August 2016 Moms

Sunday Check In

How far along are you?

How are you feeling?

Doing anything baby related today?

Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:


GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year).
Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!

Re: Sunday Check In

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    How far along are you? 5W1D

    How are you feeling? Slightly better, but the nausea still hits me periodically throughout the day. Also, I'm very tired but for some reason not sleeping well.

    Doing anything baby related today? Not that we've got planned. DH told me he's looking forward to picking out "cool baby gear" so if we go Christmas shopping, we might venture into a baby store.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: DH has worked late all weekend and it sucks, but I try to be positive because he hates it too. On the positive, I've reached 84.2% chance of not miscarrying today, which is good! Sending us all positive vibes for sticky, healthy little babes.

    Questions? Nope.

    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year).
    Hmmm... DH's family reads the Christmas story together every Christmas eve; they pass around the Bible, and everyone who's old enough to read gets to read part of it. I think that's really nice.

    But I also really like cosmic bowling on new year's, on a less serious note. :wink:
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    Elm1214Elm1214 member
    edited December 2015
    How far along are you? 5w2d 

    How are you feeling? Still pretty good. Tired but not as exhausted, I've had a few small waves of nausea but not too bad. 

    Doing anything baby related today? Thinking of names a lot this morning. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I'm getting nervous for my first ultrasound, and it's still 10 days away. Really anxious to know everything is going ok so far. 

     Questions? Have any STMs had the Panorama/Harmony/etc genetic testing done? Do you still have an ultrasound with it? I've had NT scans in the past, but checking into whether my insurance covers the blood tests. I like to have an ultrasound at the end of first tri for peace of mind. 

     GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). Christmas morning, even though this LO won't really know what's going on the first year!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    How far along are you? 5W 4D

    How are you feeling? Cranky

    Doing anything baby related today?  Prenatal yoga

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  I didn't sleep well, DH woke me up last night and the dogs this morning so I'm mad at all of them lol

    Questions?  none today.

    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year).  Christmas Eve!  Reading stories the night before and opening one present.
    Me: 31
    DH: 35
    Married: August 2009
    TTC#1: June 2015

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    How far along are you? 5+3

    How are you feeling? Great. Had my first lightening cramp last night when I sneezed. I had forgot about those

    Doing anything baby related today? Nothing today. We are kind of waiting to find out the sex before nesting can begin. We already have a 10 month old daughter.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: harmony tests are still not covered in province I live in so we will have to pay $1,000 out of pocket if we want


    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year).we vacation with my family (this year is Hawaii) we decided years ago that we would rather send time together than have presents.
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    Elm1214 said:

    How far along are you? 5w2d 

    How are you feeling? Still pretty good. Tired but not as exhausted, I've had a few small waves of nausea but not too bad. 

    Doing anything baby related today? Thinking of names a lot this morning. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I'm getting nervous for my first ultrasound, and it's still 10 days away. Really anxious to know everything is going ok so far. 

     Questions? Have any STMs had the Panorama/Harmony/etc genetic testing done? Do you still have an ultrasound with it? I've had NT scans in the past, but checking into whether my insurance covers the blood tests. I like to have an ultrasound at the end of first tri for peace of mind. 

     GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). Christmas morning, even though this LO won't really know what's going on the first year!
    I did harmony last year with my first.its part of first trimester screen. Where I live you get the ultrasound and a non genetic blood test and if you are considered high risk you then get harmony. We paid out of pocket for test (Canada) but it's one of the only things that's not covered in Canada
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    How far along are you? see ticker

    ElizabethM30  the cramp when sneezing is not fun

    Doing anything baby related today? I've been looking at names a little

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: My dr. still hasn't gotten back to me about my first appointment, which is annoying me. We really want to tell our parents at Christmas and I'd like to hear from the doc that everything looks good first!

    Questions? Has anyone had to switch docs along the way? We're moving to a different state next year, so although I know my doc here is great and is affiliated with a great hospital, I'll have to find a different doc when we move, which will likely be in June--pretty close to d-day! I'm hoping my doc can refer me to someone, and now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure she went to med school in the city where we are moving, so she probably still knows people there. That makes me feel better :)

    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). I love decorating the Christmas tree while Christmas music is playing...and baking Christmas cookies!

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    How far along are you? 5+5

    How are you feeling? Great.... Been encountering the lightening cramps and very sore and growing boobies.

    Doing anything baby related today?no. But we are taking our 5 almost 6 year old for Santa pics. Maybe go glance at baby stuff while we are at the mall

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: always positive vibes for all ladies

    Questions? Has anyone done the CVS testing?

    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year).
    The kids decorating the tree together and making Santa some cookies...
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    How far along are you? 5wks 2days How are you feeling? Pretty good today! Doing anything baby related today? Actually I have not! Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: so hard to not buy things. I told hubby I wouldn't til after the heartbeat! But all these sales going on, it's so hard!! Questions? Not today! GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). Going home to my parents, my mom is my best friend, and I just look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas there. This is the first grandchild on my side, so my parents are extatic!!
    TTC Since 2010
    Lots of Failed Medicated Cycles
    3 Failed IUI's 2015
    1st IVF November 2015
    ER- 11/9, Transfer 11/16
    BFP 11/24 Beta#1 78  Beta#2 286, US 12/4
    EDD UPDATED: 7/28/16
    12/11/15- U/S saw 1st HB- 6wks
    12/2315- U/S measuring 8 weeks, released from RE !  
    1/5/2016-  U/S measuring 10 wks/5 days, heard the heartbeat! 
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    How far along are you? I think I'm about 5 weeks.  Dr. might have something different to say.

