into labor. I was really hoping to go into labor this weekend so I didn't get induced Monday but it doesn't look like that will be happening.
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    @babybluu I had a good cry this morning at 41+2 and was on and off yesterday. So hard to explain how this feels. All the responses will "he'll come when he's ready" "your body is getting ready" "as long as he's here healthy that's all that matters". I recognize all this and I know it's true, but it doesn't make the feeling that my body isn't doing what it's supposed to any easier! Hugs!

    Yeah I posted my 41 weeks update for my friends and family on fb today and I was super positive about it and someone of course has to go "baby will come when she's ready". Like omfg if I hear that again I'm punching everyone in the balls. But seriously. I'm discouraged because I'm not dilated and baby isn't even engaged anymore. I know that doesn't mean much and can change in an instant but idk, I thought I might have some progress. I was tempted to ask for the induction on Monday but I'm just gonna go to my ultrasound after drinking a bunch of water and see if my fluid levels are up. If they're not, I will probably be induced Monday. If they are, I'm just gonna hang in there till Friday when I have to be induced for risking out of my midwifes care.
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    BarrettJ89BarrettJ89 member
    edited January 2016
    Guess I get to join this thread now. 40 weeks even. No baby. Lost part of the mucus plug yesterday. I've been at 1 cm for a month... induction tomorrow!

    Edited to add: Is anyone else having incredibly painful movements from baby? I know she's head down, but through watching my belly and what I'm feeling, it seems like she's doing barrel rolls in there. It hurts so bad, especially wayyyy down low. I don't know how else to describe it!
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    I'm approaching 41 weeks quickly. I would like to let things happen naturally, but I'm suffering some ill-effects with my own health. My left hip, leg, and sciatic nerve are such a mess I can't walk.
    I'd like to deliver as naturally as possible, but I'm concerned that if I go into labor right now, I won't be able to walk during labor. I don't know, though, if I will recover from this pain as long as I'm carrying the baby. I was hardly dilated on Tuesday when I saw the doctor. I saw the chiropractor 4 times last week, and I get momentarily relief, and have tried the TENS unit to, to no avail. The minute I sneeze, or blow my nose, or think about standing up, my hips readjust to the bad position.

    I have another DR appointment on Monday, and I'm going to have a very serious talk with him about whether or not to induce. Again, I don't want to, but I don't know if we have any choice.
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    @BarrettJ89 I'm only 37 + 1 but yes the movements are so painful!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    Lyra was born at 12:15 this morning on 40+6. Water broke about 24 hours before and labor started really slowly but picked up around 7 or 8 pm. My contractions were never terribly consistent so no one besides DH had any confidence that I got to transition. I was checked, told I was 6 cm, and was holding my baby 10-15 minutes later. Intervention free except for breaking my fore bag of water and no stitches. I thought I was dying and screamed some hideous noises for the last 10 minutes. I thought I was pushing against a not nearly fully dilated cervix but I couldn't stop and out she came. :) she's pretty amazing. Good luck to the rest of you!! I'm keeping up good thoughts for you and will check in.
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    jem8407jem8407 member
    edited January 2016
    40+1 now with a NST, AFI, and BPP scheduled for Monday. At appointment Wednesday there had been no change in one month. Dr did a cervical press to stimulate prostaglandins which resulted in some old blood each day. I pumped twice yesterday and collected some colostrum which was pretty neat. I am really hoping we see some change soon. Hoping we all meet our LOs soon.
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    I thought I was going to be joining this thread since I was 39+6 with zero dilation, not effaced and zero contractions or BH. Then out of nowhere (after sex), I had my first set of contractions ever, 4 minutes apart, 1 hour later my water broke, got to the hospital at 1 cm, and within hours was at 10 cm. I post as encouragement that it really can just happen all at once and even when it seems like you haven't made any progress and will inevitably need an induction, don't give up hope!

    Thanks that helps actually! I've been feeling so hopeless that it will happen on its own for me. Baby has 5 more days to get a move on, on her own!

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    mg137 said:

    Lyra was born at 12:15 this morning on 40+6. Water broke about 24 hours before and labor started really slowly but picked up around 7 or 8 pm. My contractions were never terribly consistent so no one besides DH had any confidence that I got to transition. I was checked, told I was 6 cm, and was holding my baby 10-15 minutes later. Intervention free except for breaking my fore bag of water and no stitches. I thought I was dying and screamed some hideous noises for the last 10 minutes. I thought I was pushing against a not nearly fully dilated cervix but I couldn't stop and out she came. :) she's pretty amazing. Good luck to the rest of you!! I'm keeping up good thoughts for you and will check in.

    Congrats! I remember you saying that you wanted to go intervention free, so that's great! Weren't you also concerned about her being small? Can I ask what her weight was?
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    I'm 40+5. I had my first set of contractions last night from 10pm-1am, and I was so hopeful. I decided to get some sleep just in case and everything subsided. I'm PGAL. So, for my entire pregnancy every time I went to the bathroom which was like million times, my biggest fear was seeing spotting. Now it's like why cant I just see something with an equal amount of fear and dread. I really just want to meet my baby safely on the outside. I thought last week was the longest in my life. I was dead wrong. This week has felt like an eternity. My next visit is the the 13th, I'm totally requesting a sweep as at wk 41.1.
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    I'm 40+1 today too (hi @jem8407 !) and I agree with PPs re: baby movements getting painful. Every time I'm getting punched in the cervix I cross my fingers that it will actually result in SOMETHING happening, but I'm still waiting. Definitely appreciate the stories from others whose labor came on relatively unannounced and went smoothly :)
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    40+3 today. I'm not going to lie...hubby & I are getting incredibly discouraged. Been 4cm dilated since the 22nd of December and have had nothing but minor cramping that comes and goes at random and extreme fatigue. I never made it to 40 weeks with my last 2 pregnancies (yes, I'm well aware every pregnancy is different) and now that time is speeding by with no real signs of labor approaching its just discouraging.
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    @babybluu stay positive- I'm thinking of you! I did a lot of walking the few days before!
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    @babybluu stay positive- I'm thinking of you! I did a lot of walking the few days before!

    Thanks girl :) I just know no matter what, this time next week I will either be in labor or will be holding my baby. Hopefully this was my last weekend being pregnant. Congrats to you!
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    Thank you to the ladies who have shared that they didn't have any signs or progress!  I'm 40+2 and haven't lost my plug and as of last week was not dilated at all.  It's been discouraging and hard to remain patient, but I'm hopeful that things can still happen on their own.  :)
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    Anybody have a popping sensation down low? It happens along with pressure and the sharp, lightening pain. I keep thinking it's going to be water breaking, but then nothing. I know baby is really low so attributing to that. It's happened a few times over last few days. Just curious if anybody else has had this....
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