July 2016 Moms

July Mama's Introduce Yourself Here


Re: July Mama's Introduce Yourself Here

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    Hi! I'm Jen! DH and I have been married for 3.5 years and are expecting our second child on July 1st! I was too shy to post on the community during my last pregnancy, and wished I would have, so here I am for round two!
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    Hey I'm Lauren! So excited to be apart of the July moms club! We are due July 18th and have our first ultrasound Wednesday! Excited but nervous, we lost our first baby in May and it's hard not to forget that reality. Trusting that God is in and over every detail of our lives and praying for a strong heartbeat on that monitor! :smile:
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    Hi! I am 37 years old from NJ and we are expecting our 2nd child on July 26th. My DS is 6 years old. I also had a miscarriage in august if 2014. So this is a nail biter! We have been TTC for about 4 years or so. My DS was born 6 weeks early but only stayed in the NICU for 6 days! I am excited and nervous and nauseous! I had my first prenatal visit on 12/7 and we have a strong heartbeat! I wish an easy and stress free pregnancy to us all.
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    Hello everyone! My hubby and I are expecting 07/21/16! We have a 2 year old DS and my my step DD and DS are 8 and 10. Talk about a full house! We also have a dog AND cat and four fish. Can't wait to start meeting more people on this board! Congrats to everyone!
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    Hey ladies! I'm Tiffany. First time Mom and 9 weeks today-- No living children, but one angel baby that we lost in July of this year. Married to my husband for 2+ years (together for roughly 17 years), TTC for 2 years and God-willing we will get to meet this little one in July of 2016! Due 7/12/16 <3
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    BabyM729BabyM729 member
    edited December 2015
    Hello everyone :)
    My name is Amanda and I'm 6 weeks 4 days pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for 15 months with two MMC's. We are very excited, but are also very nervous to get too excited. Taking it one day at a time for now :) I am feeling pretty terrible, I have a lot of morning sickness throughout the day although I've only thrown up a few times. I read somewhere that MS is a sign of a good pregnancy, which is reassuring. Also very tender breasts and exhaustion.

    So happy to have you all on this journey with me! I am a worrywart and so far this board has been so very helpful! I posted a few times under my old username (amarfeo17) but I was silly and included my last name (whoops) so I created a new account :smiley:

    Best wishes to you all for a healthy pregnancy and baby!
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    Hello! I've made the move from the June board, since my doc changed my due date.

    My name is Tori! I'm 22 and this will be my second child with my fiance. We've been together since my junior and his senior years in high school, and have one daughter who turns 2 January 30th. This pregnancy was a bit of a surprise but we 're still very excited!

    Can't wait to talk to you all!
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    Hi, my name is Danielle I am 24 and my husband Jon is 25. We were on a family vacation when we suspected that we were expecting as I was 9 days late. We were shooting for conception in January as my husband is working on a cruse line all summer (we live in Alaska) but baby bee wanted to come to us sooner. I am due about July 30th and we are excited :)
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    Hello everyone! I'm 37 with my 3rd on the way 7/6/15. We have 2 daughters, 17 and 10, so we were surprised to say the least. But very excited!!
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    Hi everyone! My name is Arnela and I am pregnant with my first baby. I live in Rochester NY with my husband, two siberian huskies and a cat. We are super thrilled to be parents (not just to fury babies).
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    Good morning!

    I am 24 and a soon-to-be new mom! Pretty crazy story for me - I had an IUD placed when I was already pregnant and didn't know! A week after getting it put in, something didn't feel right and was told I have a ruptured cyst. After a few days, I took a test. Here I am, 3 weeks later and IUD-free, trying to prepare for this unplanned blessing.

    I am very anxious, scared, and excited. Because of my complicated start, I've had multiple ultrasounds and saw the heartbeat yesterday!

