March 2016 Moms

GTKY: What do you do for work?

I love hearing about what people do for a living. There are always some ladies that have the most interesting occupations! If you're SAH, what did you used to do? 
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Re: GTKY: What do you do for work?

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    I work in the marketing department for a travel management company (basically travel agents for businesses). I do a lot of the writing for our marketing materials like blogs, white papers, case studies, website content, etc. And it's a super small business so of course the "all other duties as necessary." I don't love it, but it's easy and pays ok.

    I was going to try and become a realtor as I really think that's a job that I would LOVE (and if you find something you love it's not just a job, right?) but I don't think I can give up my cushy gig for the unknown at this point :(

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    I'm a writer and a SAHM but I use to work for the ARMY before my second kid.
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    I'm a software engineer and user experience designer for Tape Library Storage  out of Oracle.  Basically we create the applications that run/manage the tape storage - anything that needs to store a LOT of data is most likely on tape - think Google, Amazon, banks, LDS genealogy records, federal government; I help make it all usable.  It can be fun but it can also be kind of boring.  I've been here for 9 years (eek I'm getting old!).  I would LOVE to be a SAHM but unfortunately I'm the primary breadwinner.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    I'm an elementary school counselor for about 400 students Kindergarten-5th grade.
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    Parker16772Parker16772 member
    edited July 2015
    I am an office manager for an electrical contractor (we build transmission power lines). I do a little bit of everything. Some of the HR at our division (the rest is handled by our corporate office), supervising payroll, accounts payable, purchasing and a lot of other small things. :) I love my job!

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    I'm an attorney. My primary practice areas are estate planning and trust and probate administration.
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    SAHM but I taught for my alma mater for one rough semester before quitting. Now I also am the secretary, treasurer, and song leader for our church. Being a pastor's wife should also qualify as a job! Lol
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    I work in a liquor store that has a drive through and also sells frozen daiquiris and mixed drinks (that's louisiana for you lol) not the best job ever and it's officially pretty much less than part time now. But I make tips so it's not too bad :). And it's fun to come up with new drinks
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    jnhurijnhuri member
    I teach math at a community college. I teach beginning Algebra through Differential Equations (2nd year college math classes). I absolutely love my job. The only difficulty I see is that since I'm on tenure track, having little one next year may postpone tenure by a quarter. Hopefully my department chair & dean will be pursuaded to let me teach online spring quarter next year so there is no delay. We'll find out in a couple of weeks once I share the news!
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    I'm currently a Web Application Developer, but may be transitioning to SAHM if all goes well :-)  Basically I work with websites and do all the back end things that make them work.  I am not a web designer!!  ha.  After my kids are older I will try and find a career closer to my degree of Computer Science.
    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
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    I'm a SAHM but I sell health and wellness supplements and products for It Works! Global.  Love my job and helping people reach their goals!  Also, love staying home with my kiddos and being able to work from home, too.
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary
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    I'm currently a Web Application Developer, but may be transitioning to SAHM if all goes well :-)  Basically I work with websites and do all the back end things that make them work.  I am not a web designer!!  ha.  After my kids are older I will try and find a career closer to my degree of Computer Science.
    Say whaaaaaa?  My degree is computer science and I work on Web Apps :D 
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    I own my own in home daycare. I currently take care of 5 children a day ranging in age 13 months- 5. I also own my photography buissnes. I love working with kids, so it is so nice to finally be having one of my own :)
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    I'm a SAHM, but I have a Bachelors degree in health science that I'm waiting to put to use. Before DH joined the AF, I worked HR for a retail company. When we got orders to Italy, I obviously said, peace! That was 5 years ago. I had DD shortly after moving back to the states. I was just starting to want to go back to school/work when we got our surprise BFP. So I'll be extending my SAH gig for another 2 ish years. Good thing I love it :)
    *TTC since July 2010
    *BFP #1- 11/12/12, m/c 11/16/12 @ 6 weeks
    *BFP #2- 1/23/13 EDD 10/4/13  

    *Emma Rose: 10/8/13

    *BFP #3- EDD 03/9/16

    March '16 December Siggy Challenge- Favorite Christmas Movie/Quote
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    I've been in pharma sales for the last 15 years, it's a great job with lots of flexibility.
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    I used to be a Human Resources professional, mainly dealing with employee relations, labor law, drug testing, etc. 

