March 2015 Moms

Still just not into it

I know a lot of us have posted on this topic and I've definitely tried to offer my support. And maybe I'm overthinking it at this point. But man if I still have 0 desire to have sex. 7 months and we've had sex a handful of times. I did have a third degree tear - and needed two iron infusions THEN came off all my anxiety meds. But. Man. Still. I feel like I'm on the slow end of a race :(.

Re: Still just not into it

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    I hear ya.  I hope this decreased drive goes away soon.  I heard around the time that your lo walks, you go through a "heat" and feeling more in the mood.  lets hope!!
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    Me three! It's the weirdest thing as I adore my fiancé, and fancy him even more since he's become a Dad, but I just have no desire to have sex. But now I feel like I have to feign interest because the time has passed where my reasoning for having a low sex-drive was valid.

    Will it ever come back?!
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