    I am 7 weeks and 2 days... due July 25th! I can't wait to get to know everyone on here and read your stories
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    Hi!  I'm Lindsay and I am expecting #2.  DS is 10 years old and we live in Austin, TX.  Due July 31st!  
    Me: 32
    DH: 41
    DS: 10
    Due July 31st with #2!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    kmorrison2012kmorrison2012 member
    edited December 2015
    Hey everyone! I'm Kayla, I'm 22 and my fiancé is 24. We live near Cleveland, OH. This is our first (and unplanned) child -- I was using NuvaRing --, but we feel so blessed! I'm 9 weeks along tomorrow, and our little one is due July 14!
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    ****TW loss mentioned****

    Hello everyone!  I am 37 and DH is 35.  We have been TTC for almost 3 years.  Last fall we had a MMC at 6 wks so we are very glad to have a heart beat this time at 8 wks!  It's been a long road paved with IUI's and surgery for endometriosis, so this time I hope to be here to stay!  Good luck to everyone and I look forward to getting to know you all!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Hello ladies!

    I'm pregnant with Baby #2, EDD July 18th. DS1 is 11.5 months old (1 year on 19 December). I live in the midwest, was (and am) very active on my DEC14 Bump group. I'm still BFing #1 so I'm interested in all topics related to BFing toddlers/tandem nursing/weaning etc.

    Looking forward to getting to know you ladies!

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Hello everyone,

    My name is Nicole. I'm 27 and husband is 28 (together for 5 years married for 1 year ). We've been talking about having kids, but didn't think it would happen so quickly! This is our first baby. I'm at 8 weeks and had my first appointment this morning. My husband and I were expecting to have an ultrasound today so that we could hear the heartbeat and verify the DD. Unfortunately, I did not receive an ultrasound...talk about disappointment! I'm a little nervous that I didn't receive one. Has anyone else had this happen? I thought the norm was to have one at 8 weeks.

    I look forward to sharing all our experiences!
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    Hi everyone!! I'm Kate and am expecting my first child. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and live in Valparaiso, IN. I have my first ultrasound December 29th and cannot wait! I'm so glad to have somewhere I can talk to other pregnant moms! My husband and I were married in October and I have always wanted kids so we obviously wasted no time having them! Lol
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    Hi Everyone!

    I'm starting a little late to game, though i have been lurking for a while! Anyway, I thought it's about time to introduce myself.
    I'm Kate.
    This baby number 3 for my husband and I
    We have 2 boys already
    We live in New England.
    I have a crazy household consisting of dogs and cats.
    Christmas is my favorite.
    Hope that all sparkles and shines wirh everyone...and hopefully a few of you will get that reference!
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    Hi everyone! My name is Nicole and I am a mommy to my sweet little lady love, Lyla, who is 13 months old. My hubby and I are over the moon that we will be expecting baby #2! We live in Arizona, originally from California. We have one kitty cat named Salty who is a great big sister to Lyla (although Lyla isn't the nicest little sister
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    Hi everyone! DH and I are expecting #2 July 27th. We live and work in the DC area and have one son born Feb 2013. After several losses earlier this year, I am hoping to stick around with you guys until baby arrives!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hi everyone!  

     I am 6w5d due July 31st and just had my second beta so I feel confident enough to add myself to this group/board.  We've been TTC for two years and been doing fertility treatments since the beginning of the year.  We got our first BFP in September and m/c a couple weeks later.  This is our first BFP since then and we are nervous/excited!  Hoping for this one to stick :) 
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    Hey there!
    I'm 19, my husband is 20 and we're expecting our first child on July 13, 2016 after one month on clomid!
    Congrats to all <3
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    obrienamobrienam member
    edited December 2015
    Hello I'm new here! I'm expecting baby #2 July 25th! I have a DD who is 10 months old and is quite an amazing little thing, love her so much and very excited to be sharing our love with another LO soon!
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    So happy to be here! Ftm, 28, in CA. Due July 16th and coundn't be more excited. Dh and I were relieved to see and hear our baby's heartbeat at our first appointment a couple weeks ago. Now just anxiously awaiting our next appointment which is scheduled for Dec. 30th...seems so far away! Congrats to all of you as well!
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    ajareinyajareiny member
    edited December 2015
    Hey moms! I am so excited to join you. We had our first midwives appt today, but have to wait for an ultrasound before nailing down an EDD. My cycles have been bonko, as I'm still nursing our first! My DD is 9 mo now, and already 25 lbs! DH and I are 31, and had a loss last year before our little meatloaf arrived.
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    Hi I'm Mandy! I'm 34 and DH is 32. We got married in August and are expecting our first child 7/21!
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    Hi all! My name is Amanda. We have a 5 year old daughter. For quite awhile I've had issues with ovarian cysts and irregular periods so we didn't think a second baby was in the cards for us. Well, we just found out I'm a little over 8 weeks pregnant and EDD is July 19. Due to some risks I experienced with my first delivery though my doctor won't allow me to go past 38.5 weeks, so EDD is more like July 11 :) Nice to meet you all and I'm excited to be in the July club!!!
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    Hi all! My name is Angie and we are expecting #3 with a due date of 7/11 - this could be a June baby as my first two were 13 and 18 days early! We are very excited to have a summer baby! Our first two were winter and spring and both mine and dh are in the Fall :). Glad to join you all!


