November 2015 Moms

Recovery/ first weeks

Just wanted too see how everyone's recovery going, and how everyone's doing with thier little ones now that they are here. For those who are still waiting it won't be long now hang in there.

Re: Recovery/ first weeks

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    One week and one day into c-section recovery here.  Nothing concerning at the incision site, and the pain is pretty tolerable now.  My percocet is almost gone, so I'm going to try only taking it in the morning from here on out.  LO is doing really well now, but she was having trouble staying awake for feedings the first few days.  I was advised before discharge to start pumping and supplementing bottles of expressed milk.  She had lost more than ten percent of her weight during our hospital stay, so we saw our family doctor the morning after discharge to make sure she didn't have a different recommendation to maintain her weight and get her on track.  We had a followup visit yesterday, and she had gained back six ounces over the weekend.  I started out pumping as often as I could between feedings, but I think I'm going to cut back to once a day now that she's gained some weight back and only use the bottles to make night feedings easier.
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    C section recovery has been remarkably easy for me, so I'm really grateful for that. The little guy struggled a whole lot with breast feeding, so we have been exclusively pumping and its led to a much happier baby since he isn't hungry all the time. And it's been a million times easier on me, too. Things have been pretty easy and we haven't run into any real issues other than the feeding.
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    I had to get an episiotomy done, Dr cut me in order to get baby out quicker due to his declining heart rate. I have a 3rd degree tear which is SO sore. I have been taking some pain medicine to help. Other than that, my recovery is going pretty well. Not much cramping or anything. I can't wait for this tear to heal! My little man is so worth it though.
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    I was very lucky and had a very quick labour and delivery and no tearing so physically I was fine by the next day.

    I love being a mummy so much. He makes me happy every minute of every day. Even at 3am!
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    It will be two weeks tomorrow since my scheduled repeat csection and recovery this time has been amazing. Things were going so good that they discharged me a day early from the hospital and right now I feel almost completely back to normal. I have already stopped bleeding which is amazing and I have an appt today with my ob to check my incision and to remove the remaining tape. Baby boy is doing amazing too, he is such a calm laid back baby, but he is a huge pig and constantly wants to eat. He will be 2 weeks old tomorrow and is already eating 4 oz of formula every 3 hours and sometimes that doesn't even seem to satisfy him. When he was born He weighed 6lbs11oz and then dropped down to 6lbs6oz by the time we were released from the hospital, but at his first appt last Thursday he was already back up to his birth weight again. He is an awesome sleeper, last night I fed him and put him down at 11 and he is still sleeping. I can't wait until he starts becoming more interactive and showing more of his personality. We are all so in love with him and he fits right in with our family perfectly.
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    I have 2wks left and can't wait to share my story..this is my 1st and hope all goes well as the other moms .. good luck and congrats to u all
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    I still have 2wks and 3 days until DD but so excited and curious to know how my body will go because i am a FTM. Interesting to read how people recover so differently 
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    3 days out here. Home now which is awesome! No tears or stitches for me so I got lucky! My body is so sore though. Ugh. Not taking any pain meds but maybe an occasional Tylenol. Can't wait until I can walk straight up again without being sore. For now I'm just trying to get this latching thing down so my boobs don't feel like they're being ripped off every 3 hours! Ahhhh.
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    I'm on day 3 at home now, had my baby boy on Monday. Labour was crazy and my body did actually go in to shock. I'm still in a lot of pain with my episiotomy and annoyed that im having to take pain killers around the clock- after I managed an unmedicated birth! Finding it crazy how I have had 3 totally different births and recoveries. This already isn't as quick as my DD, I was feeling good pretty quickly after her. This time I'm wincing when I sit down, having to pee in the shower and feeling generally crap.

    The things we go through huh!! Good job he's so bloody cute and the perfect distraction. I find holding him a lot helps me, it's like yup I'm in pain but he's totally worth it. And I'm lucky enough that it was only me who had the issues, he managed to escape them and id much rather take the brunt!
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    I'm 2 weeks PP as of today. I had a vaginal birth and ended up with an episiotomy. My stitched area has healed up quite nicely, the doctor that did it really did a good job. It itches some with the healing process and I still get uncomfortable when I sit on harder surfaces for periods of time. But I really can't complain.

    LO is doing great. He lost some weight at first, but he's now surpassed his birth weight finally. He nurses really well and overall is a pretty easy baby. If only he would be happy sleeping on his back. 98% of the time, he's only happy to sleep on someone's chest, which is a bit exhausting at night.
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    I need a quick moan. Sorry for the snowflake time...

    I'm really struggling with this recovery :( what's worse is its baby number 3 so I was expecting to be better, quicker. And I need to be better than I am right now!!!

