1st Trimester

Golden child = poor family support?

Maybe this sounds petty, but I feel like I'm not the only one. I have a fantastic career, and though I am not married, my boyfriend and I are happy to announce we are expecting. I have told very few people but I know fully to expect grief and a whole load of terrible comments from "outsiders looking in" if you will. Especially parents.
Any suggestions to stay positive no mater how bad people beat you down? Yes, I am very confident and happy :) but words do hurt.

Re: Golden child = poor family support?

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    I have found that expecting less from peope helps. live your life with happiness and positive choices. Other peoples opinnion of you is none of your buisness.
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    It's your life. If you're happy and striving in life then you're good. People will always have opinions but in the end that should not matter to you. They don't pay your bills, they're not having your child and they are not living with your partner etc. If that makes sense. Keep your head high.
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    Dh and I have run into this as we have chosen a very different way of living than his family expected. That being said we are so happy and we are able to pay the bills and that's all that matters. It you are happy and confident with your life others will come around and if they don't then remember it is about your happiness and not theirs
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    Just be happy and live your life.  DH and I just announced to our families that we are expecting our third, and though our living situation could be better financially, we are thrilled.  Our babies make life matter.  Our families have their worries and some even showed no emotions at all, which was difficult when we told them, but we can't change their minds.  We just have to live our lives and not worry about what other people say.
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    In my experience it's best to have low expectations and keep away from the negative people. With my last pregnancy my FIL and his gf took every opportunity they could to ruin my pregnancy. So this time around we're giving them as little info as possible about what's going on with my pregnancy. We actually don't even plan on telling them we're pregnant again until we have to. We're married, have two kids, Dh has a great job, and I'm lucky enough to be a SAHM. Their reasons for being lame are purely personal so there's not much we can do about it. Good luck though. You'd be surprised how easily some people come around.
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