March 2016 Moms

Share your crazy dreams!

Please do let me know if this conversation thread has already been started; I couldn't find one.

Here's where you can spill the details of your crazy dreams! I start to tell my DH and the look of disgust, confusion or sheer terror usually shuts me up. So how about here??

Last night I watched Behind the Candelabra (made for HBO movie about Liberace and his lover)...with my mother-in-law. Add pregnancy hormones to the mix and you get some messed up dreams! The dream: I had sex with a friend (gay in real life), and for some reason my in-laws were not ok with this! But my husband was, because, you know, the gay thing. Egad!

And a recurring dream: Twins. And they start walking and talking pretty much right away. I'm always so sad when they don't want to nurse because "nursing is for babies!"

Re: Share your crazy dreams!

  • oceanchildoceanchild member
    edited August 2015
    I had an awesome dream a few nights ago that there was a beach (a real one) in a city half an hour from me. I'm from the east coast and miss the beach so much. I was super hyped when I woke up! And then super bummed when I realized it was just a dream.
    Them two nights ago I had a dream that husband and I had sex and I got "double pregnant" (in my dream this was a real thing) and THAT pregnancy was twins, so I had THREE babies in me. I was trying to figure out if the twins came a little early if they would all be term or not ... I woke up in a panic!

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
  • Lol @oceanchild !! Double pregnant! I think I saw that on Grey's Anatomy once?? Nightmare!
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  • My dad is not a nice guy. He is in prison and I haven't spoken to him in 6 years. I keep dreaming that he breaks out of prison and shows up at family functions like birthdays, plays, and picnics. My 4 brothers and mom are like "oh there you are. You're late" when they see him and I'm freaking out and trying to call the cops but I have a calculator instead of a phone. Oh and sometimes he is a vampire. Those are the weirdest ones.
  • Well I'm awake because of the dream I was having. Apparently I was in my SUV with my mom but the lady didn't look like my mom and she was driving my car which again is weird because my mother doesn't drive, but she got angry and freaked and started speeding on the highwsy while I'm screaming for her to slow doen since we were on a bridge and it was raining and our exit was coming up and I knew we were going to flip. I was really pregnant at the time and freaking out. I have On Star in my car and had to call them and tell them to disable the car but I woke up as the car started to flip. Now I can't settle back to sleep. :((
  • jilloboe said:
    And a recurring dream: Twins. And they start walking and talking pretty much right away. I'm always so sad when they don't want to nurse because "nursing is for babies!"
    I had a dream the other night that we found out we were having twins at our first ultrasound. I told my husband and his response was "i really hope the twins thing is just a dream or we are going to need a bigger home!" (We live in an 1100 sq ft 2 bedroom with one bath)
    -=- Tara -=-

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  • I woke up in tears last night because I had a dream I grew a penis!! I was freaking out, I kept touching myself to make sure I was okay.
    HAHAHAHAHA! This is amazing!

    Me: 30   DH: 33

    TTC #1 since June 2014

    Baby #1 coming March 2016

    My Chart

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Two nights ago I had a dream that we were at my husband's parent's house and I was getting into the shower and saw these monkeys outside.  They started coming through the window and running towards me.  I was naked and ran into the kitchen to get away from them and to find my husband, who was with my MIL.  Meanwhile, I am running around their house naked and screaming!

    Another one I had a few weeks ago, which I LOVED was that we had the beautiful baby girl and we were snuggling with her, but for some weird reason, the doctor had pierced her ears and put these huge, gawky earrings on her.  LOL

