1st Trimester

How many experienced morning sickness, and when did it begin for you?

Hey there, I'm Maria. I just recently found out that I'm pregnant... Four tests to make sure haha. Anywho, when did you ladies start feeling sick? I've only felt it slightly so far, usually in the morning feeling like I have to throw up because I have an empty stomach. After I eat I'm pretty good the whole day, so far. The only thing I've been feeling is sore breasts for about 2 weeks now... And more tired than usual. I know all women are different, in just curious for what to possibly expect.

Re: How many experienced morning sickness, and when did it begin for you?

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    Hey there, I'm Maria. I just recently found out that I'm pregnant... Four tests to make sure haha. Anywho, when did you ladies start feeling sick? I've only felt it slightly so far, usually in the morning feeling like I have to throw up because I have an empty stomach. After I eat I'm pretty good the whole day, so far. The only thing I've been feeling is sore breasts for about 2 weeks now... And more tired than usual. I know all women are different, in just curious for what to possibly expect.

    For me with my 2nd pregnancy it started around 7 weeks and only lasted for a couple weeks. This time with my 3rd, it started at 5 weeks and lasted until around 10-11 weeks. Some women don't get it at all, some have it for their whole pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different.
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    Congratulations on your pregnancy :) I developed it around 6 weeks, and it started to diminish around 11 weeks. Like PP said, it's very individual, as with all pregnancy symptoms. Good luck, and happy gestating! 
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    I developed morning sickness around 7 1/2 - 8 weeks and it's still going (I'm now 10w 1day) as the PP's it ranges in symptoms but I have an upset stomach, some nausea, sore boobs, and fatigue!
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    ecwkecwk member
    I'm 10+4 and I've never had it. Some do, some don't and the severity can vary from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. If you don't get it, be thankful! I posted a poll in second tri boards about this very question not too long ago. The ladies there were very helpful and it might be useful to you to read it.

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    kynbar5kynbar5 member
    edited August 2015
    Like all the pp stated, it's different for every woman. If you don't get it or don't get it bad be very thankful! I didn't have anything but heartburn for my first 5, this one, well, I got it all! Lol. Congrats on your pregnancy and good luck! :)

    Edited cause spelling.
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    I got it around 6.5 weeks and still have it at 10w6d. Hoping it lets up soon!
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    4N6s4N6s member
    Maybe around 7 weeks or so?
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    FTM here. I was nauseated all day during week 5 but boughts of throwing up started at around 6.5 weeks. I don't have it everyday-maybe every two or three. Of course whenever I talk to my mother about it I get a smug "I never got sick with you." I'm just happy it's not overly bad for me. As others have said not everyone gets every symptom-and you can experience them to various degrees.
    DD: Beatrix Louise aka BeeBop. April 2 2016. H.I.E Warrior <3
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    I am 5 weeks +1 day and I have not yet had what I would call morning sickness, but I can relate to you in that I now NEED to eat when I get up as I feel a little 'off' which I was never a big breakfast eater until I got into the office. I have also noticed needing to snack every few hours.  I have read in other feeds that this can be helpful in managing morning sickness. Not sure how much, but worth a shot, right?!
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    I started feeling mild nausea, usually between 11am-5pm, around 6 weeks. No vomiting but still feeling similar now at 9.5 weeks. I feel much better when I'm well-rested and well-fed!
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    I started feeling nauseous bang on 6 weeks - between 7.30 - 9.30 am...just in time for my train journey into work
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    Morning started at 6 weeks for me and ended when I was 16 weeks. It was so painful.
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    Im 6 weeks and its been bad for me since the end of week 4. =(

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    For my first pregnancy it started about 7 weeks and lasted till 11 weeks. This time it started about 6 weeks and lasted until 12 weeks.
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    Hi! Started around 5 weeks and I still have it most days and i am 12w3d !! Hoping it goes away soon, I hate feeling sick!!!
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    Mine started around 5 weeks and was absolutely horrible. I'm almost 9 weeks now and it has eased off a bit, but I still have to make sure to snack a lot because being hungry makes the nausea return full force.
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    I laugh at myself sometimes because I think--Oh, I started getting morning sickness once I found out I was pregnant from the doctor! Maybe I just let it settle in then? haha It sounds like 7 weeks, when I got that pregnancy test done, is when a lot of women start to get sick.
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    I had some right away at 4w, but it intensified at week 6.  I'm 7 weeks now and hoping it goes away before too long.
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    I started around 6.5 and it usually came on from 7am-230pm. I would literally have to run to the bathroom. It got to the point a few times where I wasn't able to eat at all. I still have it now at almost 11.5 but it's gotten way better and I am hoping it will keep subsiding! Feel better! Definitely keep crackers on your night table and try to eat one or two when u wake up that helped me. Also, throughout the day I would suck on the pregnancy pop drops my sister got me. They are sour candies with ginger in them my sister bought for me. They did help me.
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    I have 5 weeks today and I've only experienced brief moments of wanting to throw up but then it goes away. Not sure if this means I won't have morning sickness or if it means it's coming? Is anyone else on the same boat?
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    Mine started around 6 weeks with my two LOs. It let up by the end of first tri, probably around 13-14 weeks. This time around seems to be following the same pattern. Luckily, most of us will feel better in a few weeks though it feels like an eternity when you're in the midst of it!
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    I started around week 5... The prescription medication has helped. Unfortunately, my insurance doesn't cover the high cost but I can't function without it. I also have severe fatigue. I am in week 9 with my first pregnancy. It's been a daily struggle to function at work. And, when I get home I am useless. I had no idea how miserable pregnancy could be!
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    Started at around 6 weeks for me, still going and I'm 8 weeks now
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    I started around week 5... The prescription medication has helped. Unfortunately, my insurance doesn't cover the high cost but I can't function without it. I also have severe fatigue. I am in week 9 with my first pregnancy. It's been a daily struggle to function at work. And, when I get home I am useless. I had no idea how miserable pregnancy could be!

