Baby Names

Girl Name Poll

lm45678lm45678 member
edited November 2015 in Baby Names
Which is your favorite and why?
Me (31) & DH (32)
Married 9/27/2014
DD Born 6/23/16
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20

Girl Name Poll 163 votes

Ava Jane
12% 20 votes
Avery Jane
9% 16 votes
Amelia Jane
39% 64 votes
Sarah Jane
11% 18 votes
Savannah Jane
13% 22 votes
Logan Jane
0% 1 vote
Hannah Jane
10% 17 votes
Ashley Jane
3% 5 votes

Re: Girl Name Poll

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    I voted Amelia, but also like Ava and Hannah.

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    Amelia Jane, it's fairly classic but doesn't feel dated, and has been popular enough throughout the last decade that in 20 years no one will be like "Amelia? Must have been born in 2015."
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    Voted Savannah. Prefer Hannah but the other flows better with Jane.
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    Amelia is beautiful and got my vote. Hannah and Ava are also nice, but maybe a bit more popular. Sarah is ok. But Logan on a girl? No..
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    I really love Avery, Savannah and Logan. Good names!!
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    Amelia Jane is very sweet. 

    Savannah, Sarah and Ashley are all dated to me. Avery and Logan are 100% masculine. Ava and Hannah are pretty, but very popular. (Especially Ava, but Hannah is close behind). 
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    @holocene that's so interesting that you think Savannah is dated! I never would have guessed that!
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    ElRuby said:

    Logan is not a girl's name.

    I know, I know I just can't help that I love it on a girl and so does DH.

    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    I know two girls named Logan actually, one is my own age and one goes to pre-k with DS. I almost voted for it but Amelia is just so pretty.
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    Amelia Jane is my mom's name too. Lovely, though I'd never consider using it.
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    @laurenm2123 - Sorry! (I know names are so personal) I do find it a bit dated, but not in like an 80-90's sense, but more of a early 2000's theme? It's probably because I have a half sister born in 2000, who has about 4 friends named Savannah. 
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    Sarah Jane is my favorite Because that's my name! I also love Hannah Jane. We are using Hannah Grace after my sister, but we considered Jane.
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    Ava Jane - Too trendy.
    Avery Jane - Too trendy.
    Amelia Jane - Cute. But Amelia is getting popular.
    Sarah Jane - Too "Sarah Plain and Tall" for me.
    Savannah Jane - Oooh.  I like the flow.  This is lovely.
    Logan Jane - This is a boy's name.
    Hannah Jane - Sweet.  Unassuming.  Not a particularly strong name.
    Ashley Jane - Ashley Madison tainted all future use of Ashley for me.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Married: October 23, 2010

    DS: 8/7/2013

    #2 EDD: 6/29/2016, C Section: 6/22/2016

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    Ava Jane - Too trendy.
    Avery Jane - Too trendy.
    Amelia Jane - Cute. But Amelia is getting popular.
    Sarah Jane - Too "Sarah Plain and Tall" for me.
    Savannah Jane - Oooh.  I like the flow.  This is lovely.
    Logan Jane - This is a boy's name.
    Hannah Jane - Sweet.  Unassuming.  Not a particularly strong name.
    Ashley Jane - Ashley Madison tainted all future use of Ashley for me.

    HAHAHA I loved reading this. DH and I both really love Savannah... If this LO is a boy he will be William and I'm not sure I like the sibset of William and Savannah.
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    I haven't seen Amelia on any of the baby lists/discussion boards I've looked at but I really like it! It's so sweet and unexpected
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    It's a tie for me between Ava and Amelia. I love both.
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    Love Ava Jane or Amelia Jane!! the others are NMS.
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    Amelia Jane is my 2.5yo's name. :)

    Runner up is Hannah Jane, as that was also on our list.
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    Thanks guys! :)
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    Love Hannah. It's classic and not overly popular. It also doesn't seem time-stamped to me. Savannah is very pretty to but very popular in my area (the Deep South).
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    Savannah the nickname Savi
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    Hannah Jane.  I've always just liked  the name Hannah, and it's cute with Jane. 

    Married since August 2012

    Baby #1 ~ DS ~ May 2014

    Baby #2 ~ Due April 2016

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    I voted Ashley Jane, I haven't heard the name Ashley on a little one in a while. Ava, Avery and Amelia are too popular to me. Savannah Jane is my sis in laws dogs name and Hannah too much of a nn.
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