    Pregnancy Ticker

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    sbortsbort member
    edited December 2015
    Hi ladies!

    My name is Samantha and I am 23 years old and am from Denver, Colorado. I am 8 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first child.. My boyfriend of 4 years (Cody, 29), and I, had a miscarriage earlier this year in March, so this whole thing is still frightening. I have a mini heart attack every time I feel a cramp.. But everything seems to be healthy and on track this time around. I'm trying to control my excitement.. Any advice is much appreciated. Severe morning sickness has been my biggest issue, but after starting diclegis, it has significantly improved. Thank God!! Due date is July 20! Nice to meet you ladies :)
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    Hi everyone!! I'm Kate and am expecting my first child. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and live in Valparaiso, IN. I have my first ultrasound December 29th and cannot wait! I'm so glad to have somewhere I can talk to other pregnant moms! My husband and I were married in October and I have always wanted kids so we obviously wasted no time having them! Lol

    Oh my goodness Kate you and I have the same day for the first ultrasound :blush:
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    Due July 12th with our first! I already had a confirmation appointment and did blood work, but our first real appointment isn't until January 4th (13 weeks), and apparently we won't even get an ultrasound then. 
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    I'm 29 and due July 20th with my first, that makes me almost 9wks. I have had an ultrasound and saw the heartbeat but I'm still in disbelief and am scared to death about all the bad things that could happen between now and 40wks! DH and I are planning to announce to the fam over Christmas.
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    Hi everyone, I am 24 and my husband is also 24, we live in Washington DC and we are expecting our first! We have been married since 7/27/13. Both of us are super excited!
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    Sarah here from California. 1st baby. Due July 22. I have two cats and a boxer.
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    Hi everybody! Just found out on Friday I'm expecting my 2nd baby and I'm so excited (and shocked) lol. Hoping to do things differently with this pregnancy/labor/delivery now that I have a better idea of what is best for me and baby. First appointment is next month and I can't wait!
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    Morning ladies!

    I am completely new here. I'm 27 will be 28 in January; my fiancé and I are expecting our second child together and we are so excited. We have a 6 year old daughter who is excited for a brother/sister; EDD is 7/21!

    Anyone else excited to find out what they are having? I believe I'll find out around Valentine's Day.

    Nice to meet everyone!
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    On the 22nd page already. Wow!

    STM and due July 22nd. Found out about this surprise pregnancy exactly a month before H's scheduled vasectomy consultation. He was thrilled immediately and while I am still prone to moments of freaking out, I'm also excited to give our child a sibling. And plus also squishy baby! :)
    "The cleaning, the scrubbing will wait til tomorrow,
    For children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
    So, quiet down cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
    I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."
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    Hello! 35 STM from Seattle with EDD July 27th. First child will be 6 when child number 2 comes along. First U/S not scheduled until January 6th, so waiting patiently and hopefully until then :-)
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    Hello! 22 here from Virginia. Excited to expect our first July 27th. Fiance and I found out Nov 14th!
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    Hi all. I'm 41 and DH is 38. This will be our first baby who came as a complete surprise to us. We weren't trying but of course we weren't being extremely careful either. I'm 11 weeks today. Due date is July 6. Congratulations to everyone! I hope all of your pregnancies go smoothly.
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