April 2016 Moms

Special Treatment!!

I'm loving all the special treatment I've been receiving from family, friends, and even strangers! What are some of the funny things that you got help with when you pretended you needed something while being pregnant? Please Share!

Re: Special Treatment!!

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    Making my plate, cleaning around the house ! Ah so many things lol! It is crazy the special treatment you get.
    My biggest one was getting my shoes tied by hubby because it was so hard bending over and doing it myself with my littles. Lol
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    I have to try that! I've been acting as if I'm totally paralysed. I don't even lift a finger, it's hilarious and I'm only 7 weeks. Just wait until I start showing lol.
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    Lol really? What are they doing?!
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    That must be nice. I still have to do everything lol my husband will get the cat poop and lift the heavy stuff and that's about it lol
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    @Selina+Kyle what has he picked out for you to eat? Lol
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    @JaysensMom Welp, at least he'll be on cat duty for the next 9mos! Lol
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    @emk20 can you stomach the breakfast? Lol I can't eat anything lol
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    @Haven77 Today he is determined I'm going to eat salad.  It's usually something I enjoy but not these days!  
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    @emk20 I wish I could eat breakfast!
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    @Selina+Kyle Hopefully it's a really tasty salad!
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    @Haven77 I will never know!  I'm not eating that mess!

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    I have the opposite problem. Since this is my second pregnancy, my husband thinks it's NBD. But I'm just as tired and queasy as I was the first time around PLUS I have a busy 14 month old little boy. Can I borrow your husbands?
    Married 9/17/11 BFP 10/5/13 DS Oliver Stephen born 6/11/14 via C-section 8 lbs 9 oz BFP 8/14/15
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    My husband travels for work 90% of the time so it's pretty much situation normal. The only big difference is he does the cat litter change out and box wash every Sunday now.
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    No special treatment. Once people at work know it'll probably change, but they will likely go overboard and it will just be frustrating rather than helpful. At least that's how it was when I was expecting DS.
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    I wish. No special treatment here. I honestly think because this is my second pregnancy my hubby thinks I'm a pro at it now. Lol plus I have a very active 3 yr old running around.
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    This is kind of embarrassing as I usually like to keep a dish-free kitchen.. But we'd used the crock pot a few nights ago and didn't clean it out. It started to mold bc the lid was on so I put some soap and water in two nights ago to soak it. Then last night I was doing the dishes and asked my husband if he would wash it out since it smelled so bad and I didn't want to gag. I fully expected him to say no but he said yes and followed through! No way would that have happened pre-pregnancy!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I love and hate it. Its nice to get the extra help from my DH but iv been put on bed rest so now i feel useless. At least he gets kitty duty. I have to work from home (which i avoided before). The only interaction i have are my cats and DH.
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    My last pregnancy I lost at 10 weeks and I'm 5 right now so for the moment I am taking it easy and enjoying help with everything and resting . but come second trimester I love doing things myself . I think it's cute when husbands reach but were women we are strong and capable of doing it pregnant or not .
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    lol wouldn't that be nice.  Mine seems to think everything can be fixed with the power of positive thinking.  Riiiight.
    BFP: 8/6/2015  --  Due Date: 4/18/2016

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    nlwz123 said:

    Is this real life? I can see not being able to tie your shoes in your third trimester, but really with this thread? I can't, you guys. It's too ridiculous. If you're so delicate in your first trimester that you can't tie your shoes or wash a dish, or are saying, "I've been acting as if I'm totally paralysed. I don't even lift a finger, it's hilarious and I'm only 7 weeks," you're making ALL pregnant women look weak and lazy.

    As far as @Haven77 saying, "Just wait until I start showing lol," girl... just wait until you have a child. Then try acting paralyzed.
    Yeah, I wouldn't take advantage of everyone (especially not so early).  You're going to need some help eventually and you don't want to burn that out.  Plus, it's good to be active while pregnant.
    Yeah, I'm with y'all on this. The only thing I have asked H to do is cook a few times because my sense of smell is on hyper-drive and the smell of the food cooking makes me throw up. But......that's it. Also, to clean out the gunk in the bottom of the toothbrush holder (which also made me throw up the time I tried).
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    sarahufl said:
    nlwz123 said:

    Is this real life? I can see not being able to tie your shoes in your third trimester, but really with this thread? I can't, you guys. It's too ridiculous. If you're so delicate in your first trimester that you can't tie your shoes or wash a dish, or are saying, "I've been acting as if I'm totally paralysed. I don't even lift a finger, it's hilarious and I'm only 7 weeks," you're making ALL pregnant women look weak and lazy.

    As far as @Haven77 saying, "Just wait until I start showing lol," girl... just wait until you have a child. Then try acting paralyzed.
    Yeah, I wouldn't take advantage of everyone (especially not so early).  You're going to need some help eventually and you don't want to burn that out.  Plus, it's good to be active while pregnant.
    Yeah, I'm with y'all on this. The only thing I have asked H to do is cook a few times because my sense of smell is on hyper-drive and the smell of the food cooking makes me throw up. But......that's it. Also, to clean out the gunk in the bottom of the toothbrush holder (which also made me throw up the time I tried).
    Yes, that's totally understandable.  I'm not going to make my husband, whom I love very dearly, my slave for the remainder of my pregnancy.  

    TTC #1 10/2014
    Low progesterone
    BFP 05/2015
    Baby boy born 01/2016
    Currently: NTNP

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