    My LO came very fast in the end, active labour to him being out was no longer than 20 mins. I had to have an episiotomy as we had a big scare than my csection scar was rupturing too. So that left me with stitches down below and omg, they're just a nightmare. They still hurt so much I can barely sit, plus yesterday I noticed they'd actually split open. They were checked by the midwife who said the muscle is still sewed together well and so I just need to keep it clean and dry and the surface will re heal. In the mean time I'm supposed to just keep laying down which just isn't practical or realistic with a 4 and 2 year old!

    I'm just feeling so defeated and betrayed by my own body. I just want to get on with everything. Eugh.
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    Going on 5 days PP and what a difference a few days of "rest" can make. My stitches are healing great and I don't feel so sore anymore. Loving being at home alone with DH and our new baby; I really wish my mom wasn't being so childish about me not needing her to help me PP. I asked her to please let me sleep the evening we got home because I hadn't slept in over 24hrs! She hasn't called me or answered my calls since tuesday and Its reAlly put a black cloud over my head.
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    @mamavbs That sounds so difficult. I'm having a hard time keeping up with the demands of my baby. I can't imagine how much harder it must be with other little ones in the mix. Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon.
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    Thinking of you @mamavbs

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    3rd day since birth and my feet are extremely swollen. One more than the other. Anyone else?
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    3rd day since birth and my feet are extremely swollen. One more than the other. Anyone else?

    Did you have an IV? My feet were swollen were probably 5 days after my daughter was born. Even more so than when I was pregnant. My body retained a lot of water from the IV and other meds. It went away completely in about a week.
    But ask your doctor if you're concerned.
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    Pontot31 said:
    3rd day since birth and my feet are extremely swollen. One more than the other. Anyone else?
    Did you have an IV? My feet were swollen were probably 5 days after my daughter was born. Even more so than when I was pregnant. My body retained a lot of water from the IV and other meds. It went away completely in about a week. But ask your doctor if you're concerned.
    My feet are still pretty swollen almost two weeks PP, but it's going down.
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    My right foot is a giant swollen mess (had c section 5 days ago). I got a lot of fluids in the OR due to blood loss and was numb from the epidural for about 12 hours. The doctor said its normal and will last about 2 weeks.

    Married DH December 2014
    Expecting DS#1 November 2015
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    2 days pp right now. I feel like for a FTM I'm recovering quite well. Had a small episiotomy which led to a second degree tear and I feel like it's healing really well ( though I sneezed at one point and wow did that hurt) - don't even feel like I need pain meds. Nipples hurt a lot since Zeke cluster fed last night and we're still figuring out latching/feeding.

    I'm surprisingly not exhausted yet. I wouldn't mind keeping that up. Especially since I know the long nights are just beginning
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    @mamavbs thinking of you. Hang in there momma!
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    @mamavbs Creepy internet hugs to you..
    @rubirubi Sorry, you gotta deal with silly drama pp :/
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    I'm 12 days PP and I'm pretty much back to normal. I had 5 stitches but the pain and bleeding have pretty much stopped. I'm even able to walk at a medium pace around my neighborhood. The hardest adjustment is still not getting a ton of sleep- I'm getting 6-8 hrs a night but broken up in segments. Hopefully once my little gal is up to her birth weight I can let her sleep longer stretches, which would mean more sleep for me too!
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    2 days PP and feeling pretty good, had a 2nd degree tear so just keeping up on Motrin and Tylenol. My feet and ankles are SO swollen so trying to keep up with water. Baby is doing well and let me take a 2 hour nap today, and a shower. I will never take taking a shower for granted. I felt like a new woman!

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    Almost 6 days post partum and feeling really good. I had 3 stitches and they are starting to get itchy, which is annoying but I know it means they are healing. I haven't had any pain relievers at all so I've had very manageable pain.

    We went for a nice long walk outside today and it was great to get fresh air and move around more. Sleep is still a struggle but DH and I are getting a routine down and getting enough chunks of sleep in a 24hr period. It's just going to be difficult when he goes back to work in another week. We're trying to move DD's sleep schedule since she still has her days and nights mixed up. We kept her up most of the day today so we will see how tonight goes. She's a fantastic baby and eats really well so I really have no complaints. I do cry from time to time but DH has been so supportive. Hoping my baby blues chill out over the next week.
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    7 days PP and finally starting to feel like myself! ive been cutting down on pain meds as much as possible but still a little sore. My biggest complaint right now is the swelling in my feet/ankles. I thought it was bad during pregnancy but this is worse and it's gone all the way up my calves. I've been trying to chug water and eat clean, but no relief yet. Is anyone else super itchy where their stretch marks are?

