October 2015 Moms

Broken arm 1 week before due date

I'll be honest...I have not been very involved with the postings this pregnancy. My now 18 month old has kept me busy. Monday I fell over the baby gate in his doorway, which we put up because we just switched him to a toddler bed about 2 weeks ago. I tried to catch myself to protect my 39 week pregnant baby belly and ended up breaking my humerus. Fracture is too high to cast and ortho doc says no surgery. I just wanted to reach out for any suggestions and support. I had planned to attempt a VBAC but that's not really an option amore since I can't brace myself to push so I am scheduled for a repeat csection on Monday. Recovery time for my arm is 6-8 weeks. I plan on breastfeeding so I know I will have challenges. Any moms out there who may only have one arm or have injuries/restrictions that would like to share advice on how to feed, change diapers/clothes or just pick up newborn with one arm would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Broken arm 1 week before due date

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    I have no advice but just wanted to wish you well. This is so terrible but glad the baby was ok from the fall. Best of luck!
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    Can you line up support people? Maybe thru your church or relatives? Have help come in while hubs is at work to help you with diapers and toddler if possible. Or look into hiring a daytime nanny/helper....
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    I'm so sorry to hear. This just sucks and I wish u a speedy recovery.
    I had hernia surgery just after my baby was born and I was determined to continue breast feeding.
    U can do it laying down.
    Position yourself on your side with a rolled up baby blanket under ur boob. Someone has to bring u baby and lay them on their side.
    It works like a charm. I continued to do it even after I was well at night so I could feed and sleep.
    Use a midwife or lactation consultant to help u out. They are great.
    Good luck mama.
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    Ugh, no fun! In sorry. I broke my arm early In the pregnancy (tripping over the dog). It made it pretty tough to chase after my then 14 mo old, change diapers, etc. mine was pretty well healed after 3 or 4 weeks. My only advice is to accept help that is offered and don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Also, maybe get a nursing pillow to help prop up the baby on the side with the broken arm. Best of luck and get well soon!!
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    I'm so sorry to hear this. Glad your baby is ok from the fall. I have no experience, so my only suggestion is to seek out extra help from family and friends.
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    Yikes! That is hard. No experience or good advice, but I'm glad your baby is ok! I remember my mom tripping and falling when she was pregnant with my brother. She hurt her back pretty bad protecting her belly. Definitely get as much help from friends and family as possible. I hope you recover quickly and easily!
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