November 2015 Moms

WTF Wednesday

Didn't see this on here yet - so here goes

If one more little old lady asks me if I am having twins I may just lose it!! I am big yes - I am due in less than three weeks!!  Yes I am still working, I am perfectly capable of doing my job. No I will not tell you how much weight I have gained, it is NONE of your business!! Thank you for telling me you were prescribed diet pills when you were pregnant so you didn't gain as much as I have. Now leave me alone so I can go eat something!!!!

Anyone else considering homicide today??? LOL!

Re: WTF Wednesday

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    WHY is there so much SHIT in my house??? It's not even that dirty it just looks messy and is driving me insane. I've got a new table that it's taking up a large amount of space in our main living area, a swing and a rolling chair (don't even know why that's out here) as well. The pack in play is set up in our room already. And there are boxes everywhere. I can't even just put stuff in our office to not have to look at it since my SO has shoved so much shit in there that there's no room for anything else. My hands are tied. It's driving me insane.
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    Why does the couch have to be so inviting? DH was helpful enough to fold all the laundry but he didn't get around to putting it away. It's been sitting in the basket in our living room going on 3 days now. I just keep staring at it willing it to put itself away because this momma so does not want to get up and do it.

    Also why couldn't my feeling sick and crummy had led to labor like so many of my friends said happened for them. I was taking solace in the fact that it meant labor may be imminent. Nope - still pregnant. But I guess it's okay since he can stand to cook longer.
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    WTF to our fearless leader aka my boss that decided to leave to God knows where for the rest of the week right on my due date?? DH and I work for same small company and if I go into labor of course he has to come with me to the hospital leaving the company with 1 employee? Why do I worry about his company more than he does?? image
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    Wtf to my coworker. She's older & is constantly up my butt about me not being married (been together 4 years & this is our 2nd baby) & she is very rude to me because of me having my kids out of wedlock. How is that any of ur business/problem? She is always talking junk about me to coworkers as if I'm a slut. (fiancé is the only man I've ever been with. But even if he wasn't how is that her business?) also she says I need to stay home with my children instead of working. And says I am the size of a bowling ball and gives me til the end of the week to have my baby. Im barely 37 weeks tomorrow so just for that comment I'm holding this kid in til Christmas. I told my fiancé I'm going to tell her I want to be a stripper but he told me to be the bigger person. Which is getting harder and harder everyday. Oh yeah did I mention she's also hit me before? This woman is insane. I work in a childcare that behavior is unacceptable.
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    My Shepard is blowing out his coat. I have literally swept and vacuumed 12 times in two days . WTF dog do it outside lol 

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    WHY is there so much SHIT in my house??? It's not even that dirty it just looks messy and is driving me insane.

    THIS!! My house feels like a storage locker for baby and holiday stuff. I'm ready to rent a dumpster and purge hardcore! I'm hoping I can get some more organizing done after he gets here and I have all this "free time" ppl keep telling me about.

    That's another thing. Why do ppl assume time off after a pregnancy is like a vacation? Like I'm going to be on a beach somewhere sipping pina coladas getting a tan?!?
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    WTF to everything and everyone, apparently.  I was so antsy and lonely and bored being in the house, but running errands made me crazy. I swear no one knows how to drive today or put away their own shopping cart (they don't belong in the middle of the parking lot!!).  I went to one store and then came back home so I didn't start swearing at the top of my voice. And WTF to baby who insists that my right ribs are the best place for his feet.

    And seriously, @raisingjulian, I would punch your coworker in the face.
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    WTF to my phone who decided it's cool to flip flop on what time it is. I'm constantly gaining and losing an hour. I have to keep googling "central time" to see what time it really is. I'm time traveling, apparently.

    Also WTF to DST. Still haven't been able to adjust and being pregnant with a messed sleep schedule to begin with doesn't help. I'm taking like 2 naps a day. :|
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    WTF to uterus contractions after labor. They are hurting like hell!!!
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    Wtf to my family that now thinks I'm incapable of deciding what to eat. Pretty sure I know what I can and can't have at this point in the game. They really started getting on me after DH left for deployment. I mean honestly, do they think he dictated what I ate? Ahh no. Just lay off and let me eat what I want!
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    WTF to The Bump!  Don't send me an email about how "your baby is 1 week old." when this child is STILL hanging out and very comfortable according to the BPP and NST!! I now have to go back for another NST on SATURDAY if you don't join us child!!!!!

