September 2015 Moms

Pain after cervix check?

I'm 39 weeks today and had my cervix checked for the first time. I was 1 cm dilated but very thin and since then I've been SO uncomfortable. I've had so much back pain and tightness in my stomach but it was irregular so just thought it was BH but now I'm having extreme shocking pains in my lady parts and my back is hurting! Is this normal?? I literally jump up every time I feel one and the only thing that soothes the pain a little is bouncing up and down..

Re: Pain after cervix check?

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    I'm now getting a crampy stomach along with the back ache and sharp pains..
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    Maybe she did a sweep? I had my cervix checked at 39 weeks and felt nothing afterwards and then I just had it done again today at 40 +3 and requested a sweep and I felt crampy after with some bleeding.
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    Everything your describing is what I get every time I get checked so for me yes it's normal. I wouldn't worry too much unless your having heavy bleeding or 5x5x1 contractions.
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    I felt the same way after my cervical checks at 36 and 38 weeks. I had a very sensitive cervix when pregnant. The pain went away after a few days :)
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    very uncomfortable for me as well.  lots of cramping and bleeding (nothing heavy though...if you have heavy bleeding you need to call).  Went away after a day and my doctor warned me about it beforehand.  Made me glad my practice doesn't check till 39 weeks because I hated it!
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    Normal. Happened to me all 3 times
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    That's how I feel without the checks.
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    It's normal. It happens to me the night of my cervical check and I actually had some spotting two days later from it... Cramping and spotting are both normal. I got excited and thought I was going into labor but nope! I now take s warm bath a couple hours after the check and helps a lot!
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    Normal. Had my check on Friday, was having major cramping and back ache that night. Have been bleeding lightly since too. 
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    I have a reactionary cervix, basically anything makes it bleed and cramp like an sob. After my check at my last appointment (where I was 3cm) I had mega cramps, soreness and bleeding. However a certain degree of that IS expected and I was told to not over do myself for about 36 hours. My body would be touchy even without the issue I already deal with so you've probably got nothing to be concerned about.
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