September 2015 Moms

Things women say...

I haven't had a whole lot of people say or do inappropriate things during my pregnancy, but just recently I have had one woman in my building who is super interested in this pregnancy and goes out of her way to ask me awkward questions. This morning, though, she took the cake. She waited for me so that she could hold the door, and right as she opened it onto our floor, she loudly proclaimed "Mornin', Mama! Anything going on down there?" :-| I don't know what makes this woman think that it's appropriate to ask me about how my vagina is doing in ANYcontext, least of all loudly in front of people from at least 6 different offices.

Re: Things women say...

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    Oh wow! I don't even know how I'd react to that one. I'd probably stare at her for a good minute and either laugh or just walk away. The nerve.
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    Lol, this gave me a good laugh this morning! Wow! Some people!
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    This is something a man said but equally crazy. In front of about six co workers he said watch out for the third nurse, she's the one that will rip open your vagina. In an office. Yeah.
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    I was walking across my work parking lot after my lunch break, sweating and waddling back to the air conditioning like a fat cow, and some stranger walks by and says "oh don't you look uncomfortable!!!".... -___-
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    A lady at my work asked if I was sure I wasn't having twins. I snapped and was like "no I'm not having twins, why would you ask that? Medical science has improved to the point that they wouldn't miss twins on 3 separate ultrasounds." She then asked "wow are you grumpy this morning?" I hadn't been up to that point, so my response was "I can't even tell," and she said "well we can!" That irritated the hell out of me. 
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    I'm getting ragey just reading these!! And @Rachelsbaby I need a sassy comeback friend too!! Lol
    Not the same thing, but my worst memory is my MIL walked in after DD2 was born and the first thing she said to me was, "did you tear again?!" I started crying and wouldn't look at her!
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    A male coworker today asked how far along I was, I responded 39+, and he said oh boy, I remember that time, it was the worst for me for sure! I totally get what he meant, bc my SO is definitely feeling it too, but seriously?? I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.
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    That is just such a weird thing to say to anyone lol yesterday I went over to my grandmas house and she's just goes "throw out all of your newborn clothes...they're not gonna fit" I was like thanks for telling me how fat I am gram...
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    I would be so tempted to gross her out with more information than she wanted to know. Maybe she would not ask again.
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    minniemegsminniemegs member
    edited August 2015
    One of my husband's female co-workers asked him if I had lost my mucus plug yet...
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    One more!!! My sister is a goldmine of these...
    She is about to get engaged and that's ALL we talk about, and now they're planning when they'll be having kids after, everything needs to be planned to the month... sooo this is what she said yesterday:
    "I feel like my period cramps totally prepared me for contractions and child birth. I used to have them pretty bad."

    Thankfully it was over text because DH and I laughed until we cried.
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    I tend to get comments on my breast and how I need to register them as weapons. These comments get old yes I'm aware they are huge but really people?
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    I think I would have lost it at that point... It drives me nuts when people say rude things and then expect you to graciously accept it. Good for you calling out that BS!
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    I don't get the twins comments as much anymore but earlier in pregnancy people loved them! I don't get it because as far as I know for the MOST part twins are based on genetic factors aren't they? Besides the surprise sets?

    I am 37 weeks and to the point where I'm in one way or another shutting down pregnancy conversation. It's mostly at work that it happens. People rarely have anything validating or positive to say - usually a futuristic comment about parenting, totally invalidating the question they asked and my honest response. Please stop predicting how parenting my son will go and let me experience it for myself!

    I'm also sick of due date convos. This morning a co worker came into the office and started talking to me even though I was obviously engrossed in my work. She says "I was soooooooo soooo surprised to see you here this morning, I thought you would've been out for sure!" Uhhh....yeah because I'm not dialeted nor have I had any signs of real labor yet! OH and due date is still 3 weeks away. Co workers, as much as you think you're right you're NOT!
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    My aunt came over to my house a couple of weeks ago to visit and the very first thing she said is "oh my god you have gotten so FAT!" the look on my face must have been crazy because she immediately back peddle and said she just meant my belly had gotten HUGE. I just pretended that it didn't bother me but really she is an insensitive b*tch!
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    natashii said:
    Yesterday at a shop with my friend, I was waiting while she was trying on clothes I can no longer fit into, I was having pretty standard tight BH contractions and was rubbing my sides to assist with the mild discomfort. The store clerk comes up to me and asked me when I was due, I told her hopefully in 3 weeks. She responded straight faced and unpleasantly with "You sure it's not now? Because it looks like you're going to have her right here, right now. Maybe you shouldn't be here?" Me: Wow. .. Thanks for your unsolicited input there doctor. Feel free to go back to your day job now.

    BAHAHAHA A couple of days ago, I go the same reaction from a waitress. I told her to get some hot towels ready just in case.

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    Anyone asks what's going on down there I'm just going to offer to let them take a look and start fussing with my pants. I mean seriously, people, think before you open your mouths! It's not like you really want the level of detail your questions would evoke!

    I've also been in a really bitchtastic mood lately, though, and have no patience for anyone. Some stranger neighbor I don't know passed me on the sidewalk and asked when I was due and I just.... I kept quiet but ranted to my mom afterwards. Does he care? No. Does he need to know? No. Does he really feel the need to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger as we pass each other on the sidewalk for ten effing seconds? I mean gawd. I live in the most antisocial city in the country (hyperbole, but not by a lot) and for the most part of this pregnancy, it has served me well. People keep it up with your apathy please!
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