November 2015 Moms

Increasing Nipple Flow

So after LO was born I had to use size 0 nipples for my Avent natural bottles because the 1 was choking him and formula would just pour out of his mouth when he ate because he couldn't keep up. Last night I was feeding him and he kept grunting and squirming and pushing away his bottle only to then suck on his hands and want it again. It definitely wasn't a gas/constipation issue so I figured he finally was getting frustrated with the flow of the 0 nipple.

Today I went back to the size 1 and while he is now content with the flow, he still dribbles ALOT. So much that the front of his onesie is soaked. He's not choking or spitting up so I'm thinking it will just be an adjustment period to the faster flow.

Anyone else go through this? It's almost impossible to get a bib on the boy when he's hungry because he pretty much has hulk strength and refuses to move his hands from his face/mouth. I'm exhausted as is and then have to pry his hands away to get the bottle in his mouth so bib is out-at least at night. And I hate putting him back to bed with a wet onesie in the winter.

Re: Increasing Nipple Flow

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    Maddie dribbles at least a half oz to an oz when she eats. We use Dr. Brown's and have used the Level 2 nipple since the NICU recommended it. We corrected her tongue tie but she still has an upper lip tie, so I attribute the dribble to that. 

    We have a bib on her pretty much all day since she's also a puker. There are bibs that look like bandanas that you could try to keep on your LO all day. Once they get to teething, they drool as much as they dribble now. Living in a bib stopped when Ellie (DD1) was around 9 months. 
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    @JLW0504 I'll have to look for those bibs next time I'm out. Are those safe to keep on during sleep?
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    We still use size 0 for Dr. Brown for same reason. DD2 is a big time spitter, so I've also gotten bandana bibs. I figure if she's always going to be wearing a bib may as well make it a fashion statement lol. I order mine off Etsy and they look like little scarves. Shes worn them a few times while napping, and I didn't feel it was unsafe.
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    edited January 2016
    Awsome, I'll have to try those. I'm hoping after a week or so of using them he will get the hang of it, but I won't hold my breath on that LOL. It is nice having him finish his bottle in under 30 min. My poor arms welcome the relief!
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    I wouldn't leave the bib on over night, but if you're able to check on LO often, I don't see why you couldn't during the day. I never do, but everyone has their preference.
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    That's happened to me twice.  Both times I found that a bit of formula had not been completely dissolved and was stuck in the opening of the nipple.  I just took the nipple cleaning tool from the bottle brush, cleaned out the nipple again and all was good with the slow flow nipple.
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    @VexedMommy I'll have to keep an eye on that. We ended up going back to the size 0 because he was just getting soaked. Seems to be doing well so that might have been the issue.
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