August 2015 Moms

Nights are taking their toll

My 9 week old is still waking every hour or 2 hours to bottle feed at night. The longest he has ever gone is 3 hours but that is rare. Partner and I have separate rooms so I have bubba 6 times a week and he has him every saturday. I reached breaking point last night not having slept for longer that an hour the whole night. I do everything to keep him asleep, quiet, dark room, no communication, he doesnt like to be swaddled. I cant nap during the day as i then cant sleep at night and partner wouldnt have him during week because of work. I am fed up with this no sleeping business and dont know how much longer i can keep it up! Xxx

Re: Nights are taking their toll

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    I have a white noise machine and keep it on during the night- keeps my baby pretty happy and asleep. If she gets too fussy during the day (and she's been fed and changed) I will turn it on and it puts her right to sleep. I noticed pretty early on that she wouldn't go to sleep for us if it was quiet in the room. Maybe you could try something like that to see if it helps! We also have an app on our phones called baby soother (it has a picture of a baby's face on it and it was free). If we are out in public we use this, it has different sounds to try like hair dryer, etc. ours likes the vacuum sound on the app, you can try that also to see if it helps
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    At 7 weeks im in the same boat as you.. I try swaddling and we are up every 2 hours as well no matter what..Dh works overnights so im up all night and then watch him all day too while he sleeps. So tired! Hope we both get sleep soon
    DS 8/13/15 
    Blessed  <3o:)
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    I am in the same boat... Nothing seems to be helping. Hopefully they grow out of it soon. Not getting sleep sucks :(
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    The womb is actually pretty loud, so a lot of babies need noise to feel comfortable enough to fall asleep. Highly recommend a white noise machine or a white noise app on your phone
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    Does LO sleep during the day? He may still have his nights and daysixed up. I'm still working on that with mine. I do try to nap once during the day with her otherwise I don't have the patients to deal with her at night. She also hates the swaddle but I have used it a night only the past few days and it helped her sleep longer. I try not to force her to sleep as it just stresses us both out.
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    i would suggest swaddling again, they may seem to hate it and break out of it, but they may need to just get used to it. There are a ton of different ones out there. We use the Swaddle up, which allows him to have his hands by his face.
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    bcarb said:
    i would suggest swaddling again, they may seem to hate it and break out of it, but they may need to just get used to it. There are a ton of different ones out there. We use the Swaddle up, which allows him to have his hands by his face.
    Love swaddleUP!
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    Try Dohmie sleep conditioner. It has an actual fan inside that makes the noise. It helps my baby fall asleep and I like sleeping with it too
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    This was my LO up until about two weeks ago. He's 9 weeks now and we're finally getting 5-6 hour stretches from him! I was starting to think I would only ever get 2hr naps all night long forever lol!! Trust me...there's light at the end of the will find their way when they are ready! Hang in there mama! :)
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    Second the try swaddling again. Mine both hated to have their arms in, so I had gave up on it. In desperation last week, while my DH was out of town, I reswaddled her with the halo sleep sack swaddle. She slept ok, but was still up a lot, due to startling herself. So then I swaddled her arms in, and she only woke up once at 330am! It's been this way for nearly 2 weeks now. So nice! She did struggle and fuss about having her arms in at first but after a few minutes, she was sound asleep. It also seemed to help with the pig grunting too! Lol.
    I'm also a big fan of music softly at night. I play a classical mic of pachelbels canon in d major with ocean sounds for dd1. Loveeee classical!
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    This was my son off and on. Lately he has been sleeping for longer stretches. What helped was an article I read somewhere. It stated to do everything you are doing now but also make sure they are fed enough during the day. He is mostly bottle fed breast milk. I have increased the amount of Oz he gets during the day and at night I supplement with formula (I have my own reasons for supplementing). Since doing that and sticking to our routine he has slept beautifully. Also hubby and I don't go rushing in his room at his first cry and he usually settles himself back to sleep within minutes. (I can see him on the monitor and know he is ok). Oh and about the son hated his swaddle for 2 mins. He would cry...but I kept him in it because 2-3 mins later he was settled and content and then fell asleep. We are in the process of transitioning him which is going ok...anyways hope this advice helps!
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    How much is your LO eating ? This was my DS until my Dr told me to increase his feeds, then he started sleeping a 4-5stretch to start the night. But this past wk he went back to every 2hrs I think it's a matter of trial and error. GL

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    Thank you for all the comments ladies, very useful tips! During the day he has 4 oz every 2 hours ish, the most he has ever had is 5 oz with a break in between. He won't take any more and he literally shuts his mouth tightly when he has had enough. He goes into his longest stretch of sleep early evening at around 6 or 7pm and can be asleep till 10pm it would ve nice if he would do that at 10pm and go till 2am at least. No luck yet. Its hard to remember that hopefully it won't be like this forever lol x
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    No advice, but I'm in the same boat with my 12 week old. It sucks :(
    Mom to AJ: 2/16/2012

    Elliott Woodson due 8/2/2015!
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