January 2016 Moms

Inducing labor early

My baby's been measuring small, but growing consistently. I'm up to doing two biophysical ultrasounds a week and before they said their goal was to get me to 37 weeks before needing to induce me. Now today they said their goal is 34 (I'm 33 weeks tomorrow) weeks. But they're also saying everything is fine and she'll just be small. I don't know what to think and I know I'm not ready for the baby in a week... And I don't want my baby to be in the nicu either. I already have anxiety and high stress and it's skyrocketing. How healthy will she be at 34 weeks??

Re: Inducing labor early

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    @kwentela thank you!! I needed to hear that. Do you think by goal they meant they wouldn't try to stop it if it happened?? I mean I haven't even had BH contractions yet so I feel like my body won't be ready (at least on its own) in a week.
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    I would kinda assume by them saying goal of 34 weeks and knowing they are doing twice weekly biophysical profiles that they more mean if something showed up on the ultrasound that made them concerned, that if you're at least 34 weeks they would consider having you deliver then. But definitely you should ask your doctor about that so you know what the plan is! Just so you know I'm sorta in the same boat that I will most likely deliver between 34-37 weeks. I was admitted to the hospital for 48 hours when I was 33 weeks for preterm contractions and elevated blood pressure, they both basically resolved but they gave me 2 doses of steroids for baby's lungs just in case baby wants to come early and they plan on inducing me right at 37 weeks so long as baby doesn't come before then. I have my fingers crossed for you that your little girl keeps doing so well and that you can make it to that 37 week mark!
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    @kwentela thanks you too! How far are you now?
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    34w5d, just over 2 weeks until induction! Nerve wrecking! Let us know how things keep going!
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    My son was born at 32w2d and did very well. He was in the NICU until 37 weeks and now at 21 months shows no sign of his prematurity.

    Definitely talk to your doctor to clarify their goals. Do they want to possibly induce 34 weeks or will they just not stop labor if you get to 34 weeks? A baby delivered at 34 weeks will need to be in the NICU for at least a short period of time. But regardless of when your baby is born, if a NICU stay is warranted that is the best possible place for your baby. As hard as it is to think about it, try to look on the bright side. A NICU stay means that you'll have extra help getting used to caring for a newborn, especially a tiny one. You'll have more access to lactation consultants in the hospital.

    Best wiahes.
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    My baby girl came at 34w2d . I had steroid shots; her lungs are very strong . We're just working on learning to suckle a little better. She is a week old today. Overall she had way less issues than they expected for her to be delivered at her gestational age . Hopefully we'll be going home in the next few days .
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    I'm kind of in a similar situation with a little guy. I'm curious why they are talking about inducing you so early if baby is growing on a consistent (though small) curve? Is your fluid low? Are your umbilical/ placental Doppler readings poor? Is baby showing signs of distress? If I wind up in your boat I would have a serious talk about why they want baby induced early- especially before 37 weeks if it comes to that. I am not telling you to ignore your dr, but ask questions because maybe more is going on? My baby had slightly elevated dopplers (placental) at one u/s and then they were fine the following week. If everything stays fine and he is continuing to grow on his own curve I would seriously question before letting my dr induce at all. Because I feel like everything in that situation just points to a healthy small baby. How accurate was your initial dating? One thought I have to wonder is when baby is measuring small but no other indicators are present couldn't it be possible the due date is wrong? Then if you induce early and baby is actually younger than originally thought you are inducing and even earlier premie. We don't have to just take everything our Drs recommend and go with it and I think inducing early is something that should have a full in depth conversation about why, risks of induction, risks of staying pregnant, etc. if it is truly indicated and what is best for you and your baby then go for it and all signs point to your baby doing great overall especially by this point, however I also feel that unless it is truly indicated it is best to let baby cook as long as possible- for both mom and baby. It allows baby to develop and grow as much as possible and it allows your body to prepare for labor. Just my two cents based on what your initial post says.
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    Recently a basketball players girlfriend had twins at 24 weeks. They twins were small but mom and babies are doing great. So you're due to have your little one at 34 weeks, a whole 10 weeks of baking in your oven. Hope this puts your mind at ease!
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    My twins came at 35+1, spent 3 easy days in the NICU, and now, at almost 20 months, are perfect and smart and developmentally on track or ahead in every area. They're still on the small side but not strikingly so and DH and I are on the smaller side too so who knows if they'd be any bigger even if they were born full term. Prematurity can make breastfeeding a challenge so if that's important to you, make sure you have a lactation consultant. We made it until 15 months but the first month was hard and our consultant was a huge help.

    If you're concerned or confused, call your doctor office and tell them you'd like to speak to someone because you have questions. Write down your questions ahead of time so you don't forget anything.

    Good luck!!
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    Thank you all for your suggestions and stories! You've all helped a ton. Much appreciated:)
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    Recently a basketball players girlfriend had twins at 24 weeks. They twins were small but mom and babies are doing great. So you're due to have your little one at 34 weeks, a whole 10 weeks of baking in your oven. Hope this puts your mind at ease!

    24 weeks is just past the point of what most hospitals consider as viability. About half of the Babies born at this age don't survive, a small amount make it to adulthood with no disabilities.
    I just don't want people to think that babies born at 24 weeks are all doing great. It's a massive struggle.
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