November 2015 Moms

The Official Labor Watch Thread(L&D questions, concerns, and announcements)


Re: The Official Labor Watch Thread(L&D questions, concerns, and announcements)

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    Gotta love the bump for not posting the rest of my post! Is anyone else experiencing extreme pelvic discomfort? It feels like I pulled a muscle on the whole right side of my groin/ bagina :) I've been dealing with it for a few weeks now. My OB says it's due to her being so low, but goodness this is painful. Every time I move my right leg I'm in pretty severe pain, I might have had a pity party this morning and shed a few tears while soaking in the tub lol. I'm under strict orders from DH to only go on short dog walks and sit on my butt and watch TV... yes sir! haha! When people were talking about the discomfort you experience in the third tri, I didn't know they were talking about such pain! I have a feeling she will come this week, I hope I'm right! 

    Saaaaaame. Mine just started a couple days ago. It feels like I did a million squats. Bah. Hopefully it's a good sign!

    Thiiiis is what I'm feeling! Lol, without the working out part!
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    I was just at lunch with my momma and all of the sudden I had this overwhelming squeezing in my abdomen (upper) and it felt hard to breathe and the room felt 100 degrees for like a minute or so. Is this what a contraction feels like?! Cause it was terrible and DH just keeps watching football with like no concerns. I've been having pelvic pressure too and teeny tiny cramping. . .
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    kestes946 said:

    Induction question for those who've had previous inductions with out water being broken first.. Did you end up having to have a c section due to no progress of cervix or effacement? If so, how long did you labor before having to get a c section or even if you didn't! TIA..

    Not my personal experience, but one of my best friends just had her baby 3 weeks ago and this happened to her. She was 10 days past due date, so she was induced because they were concerned about the baby's size. She was on pitocin for 14 hours and nothing progressed, she only dilated a half a centimeter, and baby's heart rate was dropping, so they did a c section. Baby only ended up weighing 6lbs. 2oz...
    Edit: forgot to add her water broke a couple hours before the c section.

    Oh man, that sounds so exhausting and frustrating!! I'm about 2cm dilated as of last Tuesday and I go in to be induced on Tuesday. This is my 3rd and I'm hoping my body will know what to do. Baby's head is already low.
    Thanks for replying!
    My DH and I are expecting our first child! A boy.. we're thrilled :) BabyFruit Ticker BabyName Ticker Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @Gwennies it sounds like a Braxton hicks contraction. If you get more of them and they become more intense and or painful then I would call your doctor, but if you've only had one then it's most likely just your body preparing you for the real deal. Good luck though!
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    Really debating on going to l&d ive been contracting on and off since 11:30/noon ish drank water are just got out the shower and still contracting but my fear is being sent back home or the hospital keeping me and trying to induce
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    kestes946 said:

    kestes946 said:

    Induction question for those who've had previous inductions with out water being broken first.. Did you end up having to have a c section due to no progress of cervix or effacement? If so, how long did you labor before having to get a c section or even if you didn't! TIA..

    Not my personal experience, but one of my best friends just had her baby 3 weeks ago and this happened to her. She was 10 days past due date, so she was induced because they were concerned about the baby's size. She was on pitocin for 14 hours and nothing progressed, she only dilated a half a centimeter, and baby's heart rate was dropping, so they did a c section. Baby only ended up weighing 6lbs. 2oz...
    Edit: forgot to add her water broke a couple hours before the c section.

    Oh man, that sounds so exhausting and frustrating!! I'm about 2cm dilated as of last Tuesday and I go in to be induced on Tuesday. This is my 3rd and I'm hoping my body will know what to do. Baby's head is already low.
    Thanks for replying!
    If it makes you feel better, she said she felt like she could have gone longer with the pitocin. Like she wasnt at the point of exhaustion yet! Good luck! You can do it! :)
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    I am 3 days away from my due date and I am now officially fed up and uncomfortable. I can't tell if I am having braxton hicks anymore cause baby seems to be sitting right at the front so my whole stomach is lopsided and hard to touch and very tight.

    No signs of him making a move of his own accord yet.

    I have a sore cervix as he has been moving around all day hitting nerves etc

    I'm ready to have him here now. Im just unsettled. Cant find any good ways to pass my time, just feel like I'm pacing around waiting.
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    Gapeach83Gapeach83 member
    edited November 2015
    Savlin12 said:

    Really debating on going to l&d ive been contracting on and off since 11:30/noon ish drank water are just got out the shower and still contracting but my fear is being sent back home or the hospital keeping me and trying to induce

    If they aren't consistent 2-5min apart they might send you home. I have been having contractions all day too. Since 9 am for me but they aren't consistent and staying around 4-10 min apart. Lasting 45 sec. -1 min. How far apart are yours? Call your dr and ask them too.
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    I'm 38 weeks + 2 and I have had a bit of fluid leaking for the past 2 days not sure if this is my waters or something else.. Anyone have this happen and go into labor ? Ive had slight diarrhea and back pain too. Any have any input ? :)
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    mrsgabusmrsgabus member
    edited November 2015
    marez97 said:
    I'm 38 weeks + 2 and I have had a bit of fluid leaking for the past 2 days not sure if this is my waters or something else.. Anyone have this happen and go into labor ? Ive had slight diarrhea and back pain too. Any have any input ? :)

    Its hard to tell. Back pain and diarrhea can be signs of pre labor but If that was always the case Then Ive been in labor most my pregnancy.

