3rd Trimester

Pubic hair growing slower?

Seriously?  I've always shaved about every two weeks.  By that time, there's a little there to shave.  Well, it's been four weeks since I last did it and I still feel like there's hardly anything there!  Anyone else? 


P.S.  Don't get me wrong, I'm so not complaining!!  Just thought it was kinda weird.  :o)

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Re: Pubic hair growing slower?

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    Um...given that I can't see down there...I'm not really much help on this one: I've pretty much started blindly trying to take care of things in the last couple of weeks. (But it'd be great if that WERE true!)?
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    Not sure if mine is growing more slowly or not, since I can't see a dang thing down there!
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    I feel like mine is growing about the same.  I haven't really notice a difference.  But I have noticed that my leg hair has pretty much stopped growing all together.  I've never had much to begin with, but I can seriously go over a month without shaving and you cannot tell at all.  I love it!
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    I feel like mine is growing about the same.  I haven't really notice a difference.  But I have noticed that my leg hair has pretty much stopped growing all together.  I've never had much to begin with, but I can seriously go over a month without shaving and you cannot tell at all.  I love it!

    Ditto, I have no idea down south what's going on, I haven't seen it in months.  My leg hair is definitely growing a lot slower though, I went for WEEKS w/o shaving, and when I finally got around to doing it this weekend, there was a little stubble, but nothing much. 

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    my leg hair is growing slower - but not my underarm hair or pubic hair....
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    A lot of people say that their hair grows faster, and this does not seem to be the case in my situation. My legs, pit, and down under hair has been growing so much slower. I normally shave my legs and arms every towish days, now I can go several days longer. It's weird, but I am not complaining it's just less maintence.
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