Trying to Get Pregnant

GTKY: What have you bought?


Re: GTKY: What have you bought?

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    A coworker of mine was KU last year and the only big things she got before the third trimester were things that were on sale, ie a $70 off coupon for a high end rear and front facing combo car seat with an additional 20% off from the store. They are on a tight budget so getting things at an affordable price won out in the end but they didn't get anything else until her third trimester from what she said.
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    MrsFL2015MrsFL2015 member
    edited October 2015
    I'm a bit of a control freak and I like to plan; however,  I'm also one of those people that just doesn't put the cart before the horse on anything.   I could never buy anything baby related before being pregnant because it just doesn't feel right to me.   Instead,  I live by the attitude to save money and have that money to spend freely when needed.    

    I also don't worry about preparing in 9 months because I do think that is plenty of time to gather all the essential items.  I think (and hear from all my parent friends) that you're never really ready and you do learn (and realize you need) certain items/things along the way.    I would rather have the money set aside and when I realize I want a certain item, then I can buy it.  

    I tend to find that when I buy anything too far in advance, I end up realizing I don't really like the item or I don't really need it.   I did this with stuff for my wedding and it was a huge waste of my money/time.   
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    I haven't gotten anything yet but as some PPs have said I've definitely window shopped a bit and contemplated what all I'd need to have in the house for baby. I've probably read more articles than is strictly good for me about all the various baby essentials and what you can probably pass on getting.

    If/when I get my BFP I don't know how long I'll be able to wait on buying things. I would like to try to hold out till the end of the first trimester at least. If I can I think it would be helpful to wait until I know baby's sex. Of course, even planning all that is very cart before the horse feeling for me since I haven't even gotten a BFP yet and have no idea how long it will be before I do.... if I ever do.
    Me: 28 Husband: 31
    TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
    Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
    Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017  ❤️

    Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I haven't bought anything yet, but there is this giant stuffed triceratops at Sam's Club that DH thought was cool, so we agreed we would buy it when we got our BFP to celebrate. I know we won't know the gender when we buy it, but I don't mind if I have a little girl into dinosaurs. I'm not of a really superstitious nature, so I have no qualms about the baby stuff beforehand. 
    Me: 36, DH: 40
    Married: July 22, 2008
    Fur babies: Yeti (cat) 

    #1 Boy E 9/30/17 
    #2 Girl A 7/27/2020
    #3 ?? ? est. 1/5/2025 
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    Oh boy the things I bought. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit but quite a few onesies, 4 piece outfits, bedding, future nursery decor, activity gym, bouncy seat, and sleep sacks. All I bought on sale/clearance but nonetheless I have it stashed away in a closet just waiting for use. Hopefully sooner than never.
    Me:28 (PCOS, DOR), DH: 32 (low morphology)
    TTC since March 2012
    2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
    3 failed IUIs in 2015
    October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
    IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
    Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....

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    I haven't bought anything yet. I have picked out the onesie I will get for DH in celebration of our BFP if/when it happens ;).
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    edited October 2015
    I tried to convince DH that we should buy a onesie while we were on our europe trip (a Doctor Who onesie from London!), but he wouldn't go for it. We have zero baby items, and I think it's easier this way. Less pressure (well, less than I am already putting on myself!).

    Edit: correcting autocorrect

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Surprisingly all I have bought is a gift for DH to let him know. It will be our first so I want it to be special.

    I'm waiting because-
    a) I don't want to look at baby stuff and be even more disappointed if it takes awhile.
    And b) my 2nd guest room is attached to our bedroom and we turned it into my walk in closet for the time being- I'm not willing to give up that space until there's an actual little one! ;)
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    ***trigger warning***I went crazy during our second pregnancy. I figured "well this one won't turn out the same way." Ugh. But over the past three years I still find myself in the baby section at stores. And occasionally I'll make purchases. We have a huge storage container full of outfits, socks, blankets, pacifiers, bottles, books, you name it. It's kind of my secret addiction. It just makes me feel, idk, better? I still believe that someday we are going to get that BFP that's going to stick and we'll bring a baby home.
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    DH and I have bought a crib and changing table so far... He started school in September and is only working part time now. we figured we would have money before he went to school but once he started the budget would be pretty slim. Granted we spent 150 on both things so it wasn't a huge amount we didn't pay a lot. And if I don't feel like looking at them I close the door and try to forget about them. Ya right... :(
    Me: 24 DH: 28
    Married: 04/04/2014
    TTC #1: 05/2015
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    I think it's personal choice. I buy gender neutral clothes when it's on clearance at gap baby. (Must be under $5) When the (RED) stuff was popular I bought a ton of the Diape(RED) onesies.
    Married: July 2013  House: July 2014   TTC: August 2014 
        ME: 27  DH: 29
    Mastiff Isabel: January 2013
    Orange Cat 1 Lucy: February 2014
    Orange Cat 2 and Buff White Cat: Ruby & Winnie: July 2014
    Crazy Black Lab/Red-bone Coon hound: October 2014
    Maybe a Baby?
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    LinKayeLarLinKayeLar member
    edited October 2015
    Nothing yet but I plan on getting some baby shoes for DH when I tell him. I'm in China for the next few months so I can't really take much stuff home. I would love to get some cute traditional Chinese baby stuff here though
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    I asked my DH if I could start coupon in for diapers now that we are TTC. He shut that down quick. I tried to explain even if we don't get pregnant I could gift the diapers at baby showers. He still said no :(
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    I have an adorable fox/hedgehog onesie that I initially bought for a friend's baby shower but it was too cute so I kept it. It's tucked away in a drawer until we can use it, but I'm going to hold back and not but anything else to avoid any disappointment..
    Me: 26     DH: 25
    DS1 -- 9/30/2016

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    I haven't bought anything myself, but I have a bunch of hand me downs saved from my SILs. 

