October 2015 Moms

When labor started, you were _____.

Trying to keep myself sane while waiting, so... What was happening when you realized you were in labor? Did you wake up in the middle of the night? Water break at work? Contractions start in the middle of the day? I just love to hear stories :)

Re: When labor started, you were _____.

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    With my first labor started when I was in the bath. I stood up to shower and felt the first real contraction. With my second I was getting clothing out of a laundry basket and got my first contraction.

    Both times they were significant contractions. First one they were six minutes apart and I had to breathe through them. Second time around I had to drop to my knees breathe deeply and they were 2-3 minutes apart
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    Still waiting DD is sat, hoping he comes tonight or tomorrow or sometime before 40 weeks.
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    midge519 said:
    With my first labor started when I was in the bath. I stood up to shower and felt the first real contraction. With my second I was getting clothing out of a laundry basket and got my first contraction. Both times they were significant contractions. First one they were six minutes apart and I had to breathe through them. Second time around I had to drop to my knees breathe deeply and they were 2-3 minutes apart
    Aren't you not supposed to bathe past a certain point? Could be wrong. 
    Do unto others. 
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    midge519 said:

    With my first labor started when I was in the bath. I stood up to shower and felt the first real contraction. With my second I was getting clothing out of a laundry basket and got my first contraction.

    Both times they were significant contractions. First one they were six minutes apart and I had to breathe through them. Second time around I had to drop to my knees breathe deeply and they were 2-3 minutes apart

    Aren't you not supposed to bathe past a certain point? Could be wrong. 

    You are not supposed to bathe if your water breaks. Otherwise baths are my best friend.

    My first baby my water broke on the toilet at 39 weeks.

    My second my doc told me I was 4 cm dilated at my first internal at 36 weeks 6 days. I woke up at 2 am that next morning with the most intense contractions and in active labor. She was almost a car baby.

    My 3rd daughter, well I will have to get back with you.
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    midge519 said:
    With my first labor started when I was in the bath. I stood up to shower and felt the first real contraction. With my second I was getting clothing out of a laundry basket and got my first contraction. Both times they were significant contractions. First one they were six minutes apart and I had to breathe through them. Second time around I had to drop to my knees breathe deeply and they were 2-3 minutes apart
    Aren't you not supposed to bathe past a certain point? Could be wrong. 
    Why wouldn't you be able to bathe?  I've never heard this before.
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    My therapist told me that. She's obviously not an OB but she said she thought you weren't supposed to bathe after a certain point in pregnancy. Only showers.
    Do unto others. 
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    Sleeping on the couch! I fell asleep watching tv with my husband and my water breaking woke me up. It wasn't a huge gush but I felt wet. Had to pee anyway so I ran to the bathroom. I wasn't sure if my water broke or if I peed myself (since so many L&D nurses joked about all the pregnant women who showed up thinking their water broke but they had just peed). Contractions started about 30 minutes later so there was no denying it!
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    I am also due on Saturday and praying I go before my due date! This waiting game feels like an eternity! I have my 40wk appointment on Friday and my midwife will sweep my membranes and hopefully get the ball rolling! Good luck! I'm in the same boat... Impatiently waiting.
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    Great post- I am still awaiting showtime & wondering when & where it will start. Having a ton of BH contractions, & mild cramps/shooting pains but still waiting. 40w2d today.
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    I was sleeping because it was 4AM! The contractions woke me up because I was so uncomfortable.
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    First kid - woke up at 6am to tell the cats to stop fighting and my water broke.

    Second kid - was dead asleep and felt a pop and my water broke at 1am.
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    midge519 said:

    With my first labor started when I was in the bath. I stood up to shower and felt the first real contraction. With my second I was getting clothing out of a laundry basket and got my first contraction.

    Both times they were significant contractions. First one they were six minutes apart and I had to breathe through them. Second time around I had to drop to my knees breathe deeply and they were 2-3 minutes apart

    Aren't you not supposed to bathe past a certain point? Could be wrong. 

    I've heard warnings to be cautious about how hot you run your bath. otherwise they should be safe if your water hasn't broken
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    Dd1 was half asleep half awake at 4am when my water broke in bed. I kind of hobbled to the bathroom trickling fluid everywhere. Told dh and we jumped in the car without so much as a towel (had our bags as they were already packed though).