    Whoa what... that's so weird.
    Also, COME ON BABY :)
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    WTF to just sitting around waiting to go into labor. I'm only 37.2 so we want her to stay put a bit longer. But I quit working this week, three days in and I'm so bored! I'm trying to spread out my tasks and get togethers so I don't lose my mind.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Wtf to the stupid ants that just woke me up from my nap. I was enjoying a well deserve nap and woke up feeling something walking on my face. Ants are still trying to get over my house.
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    WTF to my job. I did an 11 hour day Monday for parent teacher conferences, 8 hours of PD yesterday, staff meeting today after work, and extra PD after working all day tomorrow JUST for English teachers. PLEASE JUST LET ME GO HOME AND REST.
    Me: 28 DBF: 30
    BFP#1 07/10/14 EDD 3/14/15 Diagnosed with Blighted Ovum 08/18/14
    BFP#2  3/17/15 EDD 11/22/15
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Wtf to my FIL. If you text me one more time asking if I'm in labor yet I'm going to scream!! I get you're excited but an EDD is just that...ESTIMATED!!!! I went over with DS and this one is just as stubborn. You'll obviously know when I head to the hospital.
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    Wtf to people telling me when I'm going to go into labor. Everyone assumes I'm going into labor before Sunday (I'd be 39+1 on Sunday). DH is the pastor so people assume he won't be preaching Sunday. While I would love to meet LO, I'm pretty sure he dictates his arrival (up until 41 weeks when he'll get his eviction notice). I had multiple people wishing me luck today... Do they know something I don't?
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    WTF baby! You were due yesterday! Now get out!!! Lol not really but seriously ready whenever you are! Also WTF to people and prying to get names out of me! We seriously don't have one picked yet, back off.

    Amen sister! I was due Monday and I also have not 100% chosen a name, no we are not lying you assholes!

    Also WTF Mom and Grandma, I know you both have several children, but you seem to buy into every wives tales and no my EDD is not wrong cuz I went over, it's an estimate. Also, Mom I will call you, stop sending me vague prying texts and making comments, I DONT KNOW WHEN HE WILL BE HERE.
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    WTF goes to boyfriend for taking me out to eat and not telling me I had my shirt inside out (just woke up from a nap & just threw on some clothes) I didn't realize till an older lady came by and told me she believed my shirt looked inside out and he just laughed so hard . That's why I had people staring at me weird :-w
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    WTF to the sketchy drunk guy in the community laundry room at our apartment complex. I went up to switch clothes from the washer to the dryer, the lights are all off and he's passed out on the bench. So, since I need to get my laundry done, I turn on the lights and start moving my stuff! He gets up, looks at me like I'm massively inconveniencing him, goes outside and pukes over the railing (it's on the second floor). As he comes back in, he looks right at me, then turns off the light, bumps into me and goes back to the bench. I have zero patience for drunk people, so I flip the light back on and go back to finishing my laundry! Needless to say, I called our on-site security guy and SO is coming home for lunch to bring clothes back down for me. I am NOT about this right now. >:P
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    Late WTF to my body/my son. Having a RCS at 1230 later today so I can't eat after midnight. Naturally I am now starving, and not just a little hungry, full blown cramps and pains starving. Dr approved a clear liquid diet until 8 am, trying to hold off a couple more hours before I drink some broth. (Appetizing, no?)
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    I emailed the ex 1.5 hours after his son was born whilst I was still in the delivery room to let him know that Elliott had arrived and he was perfect and sent a photo and invited him to come to the hospital that day (last Wednesday) to see him.

    I got this email back later that day:

    Congratulations! He looks lovely. I am not free until Saturday but I could visit you in the hospital then.


    I didn't reply but I've not hear from him since.

    This is his son, his one and only child and he's not free to see him!!!! He's not paid me any child support so far, not asked how we are doing, if we need anything, I've heard nothing from his parents, this is their first and only grandchild.

    My friends in Toronto have sent me cards and flowers and baby clothes to say congratulations and Elliott's own father, uncle and grandparents haven't even acknowledged him.

    I'm so beyond WTF I don't even know where I am.

    Please excuse my language - F*cking bunch of a$$holes.
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    Wtf to my contractions. I was contracting all day, got to every 4-7 minutes, and strong for three hours. Was getting ready to leave for the hospital and they just sort of stopped. Seriously come on.