    Me: 30   DH: 33

    TTC #1 since June 2014

    Baby #1 coming March 2016

    My Chart

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • I had a dream last night that a girl I know who is 36 weeks pregnant and is still doing crossfit (lifting super heavy weights and everything!) was with me at a store. Suddenly she lied down and started to have contractions! I didn't know what to do and kind of panicked. In real life she says that in her first pregnancy she had no trouble delivering because of all the exercise she did during pregnacy. So in the dream when I was about to call 911 she popped her baby out of her like nothing. I was in shock and to be honest a little jelous! LOL
  • I've started having weird dreams this week, but last night was pretty cool. I'm a nurse and was helping a ultrasound tech perform a US of my patient's heart (again, in my dream). Once we were done, the patient said "ok, your turn!" And the tech put the probe on my belly and there was beautifully strong heart beat! Was very helpful even though it was just a dream as I am freaking out about my upcoming US. I had a mmc in April so I'm always expecting the worst. Hoping that was a POSITIVE sign!
  • I've been having vivid dreams almost every night (which are always interrupted by my many pee breaks)... They aren't any crazy stories- usually stuff that could actually happen. The strange thing is that there is always one of my exes in my dreams! It isn't always the same one, usually rotates between 2 or 3. They haven't been romantic or anything, and my husband is usually in the dreams as well. For example last night I dreamt my ex moved into the house next door with his wife and kids. I'm sure it has to mean something that I keep dreaming about guys I used to date...but what?!
  • I woke up in tears last night because I had a dream I grew a penis!! I was freaking out, I kept touching myself to make sure I was okay.

    This afternoon while napping, I had a dream that I grew 2 extra arms from my hips. I tried to hide it from DH, but he saw them and said, Eh it's just from being pregnant, we'll have them removed after the baby is born.
    BabyFetus Ticker
    BFP 6/16/13 ~ EDD 2/22/14 ~ CP 6/20/13 @ 4W3D
    BFP 1/1/14 ~ EDD 9/6/14 ~ CP 1/4/14 @ 4W2D
    BFP 6/24/15 ~ EDD 3/6/16 ~ Here's hoping 3rd time is a charm!
  • I had literally *the worst* dream last night...I told my husband about it, and he looked at me like I was legitimately psychotic. Don't keep reading if you're easily upset... I will save you from the details, because they are reeeeeally bad, but in a very small nutshell, the villain in the dream was creating monster-type ogres who would 'specialize' in something horrific. This specific 'creation' she made was a giant that only sought after babies and would pull their heads off. HORRIBLE. I woke up crying... Hysterically.

    I should add, I don't watch scary movies, or any horror *anything*, so I have NO idea how my mind came up with this one.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I had some pretty horrific ones earlier on, as in immediately wake up to wash my mouth to get rid of the bile taste horrific, but recently they have been more tame.

    Last night I dreamed that hair stopped growing on my legs and instead, long, fluffy, delicate blue feathers started coming in. Thick. I was really pleased with them even though I looked like a strange chicken. In the end I could fly a little with them. Bizarre.
  • I had a dream that my Dr sewed my V closed because I had to keep the baby inside and healthy.

    (I've been on pelvic rest for over a week, and DH and I are dying to be "intimate")
  • So try and stay with me here, but last night I had a dream that my family and I were on a cruise and for some reason Stephanie Tanner (From Full House) was my niece, and there was some guy showing everyone how to make the perfect rack of ribs, and there was also a log flume ride and I wasn't nice to Stephanie so I apologized.  Most f*ed up dream so far.

    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
  • Yesterday I woke up from getting ready to be an exotic dancer.  Ok???  This morning I woke up from a dream in the house I grew up in and we were on a scavenger hunt to find and diffuse the bombs that were randomly placed in the house.  Honestly this is the first pregnancy I remember having weird dreams.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

  • I've been watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix when I wake up with pregnancy insomnia. It's nothing suspenseful so I can drift off to it.

    So, a couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was dating Dean. This is really ridiculous, he's WAY too young for me! Lol.
  • DH and I were going at it on Marlon brandos tomb. Once we were done, the statue of brando became animated. I screamed and ran away backwards.

