January 2016 Moms

Gender Reveal Party?


Re: Gender Reveal Party?

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    We decided not to do a grnder reveal party instead we will mail out cards that say bow tie or bow and you have to scratch off the tape to see what we're having!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFetus Ticker
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    Having family over next week and we will find out by opening a gift bag with an outfit in it (friend from work did this last year and I loved the idea).
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    I wasn't going to do anything but my SIL said we should because she didn't want to just get the news in a text, that it's more exciting than that and I agree. It's a big deal to me, I don't care either way but I'm excited to learn any little tidbit more about this little person. I understand that some people think it's a big to do over nothing but for those who wait to find out until a birth - a big to do is made over whether it's a boy or a girl then. We'll probably just put balloons in a box and have people write their name under boy or girl on the box and then have my nieces open the box at our Labor Day picnic (we find out Sept 1). Everyone should do whatever feels right to them - live and let live.
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    we did one! it was fun.   I did it because I wanted to share the news with everyone. 

    we took our results to the bakery and they made the filling to the sex of the baby. I posted a link to the video we made (nothing fancy) on the sex reveal thread. 
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

    Married: Feb. 2014
    Age: 35+
    TTC #1: March 2014
    Clomid: 1 cycle no IUI lead to a BFP 
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    I think it's funny that people are posting their opinions on what THEY think of a gender reveal party considering the OP only asked for ideas, not if "do you think it's pretentious or tacky?"....lol. That being said, there are a plethora of ideas on Pinterest under gender reveal. We are doing the cake colored filling with our families. I've seen and read a lot about balloons filled with the color, the cake being colored with the color, the silly string. The piñata idea is cool. Have fun with it!
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    I think you should only have a gender reveal party if you are finding out at the same time. I like the idea of only one cupcake having the color inside though. That's fun!
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    lwebley said:

    I think you should only have a gender reveal party if you are finding out at the same time. I like the idea of only one cupcake having the color inside though. That's fun!

    I disagree. The expecting parents find out everything before the rest of the world, so what if they know the sex of the baby first too? It's still fun to share the news. I think you should do whatever you want since it's not a matter of etiquette.
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    I also love the idea of cupcakes with only one with the colour in it :) I may pinch that idea for my friends :) But for my parents and my Inlaws I'm giving them a gift bag per couple with two gifts inside one green one yellow . Inside one will be a pair of blue baby socks and in the other a pair of pink baby socks. On the gift bag it has - granddaughter or grandson? written on it. Then when I'll know I'll phone them up or Skype them (as I don't live nearby) and get them to open up which ever colour I say. Then they will find out. I heard this idea a while back on the Internet and liked it :)
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    We are doing a paint splash for ours. My friend is the only one who knows so she is getting white squirt bottles (like the red/yellow ones at restaurants) and filling them with either blue or pink paint. Since baby daddy and I aren't a couple we decided to make it a group thing and have t-shirts that say either 'team girl' or 'teamed boy' and have a 'paint war' while a photographer shoots the whole thing.
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    We aren't doing a party but we are having our closest friends and family join is at our 3D ultrasound to reveal the gender that way. We will have 8 people in total there but no party or anything afterwards.
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    We did one with my DD- she was the first grandchild on both sides so it was exciting for family. We didn't find out @ the ultrasound. We found out @ the party with everyone else with a cake that had pink M&Ms inside. Only the grandma's knew! I thought it would be really special to do it that way.  We had everyone sign a board saying little man or little miss-which hung in my DD's room until her 1st birthday where I made it into an All About Me birthday board instead.

    We won't be doing another party with this one. The first party was exhausting and expensive so, once again, grandma (this time his mom instead of mine) will be finding out at the ultrasound (ON MONDAY!!!) and we are doing a little reveal @ our house with dinner and just immediate family.

    FWIW I wouldn't have changed a thing about doing the party with #1. I LOVED not finding out @ the ultrasound. But I'm a sentimental nerd and I like things to be extra special. :)
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    We did the balloon release!
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    We let our son open it!!
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    For a few ideas on what we are doing...

    We are calling ours a "Pronoun Party". Asking our close friends to come over for a cook out to find out what pronoun we get to use for the rest of the pregnancy. We are going too keep it pretty low key except for a few little things.

    We are going to ask guests to wear blue or pink. Or provide something at the door they can wear.

    Then we are going to do a box of balloon for husband and I.

    The guests who predicted right get the first dibs on the cupcakes. There's colored frosting inside only one. Whoever finds the frosted cupcake gets a gift card.
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