June 2015 Moms

LO wants to sleep face down!!

My LO is almost 4 months old and can roll from back to front very well. He also has good head control. Since he's learned to roll, that's all he will do at night and chooses to sleep that way with his face down in mattress/his hands! I always put him to sleep on his back. It makes me a nervous wreck! Needless to say, I haven't slept in about a week. I either roll him back over or try to turn his head which doesn't work so well. Anyone experiencing this or have any advice? Is it safe to let him sleep that way?

Re: LO wants to sleep face down!!

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    The responses on this board are very divided on this topic. Medical professionals on here have said they let their babies sleep on their bellies (and they are saying that as moms, not as medical professionals). Other medical professionals and moms on here have said they follow the current leading advice to keep baby on back.
    Consensus seems to be to follow your instinct about your baby.

    The reason for this advice is due to SIDS risk. Because the real cause of SIDS is not yet known, it cannot be stated for certain whether it is "safe". Some people believe whatever a baby is doing naturally is safe. Others believe back is best, as current, leading medical advice has outlined.

    Ultimately, this is perhaps a good question for your own pediatrician who can evaluate the neck strength and overall health of your baby. But others may chime in with advice.
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    I say do what you think is right for you and your DH and your baby. Only you really know your LO and what will make you feel comfortable. I know that doesn't really answer your question. But like @virginiaunicorn11 said, there are going to be people cheering in either camp, like most decisions about what is best for baby. What we can all agree on is that we all want all the babies to grow up happy and healthy. But all babies have different needs and wants so some might do better on belly, on back, in a swing, bouncer, mommy's arms, pacifier or not, swaddled or not, blanket or not, or simply in a diaper. If you are truly concerned about sufficient neck strength call the pediatrician and ask him/her to evaluate and give you some more specific guidelines to follow now that your LO is rolling over so much. Sorry if this wasn't very helpful! Good luck momma!!
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    If you are really concerned about it could you get Velcro wedges to stop baby rolling over?
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    I say let him sleep on his belly if he wants to. My son has been on his belly and sometimes prefers the back. In the Dominican Republic doctors say to sleep babies on their belly bc it helps with gas. It made sense to me.
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    You can always get a breathable mattress for the crib if the price wouldn't be an issue. I have no idea how much they cost, but it might be worth the peace of mind.
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    Thanks for all the help, ladies! He is still rolling over to sleep on his belly but I think he is learning to turn his face to the side now. He seems to be figuring it out. I'm still going to lose sleep over it but this phase will pass soon enough I'm sure!
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    HayesRN13HayesRN13 member
    edited September 2015
    My guy sleeps on his tummy and he often loves to go face down, healthy babies will automatically turn if their brain is not receiving enough oxygen, after about ten minutes my guy turns to the side, and he moves side to side, face down probably too I don't know he sleeps all night. It may be scary, especially all the SIDS hype... but healthy babies are fine sleeping on their stomachs. Especially at 4 months your peds should be telling you not to be worried. SIDS IS NOT FROM STOMACH SLEEPING.. It is underlying causes.. I know this is a serious issue but if people did the real research they wouldn't be so concerned with their baby falling asleep belly down. IMO that's why their babies aren't sleeping well... Babies need their sleep to properly grow...put them where they are comfortable and will sleep! So frustrating :-q, I wish they would go back to how it was recommending belly sleeping because there are a lot of tired parents out there who's babies don't sleep=sad unhappy babies... Would you sleep with no blankets on a hard cold surface ???? And add babies that have overactive reflexes.. Good luck with that.
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    ^^^ example.. If you smoked while pregnant? Don't put your baby face down to sleep.
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    If you are really concerned about it could you get Velcro wedges to stop baby rolling over?

    You guys need to let your babies roll over! Lol .. Omg
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    akrich22 said:

    Thanks for all the help, ladies! He is still rolling over to sleep on his belly but I think he is learning to turn his face to the side now. He seems to be figuring it out. I'm still going to lose sleep over it but this phase will pass soon enough I'm sure!

    Please stop losing sleep, let your baby roll over and sleep...

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    I'm sorry but these threads only frustrate me. We have come to a point where mothers can't even trust being their babies mother, there are always new changing trends, contraindicating each other, and everyone reads and listens to TV, media, etc... I'm sorry ladies but please trust yourself, trust your babies. Let them be, let them roll, and especially let them sleep! Your baby will not die from sids sleeping face down! Especially when they are old enough to roll there! Give them a chance and please give yourself some sleep...
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    ^^ DH loves reading my posts.. He said I think you got the point across...

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    For me it's the struggle out weighs the risks. Just like during pregnancy. Even though the chances were slim to get sick off of cold cuts, I still avoided them. The joy of on Italian sub wasn't worth the possibility of my child getting sick. Same with the back sleeping. A few more months of struggling to keep LO on her back, and putting an extra layer of onesies on, way overrules the increased chance of SIDS. Even if she's perfectly healthy. I wonder if propping Los mattress up like they do for reflux babies would deter your baby from turning as easily.
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    I'm to nervous to put LO down on his belly but can't wait until he can roll there himself. I was under the impression that once they were able to roll themselves, it was fine to leave them.
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    HA! Guess who fussed and tossed and turned tonight... Until I put him on his belly, and now he's doing his cute little clicks snore and farting away.
    I said it before and will say it again - this kid is out to prove me wrong every chance he gets!
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