    God I feel you here! I'm there same! Gets me down!
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    I'm sorry to hear you feel terrible too! I am thankful for this site because I feel so alone based on the pregnancy experiences my friends and family have shared.
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    My week 3 I got it and it was stomach acid and hurt coming up so I changed my prenatals and that was better but now I am 10 weeks and still morning sickness but at night and I can't keep any food down... Not even water but I think it's the heat.
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    I'm 6w 1d and I've had a few mild bouts of it but today I've genuinely felt nauseous.  No vomiting yet, fingers crossed.
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    Didn't have any issues with my first child but this 2nd pregnancy is getting me ....nausea and tiredness started at 6 weeks. Will be 12 weeks next week and it is only slightly better since started
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    First, I had M/S around 4.5 weeks, that turned into HG for all of my 1st tri, then back to M/S for the whole pregnancy.

    My 2nd, M/S around week 5 or 6, and it eased up around 15 weeks.
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    I'm sorry to hear you feel terrible too! I am thankful for this site because I feel so alone based on the pregnancy experiences my friends and family have shared.

    I feel the same. I have been so miserable, all I do is sleep and struggle to get through work. I just started taking diclegis for m/s and its helping, but it makes me feel so groggy! Hoping by second trimester I get some energy back and the sickness goes away. I had no idea pregnancy was so awful, and I'm already thinking I never want to go through it again.
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    Mine started sometime between 4 and 5 weeks and I'm still going through it. I'm about 6 weeks. Luckily it's just feeling nauseous. I'm hoping it doesn't last the entire pregnancy.
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    I'm 8 weeks 4 days with baby #4 and have never been so sick!!! If I'm not throwing up I certainly feel like I'm going to at any moment. Started around 5 weeks and never let's up.. Eating doesn't help, not eating doesn't help and drinking is a sure puke starter. I'm dehydrated, angry and pretty much hating life right now! Praying it ends soon! :(
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    I recently stated to my husband 'I don't know how we have any kids in this world.. Why would anyone do this, it's miserable!" At this point I just cry every time I puke.. Which is often and daily! I wouldn't wish this on anyone.. But it is nice to know I'm not alone!
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    I had morning sickness beginning around Week 5 through 2nd trimester, with some bad mornings continuing through my pregnancy with DS. I HIGHLY recommend Preggie Pops, which are sour sucking candies. A godsend! And lots of ginger ale.

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    I started feeling morning sickness at 5 weeks 1 day. I'm now 6 weeks 6 days and it's been constant lately. Like all day and all night I feel sick to my stomach. I've taken to always having a packet of saltines and a can of ginger ale with me. I've also found that lemon water really helps too.
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    I'm 4.5 weeks. So tired all the time!! And constantly have an off feeling in my stomach. Not vomited yet but i think it's coming. Defiantly worst when i wake up but doesn't seem to ease with food. Congratulations to everyone.
    This is my first and I've waited 16 months to get my positive! It's making all the sickness worth every minute.
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    It started a few days ago for me. I'm 5 wks today. It's really hard to function. Just nausea right now. Every day is different. Hoping it doesn't get any worse. With my job I couldn't stand to have to vomit.
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    I felt it start at 5 weeks. Each passing day it's getting worse.. I am 5 weeks 2 days today. I felt it at 5.5 weeks with my first and at 6.5 weeks with my second.

    DD1 Born 11/06/09
    DD2 Born 05/11/11
     #3   EDD 05/02/16 
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    Mine started at 5 weeks and ended around 9 weeks. Now, at 25 weeks, I'm feeling great! Hang in there ladies, it gets much better! (Minus having trouble moving around and standing up as the belly grows haha)
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    I am a little over 6 weeks and mine started at the tail end of 5 weeks. It got progressively worse over these last few days, even waking me up during the night. For some reason, I woke up this morning and I feel great! No nausea or anything....I hope it stays that way lol
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