January 2016 Moms



Re: Names?

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    Grady Michael or Annette Marie :) If any of you live in Jacksonville and know me, don't use our names ( or you can...they are great!)
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    We are also waiting until birth to share the name. Did this with our daughter and only gave family the first letter of the name. No one ever guessed it because her name is typically spelled with a c and we did a k. A week or so before she was born we gave the grandparents brag books with a note signed with her name. It took them a while to figure it out but it was still fun and cute
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    We have our anatomy scan next week but we already decided on both girl and boy names. We told our parents and they seemed supportive but I had no plans to tell anyone else. I didn't consider the unsolicited advice but I'm learning quickly how awful it is! Everyone wants to tell me what I should be doing and how I should deliver...I can only imagine what they might say about names. I'm glad I read this thread, I feel I've dodged a bullet.
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    Grady Michael or Annette Marie :) If any of you live in Jacksonville and know me, don't use our names ( or you can...they are great!)

    My gmom is Annette and I'm absolutely in love with the way her name looks in cursive. I'm one of those weirdos who has to be aesthetically pleased with a name or I won't choose it. Lol.
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    cawalp said:
    The middle name for a boy is my dad's middle name (my mom and dad are now divorced) and DH's grandfathers first name. Even if we did do that on purpose, which we didn't, I was slightly turned off by her making the gesture and then changing the subject to something else.
    This is the exact reason I will not be telling anybody the name until after birth. We already have a name picked since we found out the sex early, and the middle name is my dad's middle name. I've already gotten comments from my grandmother about using my maiden name as a middle name for him. If anyone has anything to say I'm just going to smile and nod and think about my perfect name I already picked out :)

    Smiling and nodding is all I could do. On top of our middle name choices having family ties, they actually go nicely with the names we selected.  It just so happened to be that they were family names.  She also chimed in with that my brother HAS to be the god father of the baby. Ummm, NO! I'll cross that bridge, when the time comes. 

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    babywells2016babywells2016 member
    edited August 2015
    Yay! Thank you!! @maddisonwallace
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    We announced our pregnancy with her name included, haha. I was open to opinions from my family and close friends when we were still deciding on names, but once we had both a boy and girl name picked out, and then found out she's a girl, we immediately started referring to her by name and making it known this IS her name, and nobody has dared to say anything but great things about our choice (and it was a name nobody had anything negative to say about during the choosing process). I know people say they get unnecessary comments and advice during pregnancy, but so far nobody in my life has been anything but positive and helpful and I can't imagine anybody I know saying anything negative about a baby name once they knew it was set in stone. I make sure when people ask if we have a name yet to say "Yes, her name IS" instead of "we're thinking about" so nobody has given input.

    Edit, Added: I also personally like my approach because everybody in my life is already referring to her by name and thinking of her as a real person, so by the time she is born it will be natural for everybody to call her by name as well. Just my personal preference and opinion, but hearing a friend say they bought something for "Name" instead of "the baby" makes me feel good inside each time :)
    This is exactly why we don't share the name! lol

    We're team green and it usually takes us a few days to agree on a name after the baby's born, but i don't even like to share the name's we're considering. It totally creeps me out when people refer to a fetus with the chosen name, as if it's another person in the room. I know this probably sounds ridiculous, but it seriously irks me.
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    We have a name we like (but fighting over spelling). I mentioned it to my family and they all talked behind my back about how they hope I don't name my baby that. I don't really care, they will love the baby the same. They also didn't want me to name my daughter lillian and I did anyway.
    We're fighting between Tallulah and Talula. I just find one more pleasing to the eye than the other.
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    I mentioned our choices to my family. I won't post on Facebook. I don't want people "stealing" lol
    I haven't heard negative yet. A couple people here and there mention names that are close to the ones we've picked, but no ones said anything rude :)
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    @monaclemere Totally fair, as I said I personally think it's cute and have enjoyed it. If I didn't enjoy it though, I'd also tell them in no uncertain terms that it creeped me out, and please stop, and they actually would...it sounds like some families on this board wouldn't respect your wishes, which saddens me. Mine definitely would. But I personally LOVE it, and just spent the day on the beach with my family and friends discussing how old Maya will be next summer when we go down the shore and what activities she'll be able to do. But I can see where other people would dislike that :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    We find out on Monday what we are having. we have a few names picked out which we will probably share with close friends and family but I don't like sharing the name with everyone. So much of pregnancy is public that I kind of like to keep something to ourselves. We did this with DD1 and I loved being at to share her and her name for the first time.
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    With DS, we waited until birth. We felt that the naming decision was just for us and didn't want opinions. Of course, then DH goofed and told everyone before I was even put of post-op. We plan on doing the same for number 2.

    I personally have a bit of a superstition about when people announce their names and then call the baby by name throughout pregnancy. It's fine for other people, but it freaks me out so we definitely always want to wait.

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    I always found it really obnoxious when people refused to share name choices. If it interests your family and friends then why not just share. For that reason I just tell people when they ask. I don't really care what anyone else thinks anyway.

    I feel the same way. If friends and family ask, I tell them. I didn't tell them while we were deciding because I wanted the choice to be 100% ours but once the name was chosen we spilled.
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    Hrc724Hrc724 member
    edited August 2015
    Since we are finding out the gender I really want to keep the name a secret. Unfortunately my husband can't keep a secret so we aren't even going to discuss names until we are at the hospital.
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    SO and I find out on the 12th if baby is a boy or girl. That is when we will announce on FB and to some of our family that we're expecting, the sex, and mention baby's name. I definitely don't plan to mention it much until baby is born, but we have been set on the same names for over a year.
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    we had a girl name Avery Rayne and our boys name Mason Robert picked out and at the reveal party we revealed that we are having a... Mason!
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    We aren't sharing our LO's name until after birth. I don't care for anyone's opinion on it, and for some reason that is one of the parenting decisions other people feel entitled to be the RUDEST about if they don't like your choice.

    pregnancy #1 :: daughter lost to chromosomal abnormality at 18 weeks
    pregnancy #2 :: son, born Aug 2011
    pregnancy #3 :: due Jan 2016
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