January 2016 Moms

WTF Wednesday

Let it out here!
Married 2006
DS1 2010
DS2 2013
DD1 2016

Re: WTF Wednesday

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    WTF is up with my belly! Anyone else have muscle pain. I really only feel it when I move, or when baby pushes in certain spots. Gah.
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    WTF to baby. Went to my ultrasound. She would not cooperate at all. She didn't want to move even though I ate and had something cold to drink. Nope, just not having it at all! She is my child for sure! She is usually up during the night.
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    My big WTF goes to nap time. Why is it that on a normal day my son will sleep for 2.5-3.5 hours but on a day when I need to gather things done, nope, no naps in our house!!! Grrr! So no nap means doing my Thanksgiving cooking with a cranky toddler clinging to me. Fortunately my husband will be home in a couple of hours.
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    WTF is up with this pregnancy insomnia?! Hit me like a train two nights ago. Probably have a combined 7 hours on board over the course of two nights. And of course DD has simultaneously decided she's done with naps. Kind of hoping for a food coma tomorrow. ;)
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    @Emott13  I hear you!  I feel like I haven't slept at all for the past week.  I'm up every couple of hours to pee or get a drink of water (for some reason I'm super dehydrated while sleeping lately) and then once I'm done with that I can't fall back to sleep!  Last night, my brain thought a good time for me to reevaluate my entire life/career goals in painstaking detail would be 4:45 am.  I am SO TIRED.
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    WTF IS UP WITH MY DOGS. They're 1. They're potty trained. But I've woken up to pee spots or poop every fricken day all week. Are they mad at me? Are they just assholes? I do not understand!!!

    Also wtf at my work for scheduling me 10 am - 11 pm on Black Friday. Um being on my feet for that long makes me want to kill someone and also cry, I need to shop, and really who wants to be at Red Robin that effing long. No one. Can't wait for January when I can start maternity leave.
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    WTF with this weather.  The weather man is a lying liar who lies out his lying lie-hole.  It was supposed to be cold, but sunny today and start snowing tomorrow.  So why am I sitting here watching snowflakes drift passed my window? 

    And I swear I'll stop complaining about MIL soon, but WTF lady?  Found out this morning through a text, the whole 20ish minutes she was here being a pain and holding/hugging my 13 month old, she was sick.  She was diagnosed with strep throat this morning.  She KNEW she was sick before she came over!  Clearly, murder is the only answer.

    WTF toddler?  I really, really needed rest, so getting to sleep until 10am was nice, but how about a heads up next time.  It's a special kind of terror to roll over and see that it's 2 hours later than your kid usually wakes up, but you haven't heard a peep.  ::bragplaint::

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    Wtf to my grandma.
    I came to my moms house to use her internet, when I got here my grandma was asleep so I didn't bother her.
    10 mins later she called her sister and then proceeded to talk crap about the entire family....
    This is awkward
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    MrsB915 said:

    My big WTF goes to nap time. Why is it that on a normal day my son will sleep for 2.5-3.5 hours but on a day when I need to gather things done, nope, no naps in our house!!! Grrr! So no nap means doing my Thanksgiving cooking with a cranky toddler clinging to me. Fortunately my husband will be home in a couple of hours.

    Ugh I feel you! My 20 month old played and fussed for about 45 minutes in his crib (I had started doing something I couldn't stop, so I left him in there) and then he only slept for like an hour, when he usually sleeps for 3! At least I got 2 of my 3 pies baked, the 3rd will have to wait until tomorrow morning.
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    babybluubabybluu member
    edited November 2015
    Wtf stomach. If I get food poisoning one more time I might scream. I've seriously thrown up 3 times in the last 9 weeks after going to different restaurants. And it only happens when I go out to eat. My stomach is way too sensitive these days. I used to never throw up. Now I have busted blood vessels all over my face.

    ETA: so thankful my morning sickness only made it to where I couldn't eat and I wasn't vomiting 5 times a day. I just feel like I can't trust anyone but myself to make my food anymore.
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    My WTF is to Canada Post. My entire stash of prefold diapers was supposed to be delivered today. I've been waiting all day and nothing. I guarantee when my DH gets home and checks the mail there will be a delivery attempt notice even though no one knocked or rang the bell. I want my diapers dammit!!!!
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    WTF with nesting. Hubby and I have spent the last 2 days completely rearranging the living room, so my back is aching and I think I'm less happy with it now than before we started. We have a small apartment and too much furniture for it, and too many limitations for where furniture can go (based on vents, sockets, doors, etc) and though we've created more storage space the room just feels really cluttered now. So now I just feel super grumpy. 

    On the bright side, hubby is awesome, has done loads of heavy lifting after work both days to accommodate my desire to change things round. 
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    WTF contractions?! Definitely gotten past the "crampy" contractions to the "Holy shit, my crotch hurts, Ok everything hurts" kind. Good times... and we get to clean the entire house tonight because (WTF) SO hasn't helped at all the last week when I've been begging him to. Now that everyone is coming to our house for Thanksgiving, including his father (shoot me now), he wants it clean... but he's always too tired. Well Bucko, I'm tired and having major contractions. I shall point and you shall clean!
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    @BarrettJ89 : "I shall point and you shall clean": YESSSS!!!! ;-)
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