August 2015 Moms

Tummy time?!

Do any of your little ones hate tummy time? Mine just cries & fusses every time he does tummy time.. But he loves to be on his tummy when he is on my chest but that is it. Idk if it's just a preemie thing or what.

Re: Tummy time?!

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    Mine cries at tummy time too. We mostly do tummy time on my chest.
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    It completely normal. Just do tummy time on your chest and for a minute or two here and there throughout the day. Babywearing also helps with neck strength.
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    You can also do tummy time on your lap.
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    Mine hates tummy time on anything but my chest as well. The doctors said give it time.
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    I use a little pillow that was with my activity mat, this assists him in holding his head up.
    I'm just careful to make sure he doesn't let his head fall and nose plant!! Here's a pic- he was just 2 weeks old.
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    Tummy to tummy time (when they lay on us) also worked for our boys, who really hated tummy time. We tried to find creative ways to build head/neck strength like 'sit me up' seats, baby carriers, etc. One thing that worked really well was propping them up on a Twin Z pillow. In case it helps, this is a list of the tummy time alternatives that worked for our boys. Good luck to you and your LO's with tummy time!

    My favorite activities and tips for surviving different phases with our twins!

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    My son loves it. He's even rolling from back to tummy and staying there, i can't keep him on his back You can punch me in the face now if you want. 
    I get the frustration, as my niece who is 2 months older hates it, and i can sympathize with the cries. A little at a time goes a long way. And the on the chest thing helps. Also try a soft fuzzy blanket for it, they may not be able to push up as well, but they may like the feel and start to hate the position less.
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    I'm beginning to think I should just cut tummy time out.  Every ctime I put him on his tummy he just rolls right back over onto his back now lol.  He is a little master at that.  When I try to prevent him from rolling over he just gets really, really angry. He seems to be able to tolerate tummy time when I put him on my chest but only VERY briefly before he figures out that it's just another version of tummy time and tries to roll over lol (but of course I won't let him)  My pediatrician suggested moving him to different new areas to peak his interest but that fell flat.  He didn't care where he was, he just still hated tummy time. Maybe changing the scenery a bit might work for your baby? 
    Good luck!
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    BTW my son is approaching 5 months but was born a bit early.
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    I just gave up on it with my DD after she could roll, other than for the amusement of seeing her roll over. The whole point was to get the strength to roll anyway. Now DS learned to roll, so it's over for him too!
    BFP #1 9/23/09. Missed MC 10w3d D&C 11/3/09.

    BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10

    BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15



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    My preemie doesnt like tummy time either, but will tolerate a couple minutes, 5-6 minutes within an hour is better then nothing!!
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