January 2016 Moms

Wednesday catch all


Re: Wednesday catch all

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    @holocene you're really going to walk away - lets talk about your issue with me woman to woman. I don't really get why you felt the need to say snarky sh!t to me or call me out on a dead thread.

    Let me have it. I'm an intelligent woman and I can defend myself.
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    There's a difference between me not liking a post simply because I think it's annoying or pointless and that post. That post was getting out of hand and it's truly concerning that none of you see it. You would rather continue to hound someone about whatever they're saying. I'm done with this.

    You seem to switch sides quite often. You get all snarky and talk crap in the RTT threads and join in with others but you also seem to love tit the WKs and bump admins. So which is it?
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    Myelhsa said:
    I'd imagine they are upset the thread was shut down before they had a chance to fully exercise their power as a group and show off their finely honed internet skills. By requesting for the thread to be shut down, you took away their opportunity to suggest I haven't experienced loss, and to shame me for calling out Kara.

    (Kara - think of it less as a calling out, but more as a recognition for all the hard work you've done on the board to be a snark leader. A compliment really, on all the hours you've dedicated to making this board a more entertaining place to be.) 

    It's just like, I will literally have no clue what to do with my life if this thread gets shut down too so...play nice.
    Uh make another thread?
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    Snark and harassment are two different things. I'm a big fan of sarcasm. Not swarming a post to beat it to the ground
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    She got called out because @holocene needed to resurrect a cold thread to stir the pot. Hope she feels better

    Ahhhh, less confused now.
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    There's a difference between me not liking a post simply because I think it's annoying or pointless and that post. That post was getting out of hand and it's truly concerning that none of you see it. You would rather continue to hound someone about whatever they're saying. I'm done with this.

    You seem to switch sides quite often. You get all snarky and talk crap in the RTT threads and join in with others but you also seem to love tit the WKs and bump admins. So which is it?
    Lotta truth here^
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    KaraEpp16 said:

    Myelhsa said:

    holocene said:

    I'd imagine they are upset the thread was shut down before they had a chance to fully exercise their power as a group and show off their finely honed internet skills. By requesting for the thread to be shut down, you took away their opportunity to suggest I haven't experienced loss, and to shame me for calling out Kara.

    (Kara - think of it less as a calling out, but more as a recognition for all the hard work you've done on the board to be a snark leader. A compliment really, on all the hours you've dedicated to making this board a more entertaining place to be.) 

    It's just like, I will literally have no clue what to do with my life if this thread gets shut down too so...play nice.

    Uh make another thread?


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    jessielynn1jessielynn1 member
    edited August 2015
    **Removed for TOU Violation**
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    Snark and harassment are two different things. I'm a big fan of sarcasm. Not swarming a post to beat it to the ground
    Do you even know what the thread was about or who started it? Do you even pay attention? I don't think so because you LOVETITTED the member who ended up being the cause of RPP and Paige's banning.

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    MyelhsaMyelhsa member
    edited August 2015
    **Removed for TOU Violation**
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    Might as well get banned for a legit reason.
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    I'm not sure why it's assumed that I only thought one side got out of hand. I thought I was very clear that the ENTIRE POST was getting out of hand.
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    @maddisonwallace - the whole thing was very much under control.

    I would love to tell you what I really think about your brain but it would be violating TOU.
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    kayyyy13kayyyy13 member
    edited August 2015

    Edit gif being dumb
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine! Love you girls, off for the day for work <33
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    This is you, girl. 

    Me:28 DH:35
    Married: 7.23.11
    EDD #2!:1.17.16 

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    Maybe reign it back in with the R-word, though. Phew. 
    Me:28 DH:35
    Married: 7.23.11
    EDD #2!:1.17.16 

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    KaraEpp16KaraEpp16 member
    edited August 2015
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    @KaraEpp16  Yeah, You are! ;) 
    Me:28 DH:35
    Married: 7.23.11
    EDD #2!:1.17.16 

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    I actually just used the search feature and it was super helpful (no sarcasm). I may only be a fly by snowflake, but I get it!! ;;)

    If you used the search feature instead of posting a new thread, pretty sure that makes you not a snowflake!
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    Yay!! <:-P and hi welcome to the madness
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    @Lljbean yup I lost it !! @chipmonster agree bad word choice subtract r word add twatwaffle
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    @jessielynn1 omg I laughed so hard! =))
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    @jessielynn1 much better!!
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    Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine! Love you girls, off for the day for work <33</p>

    We are all rays of sunshine
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    @Snoopylovesbelle Don't forget I'm the super special snark leader so I'm the sunshiniest.

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    Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine! Love you girls, off for the day for work <33</p>

    We are all rays of sunshine
    Except me of course, fire ball over here.
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    edited August 2015
    KaraEpp16 said:

    @Snoopylovesbelle Don't forget I'm the super special snark leader so I'm the sunshiniest.


    Oh got it...you need a captain hat in your avatar.
    Captain snark we salute you :D
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    So I went and got a cheeseburger and a purse cheeseburger :D
    I think I need this.
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    Mmmmm… purse cheeseburger!


    Mama to one girl: born 12/2009. 
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    I want a cheeseburger!! SO doesn't get off until 4 :'(
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    I have days where it's party city and other days I'm knocking like yoohooo anyone home?!
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    Your opinion is so utterly important to everyone here. You could have ignored as well, but were looking for a gold star.

    Also, I love how they can have time to close threads, but not answer Snoop's questions.

    I got a warning for that post lol. My first one <:-P </p>
    Seriously?! "We're not going to clarify anything, just give you a warning."
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