August 2015 Moms

Birth plan...LOL

Now that a lot of our LOs are here I thought it's be interesting and funny to hear how your birth experience compared with your birth plan. Basically nothing on my plan actually happened. I needed an epidural, ended up with an unplanned c section so we didn't get to delay cord clamping and DH didn't get to cut the cord, and although it was mostly just DH and I, one of the nurses on the floor (not ours) met my BIL and SIL in the elevator and showed them to our room where I was laboring instead of the waiting room. Luckily they stayed for all of 20 seconds because it was super awkward for everyone. So the no visitors thing technically didn't happen either.

In the end we got a beautiful, healthy baby girl and a good laugh about how naive we were going into this!

Re: Birth plan...LOL

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    That sounds almost exactly like my experience with DD. my dr was still able to delay the cord clamping, but DH didn't want to cut it (he was queasy even without being able to see anything).

    I was a planned cesarean this time so I was thinking "I got this, no big deal". Yeah right. I started to panic once the spinal block took affect. It numbs your lungs and I thought I was suffocating. Thank God DH came in right then and was able to calm me down. Then, once he was born, DS had to go to the NICU for a few hours. I didn't even get to see him for several hours after he was born. It was the worst thing I've ever experienced. I was terrified. It did lessen the awful memory of the surgery, though. I guess that's something. Thankfully, DS is now perfectly healthy and we are all doing well.

    Long story short, even when you plan, it never goes the way you expect lol.




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    I had wished for an med free birth like my second child...but I didn't progress as fast this time around, and so I ended up getting an epidural.

    The reason I wanted to avoid it was because I felt it stalled my labor with my first, and liked that the second time I didn't have the catheter or any IVs. But I don't feel bad that I ended up getting one this time. It relaxed me and in just three hours she was out, and it was a much more enjoyable and restful experience getting it. I had zero complications and she was my easiest birth yet, in terms of not just the labor but the recovery.
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    edited August 2015
    Almost 6 weeks early, traumatic experience having emergency c section alone, my DH, not being there for the birth of our child(my mom getting there 2 min before baby was taken out), having baby in the NICU for a week.

    Not one thing happened that was on my "birth plan" except that the outcome was to have a healthy baby. I actually have been struggling to cope with this since he was born and it has been extremely hard for me to come to terms with. I have recently reached out to talk to a professional because of the pain I carry with me daily. :(
    Always hold on to hope ❤
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    I had no plan other then I wanted the epidural, which I got (though the anaesthesiologist must have had a death wish because he took his sweet ass time explaining things, even the nurse said after she was getting ready to yell at him. Apparently he is not their favorite....). My mom was outside the delivery room and recorded his first cries, which was fine since I wanted her on deck in case I needed my mommy. I also had a great aunt out there since her step daughter delivered a few hours before me so she got to see meet LO in his first few minutes in the world (funny twist as another 1 of her direct relatives delivered at the same hospital and day my mom had me!). So all in all, I would say not having much of a plan worked out for me :)
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    I had her 3 weeks early (my plan was to be overdue) and I wanted to go med free. In reality, I begged for the epidural at 9.5 cm, pushed FOREVER and she still didn't come out. They offered me the vacuum several times before I agreed. 3 sucks of the vacuum and she was out with a huge bruise on her head. DH didn't get to cut the cord because the NICU had to be at the birth so they cut it and took her away. No delayed cord clamping, no med free birth, nothing in my plan happened other than the plan of having a beautiful baby girl.
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    I pretty much got everything I wanted. I had a very natural and med free birth. Didn't do skin to skin as long as I wanted Bc there was meconiun in the fluid when my water broke and he was having some issues maintaining temp and breathing Bc his lungs had junk in them. I opted to have them take him sooner than planned so they could do a thorough check on him. The cord was cut sooner than planned too for the same reasons.
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    I pretty much got everything I wanted. I had a very natural and med free birth. Didn't do skin to skin as long as I wanted Bc there was meconiun in the fluid when my water broke and he was having some issues maintaining temp and breathing Bc his lungs had junk in them. I opted to have them take him sooner than planned so they could do a thorough check on him. The cord was cut sooner than planned too for the same reasons.
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    FTM and I didn't have a birth plan. Everything went better than I had built anxiety up over though. Water broke at 1pm and I had DS at 6:28pm. He was sunny side up and I tore and received stitches, but have healed at 4 wks PP. I also got an epi at 7cm that backfired, so that was pretty awful. The doctor was able to delay cord clamping, which is really the only thing I had asked for. All in all everything was a great experience. I feel bad even saying that considering all of you mamas that had a difficult labor and delivery and/or c-section. For a person that has severe anxiety, not having a plan was the best plan for me.
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    I didnt have a plan, so everything went how I wanted. Lol The only thing I had FX for was no csection or episiotomy and those didnt happen so I was pumped about that. I had also looked into delayed cord clamping but I didnt say anything about it hc my child wasnt born premature and I personally found that it benefits premies the most, but when she came out and was so tiny the doctor decided to delay to let that blood flow back into her which was a nice edition to my birth story. DH ended up cutting the cord which originally I thought he would be too nervous to do so that was exciting too.
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    No plan here. Definitely didn't expect to have to be induced but I'm not too sad about it. Also, uh the thought of my epidural not working and having to endure being 7cm and pushing med free was just as horrible as I had imagined. I got my healthy girl and that's all that matters!
        DS born 8-16-2013
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    After my first experience I didn't bother to write a plan for this baby. However, I did get to do skin to skin while they did all their clean up/tests with her and we were able to breastfeed right away too.  Those were the two things that were really important for me to experience this time around, so I could not be happier that it went that way.
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    I had a vague plan to be med free, use hypnobirthing (even though I didn't get around to practising it before I went into labour, lol), delay clamping, keep the placenta for encapsulation and to try the 'breast crawl' method of establishing BFing. Managed to tick all those boxes except the last one.... Mainly just luck I think, that my genetics give me quick labours so it all fell into place. I was really happy with how it all went.
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    My birth plan was to get baby out safely however that had to happen so I guess you could say everything went according to plan. My hospital automatically does delayed cord clamping so I don't consider that part of my plan but I did want it and got it. DH wasn't sure if he wanted to cut the cord but he ended up doing it.
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    Almost 6 weeks early, traumatic experience having emergency c section alone, my DH, not being there for the birth of our child(my mom getting there 2 min before baby was taken out), having baby in the NICU for a week.

