December 2015 Moms

Anti-vaccine family members....


Re: Anti-vaccine family members....

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    @Bombmom3 it was on the news a while back, they have one of the higher rates of whooping cough around the country I believe, I looked it up a few weeks ago don't recall the exact numbers now. They have a very large antivax population in the area of southwest Colorado where my brother lives
    BabyFetus Ticker

    DD May 2005 MC Nov. 2012
    MC Aug. 2014
    Chemical Feb. 2015
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    Bombmom3 said:

    nik6499 said:

    @Bombmom3 it was on the news a while back, they have one of the higher rates of whooping cough around the country I believe, I looked it up a few weeks ago don't recall the exact numbers now. They have a very large antivax population in the area of southwest Colorado where my brother lives

    Weird how we have outbreaks of these things in large antivax areas across the country ...
    You'd think that people would catch on to the benefits of science huh?
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    edited November 2015
    I wouldn't knowingly bring my new baby around unvaccinated people. And I most certainly wouldn't let them hold him or her. Especially if your niece is school age.
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    @sarahgn YIKES! That sounds super scary

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    BabyFetus Ticker

    DD May 2005 MC Nov. 2012
    MC Aug. 2014
    Chemical Feb. 2015
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    Vaccines are absolutely different than riding a bike without a helmet. Having lost family members to both vaccines and not wearing helmets I can tell you your comment was crash and nasty. it is common knowledge that helmets save lives. I am all about safety and prevention, but there is a huge difference when the company manufacturing something for your protection will not be held accountable if there is an issue with the item.

    A helmet goes through rigorous safety tests, has competition and the manufacturer can be sued if something goes wrong. A vaccine on the other hand is mandated, is classified as unsafe by the government which means you can't sue the maker for anything. You have to go through a huge song and dance to receive any compensation, and it is sold as being 100% safe. I'm sorry that's a huge difference to me.

    I do not inherently have an issue with the vaccines, I do think they offer protection, but to ask someone that you love to risk themselves and their child to something that has only been properly tested by people who support the vaccines and throw out all other info, no.

    And there was a post above that should she compromise her beliefs, no but it's a whole lot easier to get a vaccine or postpone a gathering then to take one back.

    And if you all believe so much in herd immunity the maximum of 5% who don't vaccinate have little effect on it. Vaccination rates in most of the country are at the highest rate ever, with the exception being Southern California. The rates were lower when we were children yet the outbreaks were similar to what we have now.
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    I just wanted to point out (not sure if someone else mentioned this) that if you have received the flu and tdap vaccines while pregnant, like most have since its recommended, than wouldn't your baby have some antibodies to protect him/her if your nieces or nephews haven't had these vaccines and end up exposed? That's what doctors are telling us anyways so I would think that would warrant a little peace of mind. Especially if your breastfeeding too.

    Just a thought because I see everyone saying babies are completely unprotected but then why are we all getting these vaccines while pregnant when we're told it's passed on to baby?
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    edited November 2015
    I would like to acknowledge @nikkip712 , that I don't have experience with trying to receive compensation for adverse events and that serious events, while rarer than most people believe, do happen.  So I don't mean to minimize that part of your post by any means.  My point was just that they are rigorously tested, unlike what some people think, and that for the vast, vast majority the benefits are well worth it. 

    As to OP, I agree with the general consensus that delaying the visit until your child can get more protection via the vaccine might be a good way to respect your brother's choices while maintaining safety for your baby. 

    Edit: because the formatting was weird
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    It wasn't meant to be crass or nasty at all. I am sorry you felt that way. That is, however, the way *I* feel about the issue. Yes, vaccines can cause someone to have an adverse reaction - up to and including death. That is a sad but harsh fact about ANY medication. And if it is the reason (or factors into) your choosing not to vaccinate then I think that is, of course, well within your rights.

    I would like to point out that while you don't feel a vaccine is a "life saving" tool and a helmet is, therefore I'm being bitchy when I compare the two, that I do respect your feelings on the matter. But I require the same respect and understanding back when I say to you that I feel BOTH items are life saving devices.

    And I would like to bring polio up again. When is the last time you saw a kid in a wheel chair or a brace with a withered leg because they contracted that disease. Never? Probably because the vaccine eradicated it in the United States (and all over areas of the globe save for two - yes only TWO - countries in the world). Because anyone who has watched their child suffer (or their brother or sister or gone through it themselves) wouldn't hesitate to get that vaccine. And they weighed the cost to benefit ratio.

    You have weighed yours and found the cost too high. I have weighed mine and found the cost to be negligible. We are on different sides of the issue and don't agree with one another at all about it but I can say that I know you are doing what you feel is best for your family and that, in my mind, makes you a good mother. Maybe you could extend us the same courtesy and realize that we are passionate about this issue because we truly believe these vaccines protect our children and that the risk of exposure to someone who may not be protected causes us to fear for our child's health and safety. And that's what makes *us* good mothers, too.
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    Honestly, I'm all for respecting other people's positions and decisions, but that doesn't mean they get to be around my family and I if I can prevent it. The flu sucks and can be deadly, pertussis can kill a baby, I've personally never had the chickenpox or measles, so it you have that I won't be seeing you for a few months. I understand the legit concerns about the vaccines, but some of these illnesses are entirely too lethal for babies, pregnant women, psssh even any old adult. I'm not willing to risk it. But I respect those who feel that it would be a risk to get the vaccine. I say do whatever you and your partner feel is right for your family. Live and let live. But don't watch that episode of Law and Order SVU with Hilary Duff, as it pertains to this subject matter and may put you in your feelings.
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