    I couldn't run forward in real life if I tried....
  • I dreamt my fiancé (who doesn't even smoke) was openly smoking cigarettes in our kitchen. I confronted him about it, and about how bad it is for the baby for me to have to breathe all of that second hand smoke. He told me that if we have a mutant baby we'll just adopt it out. Needless to say, I was pretty upset when I woke up. The next dream someone sent me a text pic of some ugly teeth with the comment "I rowed one boat before the other." Strange.
  • Last night I dreamt I was out of town for a wedding for a girl that lived on my street growing up (she's already married and I haven't spoken to her in years). I was in the wedding and was the last bridesmaid to get dressed and realized I had the wrong dress. I started panicking and even after I woke up I was trying to figure out what I was going to do about having the wrong dress. 
  • Ah now this is entertainment. To add to it, the other night I dreamed that family cam from out of state for a really odd reason. I met up with them at a gas station and my brother picked a fight with some guys and we ended up in a gun fight. According to my dream, if you press panic button on you car key often enough it will shoot bullets, so I shot and killed a guy with my car keys. Then my husband left me and took our son while I was in jail. They ended up "settling outside of court" even though like 4 people were killed in the fight, and I was released early so I could walk the 850 miles between jail and where my husband was. Woke up while I was walking lol
  • I love these!! Makes me feel less crazy. I literally have one of these weird dreams every night. Always something different.

    In one of them, I was riding in a police car with a buddy (I wasn't a cop or anything, just in the car) and we came upon a burning building. So I ran inside the building which turned out to be one of those run down places where people do drugs. I carried a sleeping drugged guy down a few flights of stairs and out of the building and handed him over to the police chief (which happened to be the same police chief from the show Elementary) Then I went back in for more people. For some reason, there was no furniture in this building, so it was really easy to find all the people and get them to safety. 

    In another one, I was getting married (DH and I have been married for 9 years) and people kept trying to have conversations during the ceremony. So I walked to each one to shush them and they kept leaving! By the time the reception started, there were no people left to dance with and the DJ packed up and left. I was bawling. I woke up depressed about it.  
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @veganmummy - if it gets scary try placing a black stone like black onyx or black tourmaline under your pillow.
    It could be that ur maternal instincts are picking up on fears and you worry he may be a danger. Also, call out to your guardian angels like Arch angel Michael for protection. (If you are spirituality inclined) <3
  • I've been having amazing dreams. I've always been clairvoyant and able to speak with spirits but now that I'm pregnant that veil between spoor and physical realm is so thin I am feeling so so close to creator. Last night I dreamed with two morning doves, as I walked into a new house I saw them walking with me. This morning I looked up the animal totem for dove and it is so spot on ^_^ I just love when my dreams are clear and I get insight to what is going on. Specially since our world is so chaotic it's nice to have peace of mind, bringing new life into this world is a huge responsibility. It's good to know my baby will be coming into a good place.
  • I dreamed I didn't want to have sex with my partner because my pubic hair had gotten incredibly long, like 4 inches. Way longer than it actually gets. And he kept saying he didn't care but I was like "no it's a jungle down there! It's disgusting!"

    In another dream I had two of my cat. Like, there'd always been two of them and they were identical so I'd been calling them both the same name. I decided this wasn't nice and they should have their own names so I came up with another name, but I could not tell them apart! When I woke
    up I realized I could've put collars on them or something but of course I was back to just having one cat. (It should be noted that I'm not having twins!)
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I gave birth to a cabbage. 0.o
  • I've had some crazy weird dreams- EVERY NIGHT!  I have had to many to recall, but last night's dream I dreamed my parents were in huge financial trouble and were put in income-based housing.  I have no idea why.

    I do remember the one night I had a crazy dream- I was at Mc Donald's (I hate that place!) and I ordered fries.  The employee gave me a cup of pure grease.  I yelled at her, made her cry, and was soo mad...when I woke up I had a tension headache!

