Baby Names

Boy name poll

DobbysSockDobbysSock member
edited November 2015 in Baby Names
DD is Norah. If we have a girl she'll be Isla Joan.

We do family middle names, our MN options for this pregnancy are: Curtis, Spencer, David, Paul, or Anthony (I prefer Curtis or Spencer based on the people this would honour, but open to the others if flow is better). If you want to comment which choice you voted for and which middle name you would use with it that would be great! Also open to other first name suggestions. We won't be using any of the middle name choices as first names as we like the first name to be unique to the child, and the middle name to honour someone we love.

Boy name poll 117 votes

18% 22 votes
15% 18 votes
Harrison (might be out as a family member is considering using it for their son due in Dec.)
11% 14 votes
25% 30 votes
27% 32 votes
None/other suggestion below
0% 1 vote

Re: Boy name poll

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    Roman is a favorite so it got my vote that being said none are bad. Since you would prefer to honor Spencer or Curtis I think Spencer flows better with Roman. I also think Miles Curtis is a nice option.

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    I vote Miles Curtis.
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    Miles Curtis love miles
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    Calvin Spencer

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

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    Miles Anthony
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
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    1. Roman Spencer

    2. Miles Curtis 
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    I love Miles. Miles Spencer would be my choice, but Curtis also works.
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    Miles Anthony



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    Sorry for my post and run! Just got off a set of 12 hour shifts so haven't had a chance to get on here til now. Thanks everyone! I'm happy to see Roman has gotten a few votes - I really love it but worried it was weird or out there, so I'm glad it's getting a little love! Is there anyone that would side eye that name? Or those who didn't vote for it, is it just not your style?

    Miles has always been my top, but DH wanted to spell it Myles. He JUST came around to the correct spelling so I'm treading lightly hoping he'll get fully on board. I think his other favourite is Roman, so we'll see!
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    I like Roman Spencer, but I think all of your names are great.
    *Siggy Warning*
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    I like Miles the best, and would pick Spencer as the middle, I think.

    A friend of mine has a son named Calvin and I really like that one too.

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    Miles Spencer.... I really love both names.

    I think this is especially hilarious because my cousin's name is Spen.cer Mi.les and his daughter is Isla.
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    Miles or Harrison. 
    I don't like Roman but I do like Rowan, which is somewhat similar!

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    Also really love your girls' names, Eleanora (nn Nora) and Isla are my favorite girl names.

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    Miles or Harrison. 
    I don't like Roman but I do like Rowan, which is somewhat similar!

    ***Stuck in quote box***

    Rowan is actually my all time favourite boy name, but DH vetoed. Roman was my compromise suggestion and DH loved it
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    Also really love your girls' names, Eleanora (nn Nora) and Isla are my favorite girl names.
    Thanks! We get compliments on Norah's name all the time. We didn't love the longer version Eleanor so decided to just go with Norah, as we knew we'd exclusively call her that anyways. Shortly after she was born though a friend of a friend had a daughter and named her Eleanora and I had a moment of wishing we had used that version, I think it is so beautiful! Ultimately though I'm still happy we went with just Norah as it is somewhat in homage to my mother, whereas Eleanora wouldn't have worked as a name to honour my mom, so Norah feels a bit more special.
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    Calvin Spencer.
    It's a boy! Born 42 weeks, 2 days.
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