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    -Wtf to my grandmother.

    I started wiping off the stove and she yells at me "the dr said you should take it easy and rest, you shouldn't be doing that, go sit/lay down" so what do I do? I go sit down. Not even 5 min later she complains "why haven't you done the dishes, I'm tired of folding the laundry, the living room needs vaccumed...etc" um because everytime I start something you yell at me for being up and doing stuff.
    Yes the dr said to take it easy. Yes he said to rest. But if I start something, don't yell at me to stop then yell at me bc you "have" to do it and I just "sit on my a$$".

    -Wtf to my body.

    I have been swelling up for 3 days now. Yesterday it was so bad at walmart I squat down to get a stocking stuffer for DD'S stocking and from my feet to my upper thighs swelled up to at least 3x it's "normal" size. But every time I go in to the dr he says there is no swelling. It's like my body is trying to make people think I'm crazy.
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    Ugh. I'm a day late, but I just NEED to vent. On one of the Facebook swap and buy pages I follow, a lady posted about being 25 weeks, and having a hard time sleeping. Doctor Google informed her that it was alright for her to take Tylenol Night to help her sleep. So instead of talking to her doctor she asks a swap and buy page. I just think it's ridiculous that I'm at 37 weeks, and yes there are nights I just want to be able to sleep peacefully and I can't due to my hips or back hurting, and I'm not against taking Tylenol for pain, but this lady isn't complaining about pain and she's seriously debating taking medication without talking to a doctor just to help her sleep. My next thought is YOU CANT JUST KNOCK YOURSELF OUT WHEN YOU GIVE BIRTH... She's going to be awake and have many sleepless nights in the future. Smh. Ok rant over. I feel better.
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    Ranting. Sorry in advance! I know it's Thursday but I have another WTF. Serious WTF to my SIL she's really pissed that I got pregnant right after her (seriously?) which I didn't get pregnant on purpose lol also she refused to talk to us after we had our first 3 years ago because she loses attention. So she's even worse now & hasn't talked to us in months. Well before she started with her BS I bought her a bunch of stuff for her baby (car seat canopy, bottles, etc.) she never said thank u or anything. I was just trying to be nice because this baby is the closest thing I will have for a nephew until my own brothers & sisters grow up & have their own kids (which realistically won't happen til I'm in my 30's) Then yesterday MIL gives me a bag with all the stuff I bought for her. I am so pissed! I can't return any of it now cuz it's to late & she is just such an ungrateful, hate filled person. When she tries to start talking to us again like she did last time I won't be forgiving her. I'm done with these childish games. I know I probably sound petty but she didn't even bother calling her ONLY nephew for his birthday because she's busy being ridiculous.
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    Ranting. Sorry in advance! I know it's Thursday but I have another WTF. Serious WTF to my SIL she's really pissed that I got pregnant right after her (seriously?) which I didn't get pregnant on purpose lol also she refused to talk to us after we had our first 3 years ago because she loses attention. So she's even worse now & hasn't talked to us in months. Well before she started with her BS I bought her a bunch of stuff for her baby (car seat canopy, bottles, etc.) she never said thank u or anything. I was just trying to be nice because this baby is the closest thing I will have for a nephew until my own brothers & sisters grow up & have their own kids (which realistically won't happen til I'm in my 30's) Then yesterday MIL gives me a bag with all the stuff I bought for her. I am so pissed! I can't return any of it now cuz it's to late & she is just such an ungrateful, hate filled person. When she tries to start talking to us again like she did last time I won't be forgiving her. I'm done with these childish games. I know I probably sound petty but she didn't even bother calling her ONLY nephew for his birthday because she's busy being ridiculous.

    Wow.  Just WOW.  That is so effed up I'm sorry.  I'd be pissed too!

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    @RaisingJulian what a C U Next Tuesday... If the stuff is still boxed, can you add it to your registries and return it that way?

    My fiancé told me to try it so we'll see. I'm hoping that I can cuz some of it was really nice stuff. Her baby was born in the summer otherwise I would just use it for my LO.
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    edited November 2015
    @RaisingJulian, that's truly pathetic that this person is so self centered and obsessed with attention that she feels it's okay to act that way. You'll be much better off without this selfish person in your life! Unbelievable!
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