    February Siggy Challenge- Post pregnancy indulgences

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  •  (It should be noted that I'm not having twins!)
    Thank goodness! They might have to wear collars! 
    Obviously, I'm kidding, I mean nothing by it. Your dream was funny!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • DH and I were driving to look at our new home, and this crazy couple from our past walked out and yelled, "Thanks for buying our house!" We walked inside to see the place was a wreck: clothes hanging everywhere, junk on the floors, etc eww. Weird neighbors came to give me single crocheted socks through the windows. I told DH I wouldn't go back until he fixed everything. Lol
  • I had an awesome dream a few nights ago that there was a beach (a real one) in a city half an hour from me. I'm from the east coast and miss the beach so much. I was super hyped when I woke up! And then super bummed when I realized it was just a dream.
    Them two nights ago I had a dream that husband and I had sex and I got "double pregnant" (in my dream this was a real thing) and THAT pregnancy was twins, so I had THREE babies in me. I was trying to figure out if the twins came a little early if they would all be term or not ... I woke up in a panic!

    I had a double pregnant dream too- two set of twins, so four babies and I was freakng out the whole dream!

    I ask had one were I was in Colorado (I live in New York State) and was having an affair with a guy that works in my work cafeteria (who I'm not actually attracted to in real life)- I felt terrible the whole dream ad was really happy to wake up from that to DH snoozing next to me just as things should be!

    Last night I dreamt that we took our one year old daughter to a diner at our local walmart and some guy at another table was creeping on me by sniffing my butt- in the context of the dream, this was the ultimate crime and everyone in the dream was horrified.

    So random.
  • I had a dream last night that we had an ultrasound and heard a heartbeat. I'm hoping this is the case with our appt next week! I am 8 weeks today!

    Strange back story. I had a miscarriage at just over 9 weeks last year. When we went for our ultrasound there was no heartbeat. The tech said the baby was developed to 9 weeks so the heart most likely stopped had just stopped a few days prior. A few days prior to the ultrasound I had the freakiest dream! My mother passed away a few years ago. She was in the dream and asked to hold my baby. She then took a huge puff out of a cigarette (she never smoked a day in her life) and blew the smoke in the baby's face. The baby then shriveled up into a snail like creature and disintegrated into nothing! I thought this was a very strange dream to have right before the ultrasound showing no heartbeat and a miscarriage.

    I'm hoping my more positive dream showing a heartbeat last night is a sign that we will hear a heartbeat next week!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Good luck hon! Hope all goes well
  • Wish my dreams were tame, seem to be having the most vivid and scary dreams, last night I dreamt about the girl from the movie the ring was after me and she could fly lol, woke up panicking must have freaked out my oh
  • Just had a dream last night that a whovian version of Christian Slater was trying to use a chloroformed towel on me so he could "fix my car." I woke up screaming. S/O was not amused.
  • lightroxlightrox member
    edited August 2015
    I was home with a sick 5 year old (he has a cold) so I made homemade chicken noodle soup and chicken and cheese taquitos since its the only thing I've wanted to eat for days and finally had enough energy to make them. Something about having to take care of my baby boy made have energy today since he was so miserable with congestion. I hope the cold goes away soon and the energy stays.

    Pregnancy brain is really bad I meant to post this on the random thread not the dream one. 8-}
  • I had a dream that I was a vampire and I was picking up cars (with my arms) and carrying them away to a guy that would buy them from me for $400,000.

    In another one someone cut the engine our of our Nissan. There was a giant hole in the hood and everything lol.

    And by far the strangest one was my husband was eating a pizza made by Wal-Mart and there were dead mice baked inside of it. Woke up from that one to throw up.
  • I gave birth to a barbie doll, and naturally after i had her i had to learn how to breast feed. One of the warnigs my mother in law told me was that if I wasn't careful the pressure from my breasts if i didnt pump enough, it could turn my milk into whipped cream.... While I was feeding my baby sure enough it did. One of the weirdest and grossest dreams ever.
  • RosyK said:

    I've been watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix when I wake up with pregnancy insomnia. It's nothing suspenseful so I can drift off to it.

    So, a couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was dating Dean. This is really ridiculous, he's WAY too young for me! Lol.

    I would soooo date Dean.
  • A while back, I had a dream I had a little platinum blonde, curly haired sweet girl who had to go through brain scans and get MRIs for something. But before she did, she came back to me and kept giving me hugs and kisses, saying, "I love you, Mommy!" Two days later I found out I was pregnant.
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