    How are you feeling?   Absolutely fine . No pregnancy symptoms at all, which is freaking me out.  I keep Googling it to make sure it's ok.

    Doing anything baby related today? Looking at names (DH and I can't agree on any of them)

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  Positive vibes :)

    Questions?  Not right now.

    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). Decorating the tree together!
    TTC #1 since June 2015
    BFP #1 Nov 2015 ended in MC Dec 26 2015
    BFP #2 Feb 2016, EDD Nov 8 2016

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    How far along are you?
    I calculated 4W 4D

    How are you feeling?
    Tired today, also some sharp pains in my uterus, which I'm guessing that is what you ladies are talking about when you say lightening cramps? Anyway, my SIL is a nurse and had told me it's my uterus stretching. This is my first baby and I feel so clueless about everything! Haha

    Doing anything baby related today?
    Nope, just resting:)

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    Sending love and positive vibes to all of you ladies!

    I can't think of any right this second!

    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year).
    On Christmas Eve my in laws let everyone in the family open a present, which are always pajamas, and we all wear them that night and the next morning! :)

    Hope everyone is having a happy Sunday!
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    How far along are you? 4 weeks today

    How are you feeling? Tired and bloated

    Doing anything baby related today? Nope.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: My husband has either food poisoning or the flu and my 2 year old has a cold and now a fever. I'm so tired!

    Questions? Nope.

    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). I'm excited for Christmas morning with 2 kids.
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    How far along are you? 4w6d

    How are you feeling? Exhausted. Like, all the time. Which isn't that unusual since I was super tired during my first pregnancy too. I'm also super bloated which I don't remember, but I've also lost almost 30lbs between when I got pregnant with DS and this one so I guess last time I was bloated and just thought I was fat, lol.

    Doing anything baby related today? I bought some cute burlap banner making stuff to keep track of my bump growing. And I did some prenatal yoga.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: H&H vibes to everyone...I still don't really feel connected to this one yet but I think it's just too early. I feel guilty about that but I also know I can't force a connection and I know that it will come. :)


    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). I can't wait (starting this year with DS) to have my LOs listen to my daddy read "Twas The Night Before Christmas" on the years we spend the holiday with them. It's my favorite part!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @ashleybaker712   That sucks that everybody is sick!  Maybe they will all stay in bed and let you get some rest.  It could happen, right?
    TTC #1 since June 2015
    BFP #1 Nov 2015 ended in MC Dec 26 2015
    BFP #2 Feb 2016, EDD Nov 8 2016

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    @BooksForMe23 haha! So far it hadn't happened but you never know. While on a prescription run, I got some Peppermint Bark; chocolate makes everything better.
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    How far along are you? 4w4d

    How are you feeling? Thought morning sickness was starting early this time around but it's actually a stomach bug :frowning: pregnancy related, sore boobs and completely exhausted.

    Doing anything baby related today? No I've basically been bed bound all day.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I feel a little better tonight but DH is sick now, I'm just hoping DS doesn't get it too! @ashleybaker712 I feel your pain!!


    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). I love watching Christmas movies and reading Christmas books to DS and I can't wait to add this LO to that tradition

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    @cait5413 My husband and I are moving across the country this coming January/February. So that's nowhere near my due date, but I'm still in kind of the same boat as you. 

    How far along are you? Today, I'm 4w4d.

    How are you feeling? Better than yesterday! My headache is finally gone, but my breasts are still super sore and it's getting annoying. Today I had my first real bout of weird pregnancy hormones affecting my emotions. I cried for almost an hour about something that wasn't even related to what was happening.

    Doing anything baby-related today? My husband and I discussed baby names for a boy, but made no decisions. We're going to wait until we know the sex before we decide on names.

    Rant/Rave/Positive vibes: Just positive vibes to everyone!

    Questions? Nope.

    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). On Christmas day, my mom would always hide a final present somewhere in our living room. I would literally always forget she did this, so it was always a surprise when she would look at me, smiling, and say, "I think you have one more." And then I would hunt for it. I'm definitely going to do this for my child(ren).
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    How far along are you? 5W 5D

    How are you feeling? Currently having "evening sickness". I haven't actually had "morning sickness" at all, today's the very first day I've legitimately felt like I was going to throw up. :/

    Doing anything baby related today? 
    Not related to my baby, but visited my friend's fresh 1-week old baby. 

    Questions? nope.

    GTKY - Tell us your favorite holiday tradition that you look forward to sharing with LO (whichever holiday you want, any time of year). 
    Honestly, hubby & I don't really have any "traditions", so to speak. I guess the closest thing we have to a tradition is having Friends-giving with our close friends the day after Thanksgiving. Hubby's BFF and his wife (who live down the street from us) are due in June 2016, so next year there will be two littles at the table. That's pretty exciting. 
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