January 2016 Moms

Baby sharing birthday.

C- section scheduled. January 6th. 12 weeks baby. 12 WEEKS!

When I called my mom to tell her when we scheduled my section for she started crying. January 6th was her brother's birthday. He passed away from pancreatic cancer almost 20 years ago. He was her best friend. I feel honored that my baby girl will get to share this day with him.

Anyone else have a LO sharing their birthday?

Re: Baby sharing birthday.

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    My LO will potentially be sharing a birthday, but her due date is January 10th which isn't "spoke for", so to speak. Her father has I think 4 January birthdays amongst his sisters/mom, and there are 2 January birthdays on my side (with close family). So there's a fair amount of opportunity for overlap!

    It's really sweet that your baby will share the birthday of your uncle!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My first shares a birthday with my oldest cousin
    My seconds birthday is the wedding anniversary of my aunt and uncle. 
    I haven't been given a c-section date yet for this one but there are a few birthdays it could fall on.
    Married 2006
    DS1 2010
    DS2 2013
    DD1 2016
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    I'm due Jan 6 (FTM), my sister is Jan 10 and I'm Jan 14 so maybe ... Personally, I haven't enjoyed having a January birthday, but maybe that will all change if me and baby have the same one!!!
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    sarahbeara25sarahbeara25 member
    edited October 2015
    If my little one comes 10 days early it will share a birthday with my brother (Jan 9th). Entirely possible, and would be cool, his due date was the 19th as well, and he came early

    edit because spelling

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I'm due just 3 days before when I was due with my son. He was born a couple weeks early, but they still have the potential to share. 

    I think that your baby sharing a birthday with your Mom's brother is very sweet. How special! 
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    I am due the 8th and my birthday is the 5th. I second @ChrissyD1203 in that it's not always great having an early Jan birthday... But could be fun to share with my LO!
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    Married: 2012
    BFP #1 Sept 2014, MMC Dec 2014 | BFP #2 May 2015, DD Jan 2016 <3 | BFP #3 May 2017, MC July 2017 | BFP #4 Jan 2018, MC Feb 2018 | BFP #5 July 2018, fingers crossed
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    I am due January 14th and my mom's birthday is January 17th. She has her fingers crossed for a shared birthday with her first grandkid :)
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    I'm due on my own birthday! Happy Birthday to me!
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    DD shares a birthday with my grandma, 97 years apart. We were supposed to go to her birthday party the day my water broke.
    BFP #1: 9/26/10 DD: 5/2011
    BFP #2: 7/23/14 - MC: 8/28/14
    BFP #3: 2/22/15 - MC: 3/3/15
    BFP #4: 5/20/15 - Stick baby stick!!!
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    My dd who is 19 yrs was born on my grandmothers birthday. This lil one is due on my dh grandmothers birthday. Both r deceased.
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    My due date is Jan 30, and we have tons of late January birthdays in our family, the 16,17,24,25,26 & 27th. If she's early she'll probably land one of those. I'm secretly hoping for Feb 1st though because we have no February birthdays at all, and I think that'd be fun too :)

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    If she's two weeks early, she'll share a birthday with her aunt, which would be awesome (though I don't know if I want her coming 2 weeks early!  If she's on time, she'll have a good shot of sharing a birthday with one of my two close friends, which would be fun.  :)

    I love when babies share birthdays with someone close in their lives or someone special who passed.  My little brother shared a birthday with my grandmother and they had a really special bond.
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    My edd is January 29th, but my husband is insisting she will come on his birthday, February 2nd. He is so adamant that I am afraid he'll be disappointed if she comes earlier or later!
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    My due date is the 9th but my grandma's birthday is the 2nd and she is the most amazing, fun person ever! I would love for baby boy to share a birthday with her!
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    Mine is due two days before my husbands bday!
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    My daughter was born on my moms birthday
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    My daughter and I share birthdays
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    My EDD is the 15th and my birthday is the 17th so there is a good chance of us sharing. As well and 2 cousins, 2 grandmas and an uncle with mid January birthdays.
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    I'm due January 17th and my husbands birthday is the 14th! I'm hoping I'll have her on his birthday, how special would that be! :x my best friends birthday is the 16th though and we have a TON of January birthdays between both our families so we're bound to hit one!
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    MIL birthday's is January 15. It's a week before my due date but I've got $500 riding on me getting the D to schedule me then. I think he will since he most definitely doesn't want me going into labor. Should be interesting.
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    If my little one is five days early, she'll share a birthday with my grandma and my best friend!
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    edited October 2015
    My guy is due Jan 10 which is his cousin's birthday. My grandpa's birthday was Jan 9 among other January birthdays in my family.

    I was born on my sister's 9th Birthday a few weeks early in December! =)

    ETA an apostrophe
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    My baby is supposed to be due January 4th, that's the day my grandfather passed away 10 years ago.
    My sister has her birthday January 12 ( she told me the baby better not steal her thunder)
    I secretly hope he's born early -
    My doctor told me 80% of babies are born within the last two weeks - which is around December 22nd , so well see :)
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    My due date is January 6th and that is my birthday too!!! I think that will be so cool if it works out but I know there's a huge chance it won't. 
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    I'm due January 2nd. My baby brothers birthday is January 14, my grandpas is the 15th, my best friends is the 18th who is also due with her first baby on the 20th lol. However any of those birthdays would mean I would be almost 2-3 weeks overdue. No thanks lol. But I have a friend who is due January 4th, and another who is due the 5th, so there's a good chance either of us will have our babies on the same day.
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    If this little one is born a bit early, we could share a birthday.  My mom was due with me the same day I'm due (Jan 8) but I was born Dec 29th.  Really hoping this one cooks all the way to the end, I always hated being born between Christmas and New Years, but as long as baby's healthy I don't really care when :)

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    My birthday is January 18.
    My son's Birthday is January 23.
    Cousins birthday is January 14
    Uncle is January 9.
    I am due January 30th.

    We shall see.
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    I am actually born on my cousin's birthday. She is exactly 10 years older than me. Now my LOs due date is January 7, which happens to be the same cousins husband's birthday.
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    Baby will be sharing bday with my mom. Jan 07th :)
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    I share a birthday with my grandma - Jan 9th... I can schedule my c section anywhere between Jan 9-19 .... My husband wants me to go with the 9th, he thinks it'd be really cool.. I personally loved sharing a birthday with my grandma .. My mom always gave me my own bday party but always on the weekend or the day before/after my actual bday if the 9th fell on a weekend & I always spent my actual birthday with just my grandma.. She always made me dinner up until she couldn't anymore so we would go to dinner.. Give each other little gifts .. & she was my best friend.. I go visit her grave when I can on our birthday & take her balloons .. But she is buried in a different state with her family so it makes it so hard.. Trying to decide if I should give my girl her own day.. This is what I hate about having to have a c section.. I wish she would just come on her own..& I know she might actually come on her own .. That's what Im hoping for
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    My baby is due for Jan 20th. I have an aunt's bday on the 17, father in law's bday on the 26th, and my dad's bday on the 31st! So I guess we shall see :)
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    I share a birthday with my mom. 25 years apart! It makes your day extra special. It's a connection that you will always have! You will always have someone to spend your special day with!
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    My bday is the 20th of Jan so is my aunts, the due date is the 17th. My mom is hoping for the 20th too. But I'm hoping for on time and not later than need be haha
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