June 2015 Moms

The things people say when you have a baby...


Re: The things people say when you have a baby...

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    I've got one I thought was cute and one that was not so cute.

    Cute: was working with a nursing home resident at work and was talking about how hot it was. Mentioned we took LO outside in his stroller to cool off yesterday afternoon. She asked, "Have you given him ice cream?" She knows he's only 7 weeks old. And she's had 5 children of her own. Made me laugh.

    Not so cute: when I went back to work I ran into the wife of one of the residents I work with, she saw I was using a walker and I explained I'd had a complication with the birth. She said, "yeah, I thought you would, because of how big you were getting." How rude! There may be a grain of truth to it, that my weight gain predisposed me to complications, but what happened to me was really rare, and the doctor said no one could have predicted it. Her comment made me feel like it was all my fault.
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    In the grocery checkout aisle and the employee looks at baby and says, "Oh the baby!!! He is fussy, he wants mommy's milk!" Then, turns to me and asks, "Do you breastfeed?" To which I quietly replied, "Uh, yea" fully aware of the younger gentleman behind me. She replied "oh good, I did with my children." I wasn't embarrassed by the question but, really? The checkout? I don't need any more attention drawn to the ladies than need be. Also, why not just ask what his name was? LMAO!
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    Within a 10 minute time span while at Walmart today

    "Aww, how adoreable! How old is she?"

    "Omg he's so cute! And looks so very obviously like a boy, you know sometimes its hard to tell, but not with him!"

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    amccoy129 said:

    I got asked today twice if mine was a boy or a girl. He's dressed in a navy romper with sharks all over it. I mean I'm all for gender neutral, and he has some things that could go either way. I could see people asking in those. This is not one of them though....

    I got the same! We dress her in lots of gender neutral clothes but today she was in a pink outfit with bows (bows!) and there's a pink owl pacifier holder on her stroller. I'll chalk it up to the lady who asked being older than dirt...
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    Elderly nursing home resident I was working with: "Forget about going back to school. You should concentrate on that baby!"

    When I said he would go to daycare while my husband and I are in school, "You should'nt leave him with a caretaker. He needs his mommy!"

    When I said, "He'll be fine. He'll enjoy playing with the other babies," she said "No he won't!"

    Sigh. Way to guilt trip me, lady...
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    A new one tonight. I took dd to Lowe's. The lady making the paint decided to talk to me about a friend's cousin who had downs. Then proceeded to tell me about how this girl had no cartliage between her knees and didn't notice because she was always in pain. Geez lady that's not a comforting story. I know we are in for some health problems but definitely not something you say to a new mom.
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    rklinge0 said:

    A new one tonight. I took dd to Lowe's. The lady making the paint decided to talk to me about a friend's cousin who had downs. Then proceeded to tell me about how this girl had no cartliage between her knees and didn't notice because she was always in pain. Geez lady that's not a comforting story. I know we are in for some health problems but definitely not something you say to a new mom.

    I can't understand how someone would ever think this is appropriate. Sorry you are dealing with obnoxious folks and comments.
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    mishmardhionomishmardhiono member
    edited September 2015
    my 30 year old brother ( he does have Aspergers) tonight was watching the Simpsons and my daughter started crying. He then said "shut the f up you little shit" I'm not sure I have ever exploded as intensely and as quickly as that before. Next time I see him he's dead and I will enjoy the blood that's left on my hands. I have never been so angry.
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    my 30 year old brother ( he does have Aspergers) tonight was watching the Simpsons and my daughter started crying. He then said "shut the f up you little shit" I'm not sure I have ever exploded as intensely and as quickly as that before. Next time I see him he's dead and I will enjoy the blood that's left on my hands. I have never been so angry.

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    ^^^^^ agreed, I would have lost it completely
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    Today someone asked me how much my adorable baby doll cost. Wait what i don't even really know where to start no just no. I responded with a well he took nine months to grow (yes I am awkward)
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