    Is the liquid clear and watery , How often does it leak, It could be discharge 

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    marez97 said:

    I'm 38 weeks + 2 and I have had a bit of fluid leaking for the past 2 days not sure if this is my waters or something else.. Anyone have this happen and go into labor ? Ive had slight diarrhea and back pain too. Any have any input ? :)

    You should check with your doctor to make sure your water has not broken. You and baby can get an infection if your waters has been broken for too long
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    Anyone get contractions alternating sides? I'm getting them very consistent but one side will be more intense/painful than the other. Then after about 15mins it switches sides..
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    edited November 2015

    Anyone get contractions alternating sides? I'm getting them very consistent but one side will be more intense/painful than the other. Then after about 15mins it switches sides..

    Yup.. I asked my midwife about it last week. Unfortunately you don't wanna hear this but she told me they're Braxton Hicks and pretty useless since they don't actually prep the cervix. :( sorry.
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    What does back labor feel like? I never had back labor with my first so im not sure what it's like. I know I'm not having it now but I have had constant lower back pain for months. So if it changes I'd like to know if it's labor or not.
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    Went to l&d with contractions that were 3-5 minutes apart again, but quite strong. Naturally, they slowed as soon as I arrived. I'm now at 3cm, though, (I've been at less than 1cm for over 2 weeks, so I'm at least happy with some progress... However minimal it is!) going to spend the evening bouncing on this yoga ball and waiting for the contractions to speed up. Here's to hoping it isn't days still from the real deal! 39 weeks 4 days here!
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    What does back labor feel like? I never had back labor with my first so im not sure what it's like. I know I'm not having it now but I have had constant lower back pain for months. So if it changes I'd like to know if it's labor or not.

    It's a painful tightening that comes in waves (like regular contractions). It may not be too terribly painful at first but it gets worse. If you think you are or might get back labor, check out spinning babies website to make sure your baby turns the right way and isn't born face up (that's the main cause of back labor)
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    RCS tomorrow! Wish me luck! It was my birthday yesterday and what a brutal way to celebrate (being 39+ weeks preg) but at least I got an adult colouring book to pass the time today... Good luck everyone
    image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm 40+5 today and I started having a lot of lower back and abdomen cramping around 9pm last night. I've been having menstrual-type cramps for a couple weeks now, but this was more severe/constant. I went to bed around midnight feeling hopeful that it would turn into something "real"...but...of course not. This morning the cramps are gone and I'm back to having zero signs that this baby is anywhere near ready to vacate the womb. GAH!!
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    Bettytteb said:
    I'm 40+5 today and I started having a lot of lower back and abdomen cramping around 9pm last night. I've been having menstrual-type cramps for a couple weeks now, but this was more severe/constant. I went to bed around midnight feeling hopeful that it would turn into something "real"...but...of course not. This morning the cramps are gone and I'm back to having zero signs that this baby is anywhere near ready to vacate the womb. GAH!!

    Oh gosh! How frustrating, I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and I'm REALLY hoping she makes her debut this week. Have they scheduled an induction for you yet?

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    BettyttebBettytteb member
    edited November 2015

    Bettytteb said:

    I'm 40+5 today and I started having a lot of lower back and abdomen cramping around 9pm last night. I've been having menstrual-type cramps for a couple weeks now, but this was more severe/constant. I went to bed around midnight feeling hopeful that it would turn into something "real"...but...of course not. This morning the cramps are gone and I'm back to having zero signs that this baby is anywhere near ready to vacate the womb. GAH!!

    Oh gosh! How frustrating, I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and I'm REALLY hoping she makes her debut this week. Have they scheduled an induction for you yet?

    Nope. Doc hasnt even said the word induction yet...and I don't think they'd even consder it until I'm 10-14 days past due because baby and I seem to both seem to be totally healthy at this point. And honestly I'm ok with that because I'm really hoping to go med/intervention free. But with every day that passes I get nervous that this baby is gonna be huge! I have my first biophysical profile scheduled for tomorrow so I guess we'll know more then.
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    Bettytteb said:

    Bettytteb said:

    I'm 40+5 today and I started having a lot of lower back and abdomen cramping around 9pm last night. I've been having menstrual-type cramps for a couple weeks now, but this was more severe/constant. I went to bed around midnight feeling hopeful that it would turn into something "real"...but...of course not. This morning the cramps are gone and I'm back to having zero signs that this baby is anywhere near ready to vacate the womb. GAH!!

