Trouble TTC

Trouble Caused by Mirena? *TMI* & *Lurker Question*

Hi Ladies, 

I'm here lurking from TTGP - and I want to say I am so sorry that all of you are having trouble TTC. I haven't been trying that long, but I'm feeling really frustrated with myself and my body and now I'm wondering if my problems are due to having had the Mirena IUD. I'm curious if any of you have had confirmation from a doctor that issues were caused by Mirena?

My overall experience with Mirena was not good. I spotted for months when I first got it and then it caused me to have menstrual cramps with every single period. I've never had cramps before in my life prior to Mirena. I had Mirena removed in March of this year, and am still getting the period cramps, and BFNs at testing time. My charting has determined I am actually ovulating, and have pretty regular 28-31 day cycles, but I'm worried Mirena caused some kind of physical damage, or caused PID and I just never noticed it? Is that even possible? The fact that my body has been altered for the worse (cramps) makes me thing something is definitely wrong there. I have an appointment with a doctor next week, but since we haven't yet been trying for 12 months, I'm afraid they won't do the tests I want. 

I haven't really found anything about "menstrual cramps after Mirena" on Google, except for things like uterus perforation or PID with Mirena. Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone else has had any similar experience with cramping/worse periods after Mirena, and that being the cause of IF. 

Again, I am so sorry you all are going through T-TTC and hope things work out for everyone here! 

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: Trouble Caused by Mirena? *TMI* & *Lurker Question*

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    I have no experience with Mirena, but your body and all it's crazy stuff can change at any time.  The cramps could be completely unrelated to Mirena.  I wouldn't go looking for trouble.  

    You are ovulating and that's half the battle for a lot of women.  Your signature says TTC since September 2015.  So have you been trying since March and had several cycles under your belt or have been charting for just 2-3 months?
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    @bsckgb7 thank you for your response. I went completely off of HBC at the beginning of June (went back to nuva ring for April and May). Sex was embarrassingly sparse June to August. I only started charting, increasing sex frequency, and trying to hit O days on purpose starting in September - so I don't really count June to August as actually TTC. We had perfect timing Sept/Oct. I know it hasn't been a long time with charting, but the changes in my body did start with getting Mirena. I had 13 years of cramp-free periods until the month I got Mirena, so that is why I'm worried about plumbing issues. I also had mild cramping every day for a full week before AF showed up this month, and I know that's not normal for me or most people.

    You're right - I shouldn't start looking for trouble at this point, but I can honestly find nothing online about sudden cramps with and after mirena being benign, or that this even occurs to other people, let alone being common. As another GTKY fact (not sure if this needs a **TW**), I struggle with anxiety and depression, and am currently not taking any meds because we're TTC, so my brain is extra prone to ruminating/jumping to worst case scenarios right now. Sorry if that was TMI! 

    I just wanted to put some feelers out to see if anyone else had a similar bad experience with Mirena and found out that it actually did cause a problem. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    So you've really only nailed timing for 2 months and been off BC for 5 months.  Remember it can take a healthy couple up to 1 year to get pregnant.  And it can take several months to regulate after going off HBC.  

    Also, I was trying to say that your body can change at any time and whatever is "normal" today can quickly become "abnormal" tomorrow.    So just because cramps up to AF wasn't normal last month, doesn't mean cramps this month are a sign of something bad or abnormal.  Could just be your body has changed and that is your new normal.  Just breath!!  =)

    Your doctor shouldn't do any testing for IF as you have been off HBC for less than 6 months and admittedly only had good timing for 2 months.  If you are concerned about the Mirena, definitely bring that up and ask if there is something they can do.  But I would not be concerned about IF at this point.  
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    @bskgb7 thanks so much for your response and for taking me seriously. I was a little afraid of getting flamed for coming over here. =) I will definitely bring up the mirena concerns with my doctor, and hopefully she will be willing to at least do some kind of exam. Thanks again, I really wish you the best of luck with everything! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    And whatever you do, don't take Clomid or any other fertility drug from your OB!!  Hope you get some answers!!
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    Good advice on the clomid. I've seen that said a lot around the TTGP board. I hope I can get some answers soon too! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I've got first hand experience with mirena and TTC:
    1- when we were TTC for our 2nd child, we got pregnant the first month after mirena removal (had it in 2 yrs).

    2- after having mirena for 3 yrs, we've been TTC for 18 months now with no luck. Been to RE and I have PCOS, but other than that, everything seems to be in great working order, except that we haven't been able to conceive.

    So it probably doesn't have much to do with your TTC luck.

    But good luck, keep trying!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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