August 2015 Moms

Need some inspiration

...or words of encouragement. My LO is 11 days old and husband is back at work so it's just me and her for most of the day. Granted I prefer it that way unless it's a hired help or something but dang I'm exhausted. I'm a little irritable when my husband gets home from work. I feel like I barely get to "enjoy" our family because I'm just a hot mess of leaking milk or spit up and sweat. I make a conscious effort to shower and put on makeup most days but I already feel like I need a break! And I'm barely getting started! When does it or does it get easier?? Still haven't been able to enjoy that glass of wine I so wanted or had that sushi date! :(

Re: Need some inspiration

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    That first smile your baby gives you will make every sleepless night worth it, I promise. You're in the trenches right now and sadly these days are good for making you feel like a zombie, and that's how we get through it. You can do it, and you will all thrive soon.
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    I felt every month got a bit easier with my DD. As miz_liz said, they get more and more interactive with time and you start feeling like you're dealing with a little person. You'll get that little bit more sleep with time and more used to your routine, and you'll come up with new coping mechanisms to get through the tough moments.

    Keep looking towards the 'milestone' ages like 6 weeks and 3 months, 6 months etc as they do change a lot around those times and, I thought, become easier to deal with. Don't forget to look back each week or month to see how far you have come - that was sometimes the only way I could appreciate that things had indeed gotten easier.

    You will feel like a hot mess for a while but know that it is a short time in the scheme of things! I feel so much better this time just being able to accept the shit bits, as I have the experience to know that it will get better soon. Of course you feel like you need a break with a 1 week old - they're hard work!

    Good luck and hang in there!
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