    Currently, SAHM. I didn't originally plan on quitting my job to be a SAHM. I think about the job I left all the time,  but ultimately I am happy with my decision. :)
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    I am a fire protection engineer working to clean up a former nuclear site. I really, really love my job and I am worried that work won't take news of a pregnancy all that well.
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    I'm a teacher. I teach 8th grade English in Texas and love my kiddos!
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    I went to culinary school and worked in the industry for years so the goal/plan/dream is for the husband and I to open a restaurant in the next 5-10 years.

    But for now I'm an Account Manager and Director of Social Media for a healthcare service company... we take care of administrative stuff and social media for Dr.'s offices so that they can focus of their patients in office. Half of the company is moving to another state so we're not going to need our current office space much longer. Yesterday my boss asks me, "You wouldn't want to work from home would you?" Me: "Is that a serious question?! YES!" Um... save money on gas and childcare AND work in my PJ's?! YES! 

    I also sell crafts and refurbished furniture on the side at the flea market, but have been to tired to even think about that lately!
    Me: 31 | DH: 43
    BFP #1: 7/15/15, SB: 11/14/15
    Rainbow baby DS born 9/29/16!!
    BFP #3 3/26/18 | Due 12/3/18
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    I'm a SAHM who went to school for elementary and early childhood education but never made it into the classroom because we were expecting DS1
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    Me: 25, DH: 28
    Married: July 2012
    DS: December 2013 
    TTC #2 since July 2014 
    M/C: March 2015 
    My Ovulation Chart
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    I am also a 1st grade teacher. @Stormiewinter I am right there with you on the politics. I love my students though.
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    I'm a SAHM (although we rarely 'stay home' ;))  Prior to having kids I was a software engineer and also a tennis pro, as in I was a teaching professional, not an actual professional.  Weird combo!
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    jnhuri said:
    I teach math at a community college. I teach beginning Algebra through Differential Equations (2nd year college math classes). I absolutely love my job. The only difficulty I see is that since I'm on tenure track, having little one next year may postpone tenure by a quarter. Hopefully my department chair & dean will be pursuaded to let me teach online spring quarter next year so there is no delay. We'll find out in a couple of weeks once I share the news!
    I want to dislike this!  Diff Eq was so flucking hard, by far my most hated college class!  Just kiddding, that's awesome you can teach it.
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    I'm a SAHM (although we rarely 'stay home' ;))  Prior to having kids I was a software engineer and also a tennis pro, as in I was a teaching professional, not an actual professional.  Weird combo!
    Love that there is another software engineer.  Represent!  :-B
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    Currently still on mat leave with my first but I'll be a SAHM for the next couple years since the kidlets will be so close in age. I'm a corporate travel manager but would love to go into a different field once the kids are off to school:)
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    I'm a web developer and I'd love to be a SAHM but my SO is a high school teacher and I make more money than he does, so that's probably not in the cards. I also do a bit of writing in my free time. I've written for FastCompant. I probably won't have so much time for that come March!
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    I am a mental health therapist. I have my own practice within a wellness center. I am also the yoga director and teach yoga classes there. The great thing about being self employed is I can be super flexible with my hours and can work as much or as little as I want to once the baby comes. The bad part, no paid time off/maternity leave.
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    Currently still on mat leave with my first but I'll be a SAHM for the next couple years since the kidlets will be so close in age. I'm a corporate travel manager but would love to go into a different field once the kids are off to school:)
    I work at a TMC! In the marketing department though. Newsish to the travel industry - it's really interesting an cool but veerrryyyy old school, which makes me kind of want to hop to a different field as well.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    I'm a design lead for a stationery company. We are in a lot of the big chain stores. It's a pretty cool job.

    This sounds like a fun job!
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    I am an electrical engineer at an MEP (mechanical, Electrcial, Plumbing) consulting firm.

    January siggy challenge - Pregnant lady problems


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    I'm an outside sales rep for a logistics company. I love my job - it's very flexible.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    MMC 8/11/15

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    Architect, focusing on retail stores...I can't walk through a mall without looking at store designs, hubby hates it!
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    I'm technically a SAHM, however I work three part time jobs and go to school fulltime. I have a busy etsy shop, I'm a birth doula/placenta encapsulator, and a gymnastics/dance coach. :)
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