    Not one thing happened that was on my "birth plan" except that the outcome was to have a healthy baby. I actually have been struggling to cope with this since he was born and it has been extremely hard for me to come to terms with. I have recently reached out to talk to a professional because of the pain I carry with me daily. :(
    I'm so sorry that your birth was so traumatic for you. Sending prayers for comfort and that you find peace with how things turned out. I'm glad that you're taking the initiative to reach out and talk to someone. ((Hugs))
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    Mine went according to plan, surprisingly! Med free natural birth but my midwife broke my water since I'd been in labor for 24hrs- that wasn't in the plan- and we did a water bath because DD was super cheesy! Originally, we planned to just rub all the vernix in but oh well. I'm really happy with the way things went and I think having the birth plan helped a lot. I didn't have one the first time so there was not even a plan to stick to!
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    I wanted an unmedicated birth with as few interventions as possible. I also wanted to delay going to the hospital until absolutely necessary. Yeah. None of that happened. I started leaking fluid at 37+5 and needed to go get it tested to determine if it was pee or I was ruptured. I was ruptured so i ended up in the hospital way earlier than I intended. Baby's position was really weird so at the end of it all I had a 27 hour labor that ended with two OBs using forceps to help me deliver her. I got the epidural about 14 hours in. So I basically had a fully medicated, tons of interventions labor/delivery. And I didn't care. They got my baby out (I was yelling GET HER OUT. I DONT CARE HOW!). She was healthy and I was okay. That's all we cared about at the end of the day.
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    I was having a vaginal med free birth which the doctors felt was safest for me and baby. I went into labor without knowing it (just had a constant pain that wasn't going away or getting stronger). Being high risk the doctor said to go get checked. I was pretty far along but then baby was in distress and I started having medical issues. They said both our lives were in danger, threw my husband out of the room, knocked me out and the high risk team had her out via emergency c section in minutes. We spent a week in the NICU. Not at all the birth I anticipated but I said all along all I wanted was a healthy baby and mommy so I can't complain.
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    Lol. I had planned to have a medfree birth, with only my fiancé and mom in the room, immediate skin-to-skin and delayed cord clamping and I just assumed I'd go past my due date. Literally none of that happened. I ended getting induced with pitocin at 36 weeks, begging for an epidural and ending in an emergency c section. Between all the people my SO and my mom called I had NINE people in my delivery room (Still mad about it). I had no skin to skin, no cord-clamping. Basically nothing I had planned!
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    No plan here other than not bring induced, which I was. I wish my labor had moved quicker since I'm a STM but oh well. Last baby and last labor!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    That's exactly why I didn't have a plan. It wouldn't have went how I wanted. I had started leaking fluid. My midwife came in broke my water. They gave me pitocin. I got one epidural and it slipped out. I got a second epidural and it only worked on the left half of my body. I got a third attempt at it and it didn't work at all! I got to 8 cm. my contractions going off the chart every 2 mins. He got stuck because i was trying to push him out and became swollen. So then they had to rush me off to a c sec. My husband got to cut the cord but I didn't get to touch or hold him until after because he pooped inside the womb and they had to make sure he was ok. Then when I got to my room they had drugged me up so much I was half knocked out holding my child so I didn't get to enjoy him. Definitely not what I wanted to happen.
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    We basically got exactly what we planned - no induction, made it to 8 cm before epidural (goal was 7!), skin to skin and BF'ing immediately, and delayed cord clamping. The only thing we didn't plan on is the 4th degree tear :/
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    I was not expecting to be induced and was planning on an unmediated birth where I would spend most of the labor at home. I was induced with Pitocin at 41 weeks and made it 13 hours before I gave in and got the epidural. Personally, I have no regrets. I still had minimal tearing and a relatively positive birth experience. Plus I have a super adorable baby now!
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    I'm very thankful that DD's birth went according to 'plan'. Successful home waterbirth, delayed cord clamping, I got to see and announce the sex first, DD#1 cut the cord, breastfeeding happened within the first hour. This time around has been awesome!
    imageLilypie - (d9io)
    imageLilypie - (3w4O)
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