August 2015 Moms

Mom Routines

For all of the pro SAHMs out there what kind of routine do you have? Now that the LO is getting bigger I can actually regain some normalcy. But normal used to be working in a cubicle from 9-5. What's a normal work day for you?

Re: Mom Routines

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    Since I'm not taking the baby indoors in public places yet, I play with her and take her to outside places like parks to walk around when she's awake and exercise, shower, cook, etc. when she naps.
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    Usually my toddler gets up around 6:30-7 so I get the baby up then if she's not already. Then we have breakfast. On days we leave the house for errands, library, playdates, park, donuts with friends, etc... I get them both dressed. Then we go. On those days the baby naps in the carrier/car. She's fortunately pretty easy going. I breastfeed on demand, so we nurse whenever needed. I usually try to nurse immediately before leaving the house or going into something like storytime though because she's easier to nurse in the car where my toddler is contained (I bring snacks for her while I nurse). Then we come home. If we stay home, we play in the morning and I try to have some activities planned - art, learning letters/numbers, cooking, etc. The baby naps mid-morning for a little while in her bouncer whenever she starts looking tired - usually a couple hours after she gets up for anywhere from 20 min to an hour. We don't do TV at all during the week but occasionally my toddler will get to play ABC Mouse for a half hour or so.

    I make lunch for my toddler and I, and then the baby usually goes down for her long nap around noon and usually sleeps till 3:30 or 4. Then the toddler goes down for her long nap and sleeps 2-3 hours. I try to get some chores done at that point (laundry, dishes, etc..) and/or I work on one of a million projects I have going.

    Then the toddler wakes up. I usually spend some time reading and snuggling with her or doing a fun activity like making slime or playdough or blowing up ivory soap in the microwave. Then the baby gets up. I nurse her and then I try to keep the toddler entertained while keeping the baby from fussing while making dinner. My husband comes home. We eat dinner. Then he is on toddler duty after dinner (usually playing outside or going for a walk) while I spend some time with the baby.

    Then I start baby's bedtime routine about 6:30 (nursing, bath, pajamas, offer to nurse again, rock till drowsy, leave to sleep), she is down between 7 and 7:15. My husband starts getting my toddler around for a bath around 7 every other night or so if I'm not out yet. Then I join them. Otherwise, her bedtime routine starts at 7:30 (pajamas, brush teeth, read 4 books and snuggle as a family, song, leave her to sleep about 8:00). Then we do whatever till we go to bed. Repeat next day...
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    I find mornings the longest so we plan our play dates and outings for around 10:30 am (it takes me that long to get both kids fed, dressed, packed and out of the house).  Nap is at 1-3:30 or 4pm, dinner is at 6pm and bed is 8:30.  Both of my kids pretty much follow this schedule although LO deviates sometimes (his morning naps are usually just whenever and wherever he falls asleep). 

    I try to have something that gets up out of the house at least 4 out of 5 days to break up the monotony.  Doctors appointments, errands, visits to Grammy and Papa's house, play dates with our neighbors etc.  I can usually find something even if its going to Target for an hour.  

    In the evenings I wear the baby so I can clean the house and make dinner before DH gets home, he takes his evening nap while being worn. I also try to take them on a walk everyday whenever we have down time. 
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    Thank you both so much!! This is great advice
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    SidraJediSidraJedi member
    edited October 2015
    I wish my routine was tighter but it's not. Here it goes:

    7 or 8am wake up, breakfast, nurse DD2
    7:30 or 8:30am DH leaves for work
    9am either go somewhere; errands, storytime, zoo, park, etc. (DD2 usually sleeps through most of this) or cooking and cleaning, depending on the day (DD2 naps mostly, sometimes in the woven wrap on my back). I usually spend two days a week cooking/cleaning and one day running errands so the other two days are for outings but sometimes we reschedule one of the cleaning days for an extra outing day instead.
    12pm lunch
    1pm quiet time/nap (DD1 used to nap for 2-3 hours but has been on a napping strike for two weeks yet) I used to put DD2 down and then DD1 and then put DD2 down again as she would inevitably awake while I put DD1 down. Now I just nurse DD2 down while reading books with DD1, change DD1's diaper at 1:30 (or leave DD1 to help DD2 wipe-we are potty training), and either try to get her to nap or just let DD2 sleep depending on if I think I have a chance of DD1 napping or not.
    2pm cooking/cleaning (or -let's be honest- crashing with a glass of wine or stress eating if it's been a hard day. Or if it was a hard day but not too hard I have a second cup of coffee and soldier on)
    3 or 4pm DD2 awake
    5pm DH home if it's a short day. DH or I get dinner started depending on if he's home and if DD2 is settling into her evening nap well or fighting it.
    5-7pm DD2's evening nap (not 3 hours long, but can fall anywhere in this time frame)
    6:30 pm dinner
    7:30 DH home if it's a long day and we have dinner late
    7:30-8:30 bedtime routine for DD1 (this used to be play time before she stopped napping)
    8:30pm DD2 fed and put to bed
    10:30pm-12:30am my and DH's bedtime (10:30pm was DD1's bedtime before she stopped napping)

    This has been our usual routine more or less since the dust settled but I can already see it begining to shift as DD2 becomes more aware, tries to discover new things/ideas and (unfortunately it seems) cut a tooth! I used to think ppl were crazy when they claimed their baby was teething so early but she has all the signs...

    I am also cutting down and working towards cutting out coffee in favor of green tea bc I remember this helped DD1 to nap more deeply and regularly while nursing.
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