    Baby is doing much better today. We had some trouble breastfeeding the first few days, so he lost more weight than the doctor wanted and tomorrow we go in for his 3rd blood test for jaundice :( i balled my eyes out after the appointment because I felt terrible that he wasn't getting enough to eat and really didn't want to use formula, but the doctor has me pumping and supplementing with formula for now. We will Find out tomorrow if it's helping with the weight & jaundice. I feel like I'm just not producing much milk still... Frustrating :( but not going to give up!
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    One of the nurses told me to rub a fingertip below my belly button to help the uterus go back to normal. It is still painful to the touch, anyone know how long this lasts? I delivered Friday AM. also have not had a BM and have been taking colace twice daily & have been passing gas. Getting a laxative tomorrow. How soon did everyone else have a BM?

    Sorry if all of this has been said, I still need to catch up on the beginning of this thread

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    One of the nurses told me to rub a fingertip below my belly button to help the uterus go back to normal. It is still painful to the touch, anyone know how long this lasts? I delivered Friday AM. also have not had a BM and have been taking colace twice daily & have been passing gas. Getting a laxative tomorrow. How soon did everyone else have a BM?

    Sorry if all of this has been said, I still need to catch up on the beginning of this thread

    I had my son 1:11am tuesday and my first BM friday. It literally happened on its own. Im glad it did too, since I didnt want to push past stitches and hemorrhoids.
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    One of the nurses told me to rub a fingertip below my belly button to help the uterus go back to normal. It is still painful to the touch, anyone know how long this lasts? I delivered Friday AM. also have not had a BM and have been taking colace twice daily & have been passing gas. Getting a laxative tomorrow. How soon did everyone else have a BM?

    Sorry if all of this has been said, I still need to catch up on the beginning of this thread

    I also delivered Friday. I did have a BM yesterday but like @rubirubi89, I let it happen rather than try to push it out. I'm gassy still too and could probably stand to poop again but I'm thinking at this point with the stitches, hemorrhoids, and swelling down there, I'd rather not strain myself.

    I plan to take stool softeners and/or laxatives if I'm feeling too much discomfort and really can't get anything else. But I feel like all the water I've been chugging has been helpful for working to get my systems back in order!
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    One of the nurses told me to rub a fingertip below my belly button to help the uterus go back to normal. It is still painful to the touch, anyone know how long this lasts? I delivered Friday AM. also have not had a BM and have been taking colace twice daily & have been passing gas. Getting a laxative tomorrow. How soon did everyone else have a BM? Sorry if all of this has been said, I still need to catch up on the beginning of this thread
    I delivered on Monday and didn't have a BM until Saturday, but I was fasting before and didn't have much of an appetite afterward (scheduled CS), so that probably makes a difference.
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    Any RCS mamas here care to comment on their recovery? Got one scheduled next week and just curious what some of your experiences are. Easier or tougher, about the same?
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    Any RCS mamas here care to comment on their recovery? Got one scheduled next week and just curious what some of your experiences are. Easier or tougher, about the same?

    I am 18 days PP from my RCS. I think recovery was about the same as my first (first one was emergency, this one was scheduled). The one different I noticed was that my stomach was much more tender this time. I actually yelped in pain when the nurses would check for the size of my uterus, but I also had my tubes tied this time and I hear that can make it more tender. As much as I did not want a CS, recovery has not been bad at all. My incision is at the itchy point now and that is kind of annoying.
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    Any RCS mamas here care to comment on their recovery? Got one scheduled next week and just curious what some of your experiences are. Easier or tougher, about the same?

    I am 18 days PP from my RCS. I think recovery was about the same as my first (first one was emergency, this one was scheduled). The one different I noticed was that my stomach was much more tender this time. I actually yelped in pain when the nurses would check for the size of my uterus, but I also had my tubes tied this time and I hear that can make it more tender. As much as I did not want a CS, recovery has not been bad at all. My incision is at the itchy point now and that is kind of annoying.
    My first was also an emergency but 6 yrs ago. How long ago was your previous one? I heard that could make it more tender and painful too. Thank you for sharing your experience. Wishing you a speedy full recovery.
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    One of the nurses told me to rub a fingertip below my belly button to help the uterus go back to normal. It is still painful to the touch, anyone know how long this lasts? I delivered Friday AM. also have not had a BM and have been taking colace twice daily & have been passing gas. Getting a laxative tomorrow. How soon did everyone else have a BM?

    Sorry if all of this has been said, I still need to catch up on the beginning of this thread

    It took me like 3 days to have a BM...totally sucked.
    I gave birth last Monday and by Friday or Saturday my abdomin wasn't really tender.
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    Good news, I've had a BM.
    Bad news, it burns occasionally when I pee :(

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    Has anyone had darkening of skin after having their baby? This spot suddenly appeared on my rib cage area, left side. It's dark pigmented, not raised and feels like normal skin. It just looks like someone dipped their thumb in brown paint and painted a "swoosh" on me. I called my OB and they said as long as it wasn't painful or itchy they'd look at it at my appointment in 5wks. Not sure if this is normal or what they said it was part of my linea nigra but it's definitely not part of that.
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