January 2016 Moms

What Super Woman Thing Are You Doing?

My window in my car stopped going up. I trouble shooted it and decided it needed a new relay switch. I ordered it, it got here today and I installed it. Now my windows go up and down like they should! Share what super woman thing you are doing, have done or will be doing! Cleaning totally counts!

Re: What Super Woman Thing Are You Doing?

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    Totally wish I could contribute to this today... I've done NOTHING... is sitting watching Bones on Netflix super woman worthy? 

    Yes it is!
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    Taking 5 year old ss who is very indecisive to get a Halloween costume. And endless packing of boxes.
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    Working full time and trying to finish a screenplay and my first novel before baby comes!  We shall see if both of those projects actually get finished in time, but I'm trying!  :)
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    I went to a friends wedding yesterday. Wore heels. Danced and stayed until 12:30 then drove our friends home. Finally hit the sack at 2am! Woke up today and still dragged myself to thanksgiving dinner at my mums. Now my butt is planted firmly on the couch for the rest of the night.

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    Growing a human being! Lol. It's tough work:). Besides that I'm still working full time and taking care of the house as much as I can and as much as DH will let me (he is spoiling me to the point where I will end up not doing a damn thing before the baby gets here)
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    I'm sick, so getting out of bed for the past week, chasing my toddler around, and still managing to keep up on some of the housework.
     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I can contribute now :D Fiance and I cleaned the WHOLE house and the nursery yesterday (mostly the nursery needed to be converted from a storage area to a nursery) :D My parents are coming to buy the crib this morning so we get to build that too :D 

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    Wrangled my 3 year old son and twin 6 year old nieces all Saturday evening while my sister and BIL were at a wedding. Stayed up until 12:30 talking with sister and BIL after they got back from the wedding and still got up with all the kids at 6:30 AM and was the only adult up with them for at least an hour.

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    Full time school, caring for my husband who has a broken neck, taking care of 3 older children and growing a human are super woman enough, but in get so frustrated when I run out of time for other things like my walk the at relieves some of my stress!
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    I painted the ceiling in our family room on Saturday. My shoulders are still sore! haha. Still felt pretty good to do something productive though! :D
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    I'm working full time and caring for my Dad who has cancer. I swear he can be as bad as a child sometimes! Can I take a nap yet?
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    You ladies have been busy! I cleaned out the room that will be the baby's. It has been the catch all storage room for the last 2 years. That equaled 4 boxes to go to the Salvation Army and 5 garbage bags! All with the help of our 2 year old. Now just waiting for DH to carry the Christmas boxes and other decoration totes down stairs and move the new craft dresser into the spare bedroom. Also put away our outside decorations and plants and put the cover on the pool. Now on to dinner!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Working full time with kiddos with behavioral and learning disabilities. I also meet with 2 former students after school for art therapy. I also Take care of my rambunctious year old dog while my husband works crazy unreliable hours at the railroad. Can't say my house is very clean, and my meals tend to come from a box but ya win some ya lose some right?
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    Oh my gosh my life is nuts! We are in the middle of a major addition on our home, I also have a 3 year old and 1 year old a now 1 year old dog, a cat, and 5 hens that I care for on top of house work, laundry and all that jazz. My husband travels often for work so I am on my own probably 1/4- 1/3 of the time. When I say it out loud it sounds insane lol. Today I deep cleaned my stove too and trimmed a couple trees.
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    I killed a bug without screaming bloody murder...
    (Nevermind the 10 minutes of strategic planning)
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    I've been working ALOT, I'm a hairdresser and always on my feet and working until two weeks before I pop. Also this last weekend we had a batchelorette party and we learned the whole single ladies dance. (So much fun) and I even stayed around til late to see the "Jon snow" stripper!!! So worth it!! Hilarious!!!
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    My partner and I hiked the Cabot Trail in NS. Well, most of the trails. But I walked several 10-15 minute trails, climbed hills, rocks and over branches, and even did one flat 2.75 hour walk through the mountain!! At six months, I feel like Wonder Woman!
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    I am packing and going through the process of buying our first house. Plus dealing with my crazy boss.
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    Going through pregnancy without my SO. Going to school full time for my masters degree. I graduate in December. Working part time as a corrections officer on top of that. Can't wait to hold my baby boy!
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    Being a housewife with our 16 month old little girl in tow too! Oh and being a mum to two other children who have mild learning issues - some days are really tough. I seem to clean, tidy and cook and when the day is done I'm exhausted and it looks like nothing has been done :(
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    Ugh. Just ugh. Some of you sound like you need the luxury of just watching Netflix on the couch for two hours before taking a nap and only being awoken by the sound of the doorbell signaling your takeout has arrived.
    *waves wand*
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    Not that I have that luxury. But damn! Some of you sound like you need a break! Seriously, full time, grad school, twins? Can you be my life coach?
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    Managed to not puke this morning (9am UK) despite nausea. Woohoo
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