Working Moms

Sorta crunchy FTM looking for daycares in tiny towns

Okay so I'll be a FTM and be bring our baby to daycare when they're almost not quite 3 months. We plan on cloth diapering, breastfeeding, attachment parenting, and BLW, also we plan on not using a crib after they're out of the bassinet. So I am wondering how I find a daycare in such a small town ( I live in a town of 100, I work in a town of 900) that will meet our needs without sounding overbearing. I know there probably need to be some compromise but there's just some I'm just not willing to compromise with. Cloth diapering being one of them and of course breastfeeding. Baby led weaning is really important to us it really all is but I just I'm at a loss of what to do I feel like I'm asking a lot here with not having so much around us. what should I do?

Re: Sorta crunchy FTM looking for daycares in tiny towns

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    Can you look at some in-home daycares around your area?  That might be a better fit than a traditional daycare setting.
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    NLewis1NLewis1 member
    edited November 2015
    Most daycares don't have any issues warming up pumped breast milk. Also, baby led weaning shouldn't be an issue, just bring what you want your baby to eat and it should be fine, I just wouldn't send any "new" food items to daycare - make sure baby has eaten it with you doing the feeding first. The only issue I see with daycare (in home or center) is you will likely be hard pressed to find one that allows cloth diapers due to sanitation issues - when you have multiple children it just isn't feasible.

    I would personally look into a nanny if using disposables at daycare and cloth at home is something you aren't willing to do
    Mrs. H
    Crohn's Dx: August 2008
    Endometriosis Dx: May 2010
    Married: 05/19/2012
    TTC #1: June 2013
    BFP: December 2013
    DS: Born 08/29/2014
    TTC #2: July 2015

    BFP #2: September 25, 2015

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    If you feel very strongly about these things then a nanny will be your best bet. I live in a town much larger than yours in an area of the country that is very crunchy and could not get all the things on your list. The feeding things should not be a problem, but even at my super crunchy daycare where they grow their own organic food they would not cloth diaper. The state health regulations make it very difficult to do it legally with that many kids. Also the attachment parenting thing is tough because a daycare is going to have a way they do things and can't make up different rules for different kids. It's just not realistic. I think you need a nanny or figure out where you can compromise and start looking at what day cares in your area can provide. I would not go in making demands. It is hard enough to find a place that has all the basic things and you feel great about the person. If you limit yourself too much you could be missing out on a great provider just because they won't cater everything to your style of parenting and as a FTM I actually learned a lot from my first DCP by having an open mind to someone who has been doing it for 40 years.
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    I agree with looking for an in home daycare. I use one and I did the attachment parenting - bed sharing and baby lead weaning. However, with most licensed daycares, babies cannot sleep in beds. Under a year at a center they use cribs and for in homes, they use pack n plays. Since my daughter was six months, I found a great in home daycare provider. Her parenting style is similar to mine. I never had to supply food other than formula (I supplemented before mine started strictly using it) and she made all the kids food/snacks. You just have to really research, tour and interview daycares until you find the one one that closely meets your needs if not all. 
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    Do you have a Goddard School nearby? They allowed us to cloth diaper DD1.
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