    Oh gosh! How frustrating, I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and I'm REALLY hoping she makes her debut this week. Have they scheduled an induction for you yet?

    Nope. Doc hasnt even said the word induction yet...and I don't think they'd even consder it until I'm 10-14 days past due because baby and I seem to both seem to be totally healthy at this point. And honestly I'm ok with that because I'm really hoping to go med/intervention free. But with every day that passes I get nervous that this baby is gonna be huge! I have my first biophysical profile scheduled for tomorrow so I guess we'll know more then.

    This sounds frustrating.. But it's great they are letting you ride it out without bugging you.
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    Bettytteb said:

    Bettytteb said:

    I'm 40+5 today and I started having a lot of lower back and abdomen cramping around 9pm last night. I've been having menstrual-type cramps for a couple weeks now, but this was more severe/constant. I went to bed around midnight feeling hopeful that it would turn into something "real"...but...of course not. This morning the cramps are gone and I'm back to having zero signs that this baby is anywhere near ready to vacate the womb. GAH!!

    Oh gosh! How frustrating, I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and I'm REALLY hoping she makes her debut this week. Have they scheduled an induction for you yet?

    Nope. Doc hasnt even said the word induction yet...and I don't think they'd even consder it until I'm 10-14 days past due because baby and I seem to both seem to be totally healthy at this point. And honestly I'm ok with that because I'm really hoping to go med/intervention free. But with every day that passes I get nervous that this baby is gonna be huge! I have my first biophysical profile scheduled for tomorrow so I guess we'll know more then.

    I'm in the EXACT same boat except 41+2. It's time baby girl! Come on out!
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    Gapeach83 said:

    Note to all 3rd+ mom's don't wait till contractions are 2-5 min apart. Go to hospital before that. Delivering on side of road isn't fun.

    Amazing birth story, one none of you will ever forget! Kudos to your DH for a job well done. Congrats to you both on your beautiful new addition!!
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    Has anyone else found that their membrane sweep caused extreme queasiness and fatigue? I had a robust sweep yesterday and was in bed for the rest of the day feeling icky. 
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    Has anyone else found that their membrane sweep caused extreme queasiness and fatigue? I had a robust sweep yesterday and was in bed for the rest of the day feeling icky. 

    Mine was on Wednesday and I was all out nauseous and tired for the next 72 hours.

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    Is it normal to feel super hot during contractions? I've been having some that are averaging 7 minutes apart and whenever they peak, I feel like I'm on fire! Lol
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    Sorry to hear it, Mrs. Gabus. I have two more sweeps scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday. Hopefully these will be worth the discomfort they bring...
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    Hi ladies. Your stories have been keeping me company over the past few weeks of not sleeping. I'm 39+2 and expecting DS2. My DS1 is 10 and DD is 9. Was 2cm and 50% effected on Thursday and Dr did a membrane sweep. Have been losing MP since Friday. I never had either happen with first 2 pregnancies. Have had some cramping but nothing to even get excited about. And I am having what I think are BH contractions (major tightening in the top of my uterus) but not regular or painful. I am wondering if I can even remember what labor will feel like and if my uterus will remember what it needs to do. :(

    Today I got very sad and emotional and just stayed in bed and slept most of the day. Had DH take kids out of the house so I could just be by myself.

    Yesterday we were doing squats and had an impromptu dance party to try to coax LO to come out and meet us. I know that I should be patient and that LO is in a safe place but am very anxious waiting for something to happen and just want this LO to come.
    Thanks for listening. Just needed to say all that stuff to someone who understands.
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    edited November 2015
    39+2 today. Still only feeling pressure and very light cramping here and there. No actual contractions, Braxton hicks or loss of mucus plug. Really starting to think LO will not be coming on his due date.
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    39+4 with my third and have had some cramping here and there and some back pain but nothing set in stone yet. I have tried a few different "natural" ways to try and get things going but nothing so far. I really don't want to get induced which happened with my first. The meds made me really sick so I was puking and I just don't want to go through that again.

    So here I'm bouncing on a ball which hasn't done anything! Crossing fingers something starts up soon.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Sorry to hear it, Mrs. Gabus. I have two more sweeps scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday. Hopefully these will be worth the discomfort they bring...

    I have a second sweep on Tuesday and then inducement on Thursday

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    mrsgabus said:
    Sorry to hear it, Mrs. Gabus. I have two more sweeps scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday. Hopefully these will be worth the discomfort they bring...
    I have a second sweep on Tuesday and then inducement on Thursday
    Very best wishes to you! 
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    Anyone else experienced like electric hot spots on their bellys? I did way too much moving today and don't know if I should be worried or if it's just weird contractions I'll be 40 weeks in 2 days
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    Well the hot curry last night did nothing.


    My due date is tomorrow and I genuinely feel like this baby is too comfy in there and has no plans to make an appearance any time soon.

    Now I'm terrified as I have another internal examination o. Tuesday if he isn't here before then and the last one was agony.

    Baby please don't make me have another internal!!
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