Eco-Friendly Family

On a scale of 1-10, how crunchy are you?

I would rate myself a 6 probably. I think I'm pretty crunchy, but there are obviously so many things I don't do. Obviously no one here is a 10 since we all use a computer :) There is so much more I'd do if I had the money for it, though.

Re: On a scale of 1-10, how crunchy are you?

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    i think it's all relative. a super crunchy person may be a 10 to one person, but a 5 to themselves..

    that being said, i'd put myself at or around a 5:)

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    About a 4, I am a work in progress.
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    Finances get in our way.  I'd say we're a 6 too.
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    Is this deja vu, or did we do this a couple of days ago.  Please, someone...tell me I'm not losing my mind. 


    Either way, I'd guess I'm floating in between a five and a six. 

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    Is this deja vu, or did we do this a couple of days ago.  Please, someone...tell me I'm not losing my mind. 


    Either way, I'd guess I'm floating in between a five and a six. 

    yup - it was in the gtky poll from thurs!  i about a 6, i believe.  Stick out tongue

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    Is this deja vu, or did we do this a couple of days ago.  Please, someone...tell me I'm not losing my mind. 


    Either way, I'd guess I'm floating in between a five and a six. 

    someone posted a GTKY the other day and this was one of the questions. oh and i change my answer to a 6!

    p.s. glad- i can't see your siggy pic

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    About a 5.  My husband keeps my crunchy factor from being higher.

    imageimageAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    oh, sorry! I didn't see it. Not trying to be a copycat, I promise :)
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    oh, sorry! I didn't see it. Not trying to be a copycat, I promise :)


    No worries!  I was just concerned for my own mental health.  lol


    And, I can't see goodheartedmommy's sigs right now, either.  I wonder if shutterfly is down or something?

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    And, I can't see goodheartedmommy's sigs right now, either.  I wonder if shutterfly is down or something?

    must be shutterfly...

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    4 to 5... I'm working on it :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    Maybe a 3.  I'm working on it. husband an my mother (who currently lives with us) make it hard.  And, well, I'm lazy.

     But I'm working on it.

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    I said 7 or 8 last week...and I think that's pretty close.
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