    <3 In Love 2001
    Married 2009
    TTC#1 2014
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    As PP has mentioned about the one or two things we would buy to tell DH or family the big news.

    I bought a pair of onsies for if/when I get KU but only because they're not readily available around my area so if I were to wait until BFP I would have to wait a whole week for shipping before telling DH and no way I could do that!
    So I have them hiding in a corner in my closet behind all my clothes.

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    I have not bought anything yet mostly because I don't want to stare at it. It is very tempting though! Lots of cute stuff out there!! :)
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    I haven't bought anything, but I have made some onesies out of old t-shirts that my husband and I don't wear anymore and knitted some thing with some extra yarn that I have. I definitely won't get any big things until at least the second trimester though.
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    Interesting question. I have to actively stop myself from going in the baby section. I went to Pottery Barn kids recently and had to leave quickly. I was so sad. I do have some cute baby socks I bought but can always give as baby gifts. I do not want to get my hopes up and be disappointed.
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    I have wanted to buy something to tell DH when the time comes, but I've decided to wait. I'd hate to be disappointed and have that reminder.

    When we got engaged, we booked our wedding over 2 years away. In that first year, I was so excited to buy things like jewelry, cake topper, and other wedding accessories. I didn't spend a ton of money, but I ended up changing my mind a million times over those 2 years and wasted a lot of money, most of which I couldn't recover (because no one buys wedding stuff second hand!). Trying to learn from my mistakes...

    I did have to tell my sister we were TTC because she was getting rid of her son's crib, and I wanted her to save it for me. It's on reserve for me in her basement, but I don't consider that buying something new. Worst case scenario, she has to sell it in a few years.
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    With DD, the only thing we bought before the 3rd trimester was a pack of onsies from Target that made H cry when he saw them. They weren't even anything special, just struck the right cord at the right moment. Everything else came from my baby shower or we bought about 6 weeks before the due date.
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    I haven't bought anything but my one friend has bought me Steeler onesies (my favorite team) and keeps telling me anytime there is a big sale at Babies R Us. 

    It kind of bothers me because I don't really want to buy anything yet. I feel like I want to save that... 

    I do look at maternity clothes every once in awhile and have thought about buying stuff during sales, but again end up deciding to save it because I may not get the right seasonal clothes etc. 

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    I don't believe in bad luck. it is not like some ancient greek god is watching me going "oh, well I was going to give her a beautiful baby boy, but I see she bought that funny shirt and some diapers. I guess no baby for her. darn".

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    I don't believe in bad luck. it is not like some ancient greek god is watching me going "oh, well I was going to give her a beautiful baby boy, but I see she bought that funny shirt and some diapers. I guess no baby for her. darn".

    Greek God's are vengeful.....


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    Nothing! And I won't until KU, and then all bets are off! Somebody take my credit card away at that point.
    But honestly, I have completely stopped looking at all baby stuff, in real life and on pinterest/online. Maybe self preservation to make it not hurt so much every cycle that doesn't work out. So I can't imagine actually having things at home. 
    Married 2011
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    Fur child: One awesome Golden Retriever
    IUI August 2016  : Cancelled due to polyp
    September 2016: Polyp removal/hysteroscopy
    October 2016: IUI #1- BFN
    November 2016: IUI #2- BFN
    December 2016: IUI #3 - BFN
    January/February 2017 - IVF + ICSI + PGD
    March 2017 - FET

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    I have started buying stuff. Not so much clothes, but books and knick knacks and I already have our spare room (which is basically a storage room) kind of on its way to being set up for baby. The bookshelf is done it just needs more and I know where the crib and the rocker is going to go. I don't think it's weird. It's oddly comforting to have that all in there, and it gives me hope that we will have one eventually, even if it's not in the organic traditional way there will be a baby in that room at some point. I hope within the year. 

    Me: 30
    Hubs: 31
    Married: 05/04/2013
    BFP#1: Natural Loss; 8/12/14
    BFP#2: D&C 3/7/15

    Chart Stalk:

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    I'm just stocking up on all paper products right now. As I have no clue how long the journey this time will take.

    Addison (DD) born 6/10/12
    M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14
    Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16

    Lfafer  you want to have in your playgroup  * Best Baker  * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads*  Most Supportive Lfafer *   Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your meal train after birth

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    So I just entered my TWW & I bought my first items today. I feel like I'm jinxing myself :/ I bought a onesie & 2 shirts for my dogs to dress them in & give H the onesie when we find out.... I don't feel like that's "jumping the gun" too much though
    Me:23 DH:24
    Married July 19, 2012
    TTC since March 2015
    Early M/C Dec. 2015
    2 fur babies: Thunder- Blue Heeler, Shiner- Lhasa Apso 
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