August 2015 Moms

Slept through the night!

DS has been slowly going longer between MOTN feedings. Last night he ate well and I put him in his cradle at 930. He slept through the night (I didn't as I had to get up to pump, but still)! He didn't wake up until about 715 this morning. When he did wake up, he was only a little whiny and not all out screaming for food. I am really surprised that this happened at only 6 weeks and while I am sure its an isolated event, I am very excited!

I know many of you are still struggling with multiple MOTN feedings, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and its beautiful!

Re: Slept through the night!

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    Yay for you, I hope it becomes a habit!
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    My 2 month old has slept from 7pm to 5:30am the last two nights. It's amazing! I hope it continues for both of us!
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    That's awesome! I am so jealous.
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    Yay!!! The stars mustve been aligned..I got another 915 to 415 stretch from my LO last night and then she sleep from 5 to 830!
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    That is awesome! Don't know what was up with last night but my LO slept for 4.5 hours followed by 2.5 hours. Usually it's 2-3 followed by 1.
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    I had my first 4 hour stretch last night!! Whooo... lol
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    Yessss!!!!!!! Just in time for fall lol. We are at DDs 1 month appointment so hopefully she gets to sleeping more soon.
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    Yay!! I am so jealous!!
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    I think we've hit 6 wk growth spurt. LO was up from 2-8 this morning. He is currently catnapping in my arms. I'm jealous of anyone who got ANY sleep last night!
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    Still every 2-3 hours here. Sigh.
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    Still waiting for that light at the end of my tunnel
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    My little guy just started doing 5 hour stretches and he's 5 weeks old. Last night I actually woke him up because I thought I heard him and it had been 5 hours. Should have let him keep sleeping
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    We got a five hour stretch in last night too! And luckily it was when I was also sleeping, so Momma got in five hours! Boom!
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    I so freaking excited, he slept through last night too!
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    My DS slept from 10-4 then 430 till 730!!! He only woke up at 730 because I put my hand on him to make sure he was breathing! I feel like a new person!
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    DS slept for almost 6 hours followed by a 3 hour stretch. Sadly I woke up every 2 hours to make sure he was still breathing. My body is so used to him being up every 2.
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    We are on night 3 now. I wake up every time he makes a sound but he is usually just wiggling out a fart or wanting his pacifier back. He also has a habit of wiggling all the way down to the foot of his cradle and gets his legs up along the footboard (we have matress propped up for stuffyness and gas) so I have to fix him constantly. I still have to get up and pump but its been nice only having actually get out of bed once a night.
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    Yay!!! The stars mustve been aligned..I got another 915 to 415 stretch from my LO last night and then she sleep from 5 to 830!

    My guy did almost exactly these times last night/ this morning only fast forward 1hr lol I woke up before him at about 4am because my boobs were so full it was starting to hurt. I even woke up DH to see if he got up with him before that
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    I got a 6 hour stretch last night! Whoohoo!
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    We got an 8.5 hour stretch this week! So glorious!
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    Sorry to high jack the thread with a question... But what are you all who have babies STTN or for long stretches doing about feeding/pumping? My LO has given me some 4-7 hour stretches and while I love it, I worry that this will affect my BM supply from going so long. Especially because I block feed. So say I feed from the right side at 9pm and then she sleeps until 3am, feeds from the left, and then sleeps until 7am. That's 10 hours between the right breast being drained. I've started pumping whichever side doesn't get used in the middle of the night. But it still just seems like a long time (potentially 6-8 hours per side). Does your body just adjust to what you need for during the day? I realize I could set alarms and pump more often, but isn't the goal for all of us to be sleeping through the night eventually?

    Sorry this got so wordy!
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    edited September 2015
    When he was getting up at night, I was block feeding (did this only at night). Once I started pumping aroubd 4 weeks, I would go and pump the side he didn't feed from. Now, if he doesn't eat before I go to bed around 930, I pump both (also if he doesn't eat much). Then I get up at 230 am and pump both again. After that, I go by how I feel. DH gets up around 530 most mornings so if I feel engorged, I go pump both again and then I am up for the day around 7. DS also has a hard time if I am too full so I usually pump about an ounce from each side before he wakes up and then finish pumping after he eats. I have a great supply, freezing about 10-15 ounces a day (higher end if I pump after all his daytime feedings which I do only if I am at home) along with regular feedings. I find that getting up to pump once isn't to detrimental to my sleep, it only takes about a half hour and that's if I get lost in TB while pumping #-o and then freeze the milk and wash the parts. Lately I've just been putting everything into the fridge and dealing with it in the morning.

    Edited for wrong emoticon #-o
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    SHiebSHieb member
    edited September 2015
    @megvaddi I've got to be honest I'm not sure what block feeding is, however I am exclusively breastfeeding. I just make sure that when I am up with DD at night, I feed her from both sides for about 10-15 min each. So my breast stay pretty equally full/empty.
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    @SHieb block feeding is feeding from 1 breast at each feeding (left at 5pm, right at 7pm, left at 9pm and then so on)
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    @SHieb block feeding is feeding from 1 breast at each feeding (left at 5pm, right at 7pm, left at 9pm and then so on)

    Right. She's a pretty efficient eater and kind of guzzles for 5-10 min and then is done. It's super rare that she acts hungry enough to want the other side. I wish she did but I was definitely having fore/hind milk imbalance before letting her just go from one side till she was full.
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    Never heard the term block feeding but that is what I do, one side per feeding. When my first started STTN at 8 weeks I never bothered pumping in the middle of the night, although I may have pumped early in the morning a couple times when she first started STTN because I was so full. But my body adjusted and it never affected my daytime supply.... That's just my experience. Now my second DD sleeps 10pm-4am and my body has adjusted night time production and I don't seem to have any daytime supply issues.
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    We are formula feeding so I can't help ya there @megvaddi
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    Still every 2-3 hours here. Sigh.

    Same boat here my friend....*double sigh* 8-}
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    @megvaddi DD feeds both sides every feeding except the 4am feeding. She has been sleeping from 9 or 10pm until 4am so I pump the other Breast at 4am and get 4-5oz from that side.

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    For you ladies that are lucky enough to have LO's sleeping for longer stretches, how have you managed to make this happen? Are you feeding them more during the day? LO is 6 weeks old and he eats about 4oz every 3 hours (formula fed) and he is typically lasting about 3-3.5 hours at night before he wants to be fed again.
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    It just happened. I wish I could give you a magical solution. I noticed that he was going longer and longer and then one morning, I woke up an looked at the clock and was thrilled to see it was after 7. I hope you get your turn soon!
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    Congratulations :) maybe one night mine will sleep!
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    I'm super refreshed after Macyn slept from 9p-330a then 4-630! Hopefully this is her new schedule and it lasts! If it's just a teaser I still thoroughly enjoyed it!
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