January 2016 Moms

Labor with epidural vs. without


Re: Labor with epidural vs. without

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    "Just get the epidural" is a very one size fits all statement. While it is a very painful experience everyone's pain tolerance is different as is the way that they handle this pain. I prepared for a "med free" birth and was successful.

    Epidural are the norm among my friends and they think I'm crazy that, having already been through one natural birth I am planning another med free birth. But in my mind, I did it once and everything worked out so why not try again? I'm hoping to have an even easier experience this time around, hopefully I'll be able to be more mobile during labor which I think will help.

    I'm actually really afraid of having an epidural because I really want to have the ability to be mobile during labor. I also don't want to have a catheter! I'm also nervous about the possible cascade of interventions that can follow an epidural.

    Also if you do go without the epidural and need stitches they'll be able to give you a local anesthetic for the repair.

    Ultimately it is your body and while you can't completely disregard your husband's feelings he should be respectful of the fact that you're the one who will be going through this.
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    So I had a epi with my first at 9cm, there are side effects mostly fetal destress, slowing down labor and back pain for the mother in the future. My baby's heartrate did drop at one point and they almost had to use the vaccumm to pull her out fast. This pregnancy I am planning a natural birth, but it's really something you have to prepare for if you go in to the hospital and say we will just see what happens you will most likely get an epidural because it is very intense. But it's also possible our bodies are made to give birth so if a natural birth is what you want then you can do it. I think relaxing through the contractions instead of tensing up is #1, taking each contraction one at a time they only last 30-90 seconds so at least you do get a break in between, Fear = pain. Either way you should research both and choose what best for you. Taking a natural birth class can help even if you decide to get an epidural because you do have to be at leat 4-5 cm before they give you one. Side note if you get induced it will make you contractions much more painful and more stressful for the baby too. Just research everything before you agree to anything. I think my husband would prefer me get an epidural, but he understands why I choose not to and supports my decision.
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    jezygal said:

    So I had a epi with my first at 9cm, there are side effects mostly fetal destress, slowing down labor and back pain for the mother in the future. My baby's heartrate did drop at one point and they almost had to use the vaccumm to pull her out fast. This pregnancy I am planning a natural birth, but it's really something you have to prepare for if you go in to the hospital and say we will just see what happens you will most likely get an epidural because it is very intense. But it's also possible our bodies are made to give birth so if a natural birth is what you want then you can do it. I think relaxing through the contractions instead of tensing up is #1, taking each contraction one at a time they only last 30-90 seconds so at least you do get a break in between, Fear = pain. Either way you should research both and choose what best for you. Taking a natural birth class can help even if you decide to get an epidural because you do have to be at leat 4-5 cm before they give you one. Side note if you get induced it will make you contractions much more painful and more stressful for the baby too. Just research everything before you agree to anything. I think my husband would prefer me get an epidural, but he understands why I choose not to and supports my decision.

    Just a note, not all doctors/hospitals make you wait until 4-5 cm to get an epi. I was at 2 cm after about 10 hours of labor and they offered the epi, because my contractions were less than 2 minutes apart.
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