    Dd2 I had been tossing and turning most of the night when my water broke at 2am. I told dh and grabbed a towel and we waited for my mom to come watch dd1. 4 hours after that she was born. 8-}
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    midge519 said:

    With my first labor started when I was in the bath. I stood up to shower and felt the first real contraction. With my second I was getting clothing out of a laundry basket and got my first contraction.

    Both times they were significant contractions. First one they were six minutes apart and I had to breathe through them. Second time around I had to drop to my knees breathe deeply and they were 2-3 minutes apart

    Aren't you not supposed to bathe past a certain point? Could be wrong. 

    I was never told not to. I was told to not take super hot baths as to not raise my body temp too high but never more than that. I was just laying in the warm water and was relaxing at 39+4. I don't clean myself in the tub I relax and stand in the shower to get clean.
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    Still awaiting this one.

    With my first I had gotten up to pee at 2am. Laid back down, felt a pop, rolled over and gushed everywhere. Contractions started within the hour.

    P.S. I labored in a birthing tub and shower. Planned on a waterbirth but labor stalled so I had to go into L&D. Planning another waterbirth at a birthing center with this one. So yes you can get in the bath, just make sure it's not too hot and also make sure to clean the tub prior to use.
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    For both of my labors, I was lying on the couch watching television when my water broke. Contractions started pretty quickly but the labors ended up being 11 and 7 hours each.
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    Last week Tuesday, I was having contractions all day 45 seconds long, 10 minutes apart. DH and I walked for about an hour and a half that day. I took a nap, woke up and they were gone at about 5:30pm! Tuesday night I woke up at 4 am to pee, laid down, had a few contractions & started timing them. They were 30 seconds long, 5 minutes apart & getting stronger. Then I felt a pop & a small trickle of water. I ran to go pee again and more trickled out so I didn't think my water broke since it was such a small amount. I decided we should just go to the hospital to be better safe than sorry so I hopped in the shower. My contractions were so bad that I had to stop & breathe & DH wasn't allowed to talk to me during them lol we got to the hospital about 5:30 am & my water did break! I had my son at 2:54 pm Wednesday the 7th :\">
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    I was watching tv on the couch shopping on etsy when contractions started. I had consistent 10-15min contractions for 43hrs before I was admitted at a 5. Could not sleep through them it was crazy exhausting!
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    I was entertaining 30+ people in my home for my oldest daughter's birthday party. I desperately tried to cover up how uncomfortable I was... Apparently, to those that know me well enough, I was unsuccessful. Left the party early and had my son 3 short hours later. Amazing and surreal!!
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    I was at work! It was my last day too. I started having really bad contractions when I woke up but went to work anyway. I actually work with the midwife that delivered him. She checked me that morning and sent me to the hospital!
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    I woke up to back labor contractions at 2am on DS's due date. Called the DR on call and it was the dad of one of my BFF's from childhood. He told me I sounded too happy to be in real labor and to go to their office when they opened in the morning. DS was born that night around 10pm.
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    mad because I couldn't sleep and it was only 2 hours before we needed to get up for our scheduled C-section. at 5:18 I woke up and thought holy shit I need to use the bathroom. laid back down and it happened again, and again... and boom I was in labor. It was destiny he be born that day, one way or another!
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    @urby87 you can take a shower but if you take a bath you may introduce bacteria if your water broke... also something about the hot water not being good for baby (I can't remember exactly what).

    As for my labor - first one my water broke in Ideal so there was no doubt what was happening lol. This time it might be while watching the Democratic debate. I've been having contractions every 8-9 minutes so if they continue that will be my story lol
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    maiatene said:
    @urby87 you can take a shower but if you take a bath you may introduce bacteria if your water broke... also something about the hot water not being good for baby (I can't remember exactly what). As for my labor - first one my water broke in Ideal so there was no doubt what was happening lol. This time it might be while watching the Democratic debate. I've been having contractions every 8-9 minutes so if they continue that will be my story lol
    I understand the temperature concern; you don't want to raise your core temperature over 102 for an extended period of time, but that applies to showers, too.  A warm bath is just fine, as long as it isn't too hot.  And if bacteria is a concern after water breaking, why would hospitals allow women to labor in whirlpool tubs?  I've never heard of concerns with bathing in general, just temperature.
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    First baby- woke up at 2am with contractions 2 minutes apart at 39 weeks

    Second baby- water broke as I was getting out of bed in the morning at 38 weeks

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    First baby- woke up had one big contraction then my water broke
    Second baby- I thought my water might of broke while going to the bathroom about 30min later mild contractions started
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